
The golden crispy Shandong Taishan pancakes were originally spread out like this

author:Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage Cuisine
The golden crispy Shandong Taishan pancakes were originally spread out like this

Shandong is the treasure house of oriental history and culture, the cradle of ancient Chinese civilization, and the long-term humanistic accumulation, leaving behind many valuable cultural relics and traditional skills. Among them, the pancakes that originally originated from Mount Taishan have a history of more than 1,000 years, which is not only an important food in Shandong, but also records the development of Shandong culture, and it is also the first batch of intangible cultural heritage in Tai'an.

The golden crispy Shandong Taishan pancakes were originally spread out like this

The average person may generally know that Shandong people like to eat pancake rolls and scallions, but in fact, there are many ways to eat pancakes in addition to pairing with green onions. Taishan pancakes can not only be eaten separately with scallions and sauce, but also can roll up a lot of food, so in Taishan there is a saying that "a pancake wraps the world". Tarzan pancakes are as thin as cicada wings, almost transparent, slightly sour to eat, soft and delicious. Nowadays, not only Shandong people love to eat pancakes, many foreign diners are also "eager to move" for Shandong pancakes, follow the following methods to learn, golden crisp Shandong Taishan pancakes you can also have!

Pick the corn kernels

Corn kernels, as raw materials for pancakes, must be carefully selected, scarred, semi-grained and rotten, all of which must be selected.

The golden crispy Shandong Taishan pancakes were originally spread out like this

Grind the corn kernels

Pour the selected corn kernels into the grinding plate for grinding, and try to press the corn kernels as thin as possible, so that it is easier to bubble.

The golden crispy Shandong Taishan pancakes were originally spread out like this

Brew corn ballast

Pour the ground corn ballast into water for stirring and brewing, paying attention to the hot water and cold water to be added at the same time. Be sure to stir well enough to allow the corn ballast to completely absorb the water, because the degree of corn ballast brewing has a great impact on the taste of the pancakes.

The golden crispy Shandong Taishan pancakes were originally spread out like this

Grinding and fermentation

When the corn ballast is thoroughly soaked, it is poured into the stone mill for grinding, and it is completely ground into a batter.

The golden crispy Shandong Taishan pancakes were originally spread out like this

The batter is collected in a pot and then lidded for fermentation, and the fermentation process also helps the batter spread more easily into pancakes. This process usually lasts 5-6 hours.

The golden crispy Shandong Taishan pancakes were originally spread out like this

Spread the pancakes

After the tweezer is propped up, it is heated under it with firewood or coal.

The golden crispy Shandong Taishan pancakes were originally spread out like this

After the tweezers are heated evenly, pour the appropriate amount of batter on top, and use the "pool" to push it away, so that it is evenly covered on the noodles, must not be too thick, otherwise it will affect the taste of the pancakes.

The golden crispy Shandong Taishan pancakes were originally spread out like this

Once it is fully formed, it can be slowly peeled off and placed in the basket to cool.

The golden crispy Shandong Taishan pancakes were originally spread out like this

When eating, you can wrap the shallots with sauce, or you can wrap other favorite dishes, take a bite, and enjoy multiple times!

If the text description still makes it impossible for you to fully get the cooking cheats, poke the video and follow the chef to do it!

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"Intangible Cultural Heritage Food" is an original Chinese food culture program created by Jiangxi Satellite TV, which evokes people's awareness of inheriting China's excellent traditional culture and paying attention to and protecting intangible cultural heritage by showing the development history and production process of different intangible cultural heritage cuisines. Through the public account, you can learn more about the preparation methods of intangible cultural heritage food and personally feel the beauty of intangible cultural heritage. For content reproduction, please contact WeChat: luohuhu0826
The golden crispy Shandong Taishan pancakes were originally spread out like this

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