
Delicious mushroom fried meat slices are so that adults and children love to eat

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Delicious mushroom fried meat slices are so that adults and children love to eat

A delicious home-cooked dish

By and moon incense

Mushrooms 200 g

Tenderloin 80 g

Green peppers half a piece

Half a red pepper

1 onion

Ginger 3 tablets

2 cloves of garlic

1 scoop of cooking wine

Light salt soy sauce 3 scoops

Salt half a scoop

Delicious mushroom fried meat slices are so that adults and children love to eat

1: Slice the tenderloin, add a spoonful of cooking wine, a spoonful of soy sauce, 1/2 spoon of pepper, a spoonful of cooking oil, mix well and marinate for 20 minutes.

Delicious mushroom fried meat slices are so that adults and children love to eat

2: Remove the roots of the mushrooms, rinse well, squeeze out the water and tear them into small pieces. Slice the green and red peppers.

Delicious mushroom fried meat slices are so that adults and children love to eat

3: Cut the green onion and ginger into strips and slice the garlic.

Delicious mushroom fried meat slices are so that adults and children love to eat

4: Heat the pan with cold oil, put 50% of the oil into the meat slices, fry and change color, and put out.

Delicious mushroom fried meat slices are so that adults and children love to eat

5: Sauté chives, ginger and garlic with the remaining oil in the pot.

Delicious mushroom fried meat slices are so that adults and children love to eat

6: Add mushrooms, green and red peppers, sauté until soft and sauté with water.

Delicious mushroom fried meat slices are so that adults and children love to eat

7: Add 2 spoonfuls of soy sauce, add a small half spoon of salt for heavy taste, stir-fry well, cover and simmer for 3 or 4 minutes, add slices of meat, fry for 1 or 2 minutes out of the pan.

Delicious mushroom fried meat slices are so that adults and children love to eat

8, do not fry too dry, leave a little soup bibimbap.

Delicious mushroom fried meat slices are so that adults and children love to eat

9. The meat is smooth and tender, fresh and delicious.

Delicious mushroom fried meat slices are so that adults and children love to eat

10, low fat, high protein, taste great.

1. Improve the body's immunity

The active ingredients of mushrooms enhance the function of T lymphocytes, thereby improving the body's immunity against various diseases.

2. Analgesia, sedation

A Brazilian study extracted a substance from mushrooms with analgesic and sedative effects, and its analgesic effect is said to replace morphine.

3. Cough and sputum

Mushroom extract was tested on animals and found that it had obvious antitussive and sputum-thinning effects.

4. Laxative detoxification

Mushrooms contain crude fiber, semi-crude fiber and lignin that are difficult for the human body to digest, which can maintain the water balance in the intestine, and can also absorb the remaining cholesterol and sugar, which is very beneficial for preventing constipation, bowel cancer, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, etc.

5. Promote appetite

Mushrooms can also treat leukopenia, digestive tract disorders and other diseases; it has a certain auxiliary effect on promoting appetite, restoring brain function, and promoting milk secretion.

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