
Frightened that the groom did not dare to enter the cave room, how did the famous ugly woman Xu Yunnun in the Cao Wei period counterattack?

author:A grass in the Grand View Garden

Virtue and talent are good, promise women

"Talent and beauty" for a woman can be said to be the greatest care of heaven for her, and there is no shortage of such strange women in Chinese history, such as Zhuo Wenjun, who is famous for eloping with the great talent Sima Xiang, Cai Wenji, a talented woman who wrote "Poems of Sorrow and Indignation", Ban Zhao, who continued to write the "Book of Han" for her brother, Yu Xuanji, a female poet of the Tang Dynasty, and even "Qin Huai Bayan" in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, etc. Can be said to be talented and good-looking, but the woman we want to introduce below can never use such a word to describe, for only one reason. That is to say, she is ugly, although she does not look good, but in terms of virtue and intelligence, she is first-class. She was the wife of the famous scholar Xu Yun during the Cao Wei period, Ruan Shi.

One of the great misfortunes of this Nguyen family as a woman is "strange ugly", adding a "strange" word in front of the word "ugly", that appearance is estimated to be too sorry for the audience. We can't imagine how ugly Nguyen's is, anyway, Xu Yun ran out of the cave room after he finished worshipping the church, and it is estimated that he was scared away. Just in time for Xu Yun to have a guest, Nguyen asked Ya Gui to go out to see who the guest was, and when she learned that it was Huan Fan, she was relieved. With her calculations, Huan Fan would definitely persuade Xu Yun. To say, this Nguyen Thi is really a clever plan. Huan Fan said to Xu Yun, "The Ruan family married the ugly daughter of his family to you, but the Ruan family is a family that has been keeping rituals for generations, and this bride must also be virtuous and noble, so you should observe it carefully." Xu Yun heard this and reluctantly entered the cave room, but as soon as he saw the lady's dignified countenance, he wanted to run. This time, Nguyen Thi was no longer dry, and grabbed Xu Yun's clothes. Xu Yun said, "A woman has four virtues (namely, women's morality, women's speech, women's appearance, and women's skills. Virtue is shunxianliang, words are beautiful words, rong is beautiful appearance, and merit is knitting female worker), how many virtues do you have? Nguyen replied without hesitation: "What I lack is only 'feminine appearance'." There are a hundred lines for a soldier, so how many lines do you have? Xu Yun said, "All of them." Ruan Shi asked rhetorically: "The hundred lines are headed by virtue, and you, who are lustful and not virtuous, how can you be said to have a hundred lines?" This sentence choked Xu Yun dumb, ashamed of himself, and thus saw the strength of his new wife, and from then on he did not dare to underestimate it, and lived a life with his wife in a down-to-earth manner. We see that this Nguyen Thi is indeed extraordinary, and only a few words have raised her image in the eyes of her husband. In fact, Nguyen's unusualness is still to come.

Frightened that the groom did not dare to enter the cave room, how did the famous ugly woman Xu Yunnun in the Cao Wei period counterattack?

When Xu Yun was serving as an official, he appointed many of his compatriots, and when Emperor Wei Ming (Cao Pi's son) heard about it, he thought that xu Yun was not favoritism, so he sent Hu Ben to arrest Xu Yun. When Xu Yunlin was taken away, madame warned: "A wise monarch can only be persuaded by reason, and he cannot be impressed with feelings." Inspired by his wife, Xu Yun calmly appeared in front of Emperor Ming, quoting the scriptures and saying, "Confucius said, 'Promote those you know.'" His Majesty may investigate whether any of these fellow countrymen promoted by the minister are incompetent, and if there are incompetent, the subject is willing to accept the guilt. "When Emperor Ming investigated, they were all competent people, so he let Xu Yun go, not only that, Emperor Ming saw that Xu Yun was wearing a shabby dress, and gave him new clothes, which can be said to be a blessing in disguise." When Xu Yun was first arrested, the whole family cried, daring to be frightened. Only Nguyen Thi looked at himself and said, "Don't worry, he will be back in a moment." And cooked a small rice and waited for him, and sure enough, after a while, Xu Yun came back. Nguyen's calm and cunning is revealed in this story, and we are amazed by Nguyen's clever and calculating skills in the next story.

Xu Yun was eventually killed by Sima Shi, and after Xu Yun was killed, Xu Yun's protégé told ruan. Nguyen was weaving cloth at the time, and when he heard the news, he was unmoved and simply said, "I already knew that this was the way things were." "Seeing this, we can't help but wonder, why can this Ruan Shi predict the occurrence of things, is it not possible that she is a great immortal who can pinch and calculate?" In fact, Nguyen Thi, like us, she does not have any divine skills, so why did she say this? This, of course, goes to Nguyen's wisdom. At the beginning, Sima Shi's monopoly of power, many people were dissatisfied, too often Xiahou Xuan and Zhongshu Ling Li Feng secretly murdered Sima Shi, who was then a general, but did not expect that the matter was leaked, and Xiahou Xuan and Li Feng were killed. Xu Yun had a relatively close relationship with Xiahou Xuan and Li Feng, and Sima Shi suspected that Xu Yun was also involved in the conspiracy, but he could not find evidence to attack Xu Yun. However, Xu Yun was ultimately a heart disease of Sima Shi and would want to get rid of it quickly. Just in time for the Zhenbei general Liu Jing to die, Sima Shi ordered Xu Yun to replace Liu Jing. He was granted the official position, was complacent, and engaged in many celebrations, and self-righteously said to his wife, "I know I have escaped this calamity." He thought that Sima Shi would no longer doubt him, otherwise how could he reuse him? But Nguyen poured a basin of cold water on him and said, "You will soon be in trouble, where can you avoid it?" Ruan Shi had already guessed that Sima Shi had given Xu Yun this official position in order to deal with him well in the future with military law. However, before Sima Shi could implement this plan, someone sued Xu Yunyi, saying that he had distributed public things without authorization. This was good, just so that Sima Shi seized on this matter and made a big fuss, convicted Xu Yun, and exiled him to a foreign country, on the way to exile, Sima Shi secretly sent someone to kill Xu Yun. However, the matter was not over at this point, and Sima Shi also wanted to cut the grass and remove the roots, and took care of Xu Yun's two sons to avoid any trouble. The protégé wanted to hide the teacher's son, and Nguyen said, "It's not about the son." Later, Xu Yun's family moved their family to the vicinity of Xu Yun's tomb, and Sima Shi sent Zhong to observe Xu Yun's two sons in the name of asking Xu Yun, and if their intelligence was comparable to that of their father, they would find an excuse to "click" them. When the two sons heard about this, they quickly consulted with their mothers about countermeasures. Their mother gave them advice and said, "You are also good, but you are not as good as your father, and if you tell Zhong Hui the truth, you don't have to worry." There is no need to show extreme sorrow for the death of your father, zhong will not cry, and you will not cry. Then ask a little about the imperial court. The son did as his mother said, zhong hui did not cry, the two sons really also stopped crying, to show that they were not very sad about their father's death, did not show the bell will "kill the father's revenge, do not share the heavens, this vendetta does not repay the non-gentleman" look. Talking to Zhong about the imperial court, the two sons pretended to be stupid. Zhong Hui went back and reported to Sima Shiyi on the performance of Xu Yun's son, Sima Shi thought, Oh, the original Xu Yun's son is not good, the future will not become any climate, forget it, let them have a horse, in fact, it is Xu Yun's son who played Zhong Hui and Sima Shi. In this way, Xu Yun's two sons escaped this fate, and later, they all became talents, and their sons, that is, Xu Yun's grandsons, also became high officials, which cannot but be said to be the credit of the Ruan clan. Previously, Nguyen relied on her ingenuity to help her husband get out of a predicament, and now she has saved the lives of her two sons with her extraordinary insight. Xu Yundang secretly rejoiced under the Nine Springs, thanks to the fact that he did not leave his wife because she was ugly, otherwise the consequences of ending up with a severed son and grandchild could not be determined.

As the saying goes: "Ugly wife is the treasure of the family". It is said that one of the concubines of the Yellow Emperor, known as the "ancestor of humanities", looked very ugly, but the needle and the female worker did a beautiful job, and there is still a statue of the grandmother in the hometown of the emperor in Xinzheng, Henan. For another example, during the Warring States period, King Xuan of Qi's empress Zhong Lichun was also extremely ugly, according to the "Book of Later Han", she had deep eye sockets, thick knuckles, nose turned upside down, hair on the top of her head was sparse, and her skin was black like lacquer, according to the way the history books were written, you can imagine how ugly it is to think of how ugly this Zhong Li girl is ugly, because Zhong Lichun is a saltless person, no salt out of her, "saltless woman" has become a synonym for ugly women. Growing up to this point, it is no wonder that he was forty years old and had not yet married, but people had to rely on their outstanding talents to shock King Qi Xuan, who was the head of a country, and was able to stand out in the harem full of beautiful women and rise to the throne of the empress. Based on this, I have always had a good feeling for King QiXuan, thinking that he is really a good emperor with good morals and bad looks. Everyone has heard the story of Liang Hong and Meng Guang in the Eastern Han Dynasty who "raised their eyebrows", and this Meng Guang was also very ugly.

Frightened that the groom did not dare to enter the cave room, how did the famous ugly woman Xu Yunnun in the Cao Wei period counterattack?

Seeing the above examples, I believe that all female friends who are not good looking should have self-confidence. As the old saying goes, beauty is only temporary, and only by strengthening your moral cultivation and enhancing your inner temperament can you maintain your youth forever. Appearance is given by parents and cannot be changed (of course, now there is a plastic surgery technology, but plastic surgery costs a lot, the risk is large, it is recommended that female friends, if not have special physical defects, or do not have a good facelift), but their inner things can make up for the external image through their own efforts, and even more popular than those beautiful women with appearance. I wish all of you who are not beautiful or who think they are not beautiful to be happy, only if you are happy and confident, you will also be favored by Heaven and become a figure in the attention of everyone.

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