
Comrade Fang Huai passed away

author:People's Daily News
Comrade Fang Huai passed away

Wuhan, 25 Feb (Xinhua) -- Comrade Fang Huai, a retired cadre of the Main Corps and former deputy commander of the Air Force of the Wuhan Military Region, died in Wuhan on February 16, 2019 at the age of 102 due to ineffective medical treatment.

During Comrade Fang Huai's serious illness and after his death, the relevant leading comrades of the central authorities expressed their condolences and condolences in different ways.

Fang Huai, whose original name was Lai Fanghuai, was a native of Yandu County (now Yudu County) in Jiangxi Province, who joined the revolution in 1930, joined the army in 1932, and joined the Communist Party of China in 1933. During the period of the Agrarian Revolutionary War, he successively served as a correspondent, squad leader, club director, officer, detachment leader, captain, secretary of the general branch of the regiment, deputy section chief, youth minister, section chief, etc., participated in the fourth and fifth anti-"encirclement and suppression" campaigns in the Central Soviet Region and the battles of Zhiluo Town, the Eastern Crusade, the Western Expedition, the Mountain Castle, and the Machengpu, and participated in the Long March of the Red Army. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he entered the aviation team of the Xinjiang Border Defense Supervision Office to learn to fly. During the Liberation War, he successively served as a cadet, political coordinator, director, brigade commander, and division chief. After the founding of New China, he successively served as the director of the department, the manager of the Chinese civil aviation, the principal of the aviation school, the division commander, the deputy commander, the military commander and other positions, and made contributions to the revolutionization, modernization and regularization of the army.

Fang Huai was awarded the rank of major general of the Air Force in 1955 and was awarded the Order of August 1, Second Class, the Order of Independence and Freedom, second class, the Liberation Medal of the Second Class, and the Order of Merit of the Red Star first class.

People's Daily ( 2019.04.14 04 edition)

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