
Appreciation of the calligraphy works of modern poet Fan Zengxiang

author:Positive Gu Dali
Appreciation of the calligraphy works of modern poet Fan Zengxiang

Appreciation of the calligraphy works of modern poet Fan Zengxiang

Fan Zengxiang (1846-1931), formerly known as Fan Jia, also known as Fan Zeng, zi jia father, alias Fan Shan, no. Yunmen, late tianqin old man, Hubei Province, Enshi City, Hubei Province. Guangxu Jinshi served successively as a political envoy of Weinan Zhi County, Shaanxi Province, and the Governor of Liangjiang. Zhang Zhidong and Li Ciming, who studied under him, were important poets of the Tongguang School, whose poems were vulgar, known as "Fan Meiren", and who were good at writing, and who posthumously left more than 30,000 poems and wrote millions of words of Piao Wen, a rare and prolific poet in the history of modern Chinese literature.