
Copycat version of Andy Lau: Relying on imitation to sign CCTV, the pomp is bigger than the main card, and the appearance fee is scary

author:Qin Zixiong said new historically


Decades ago, Hua Tsai's film and television songs were popular all over the country, and decades later, this man is still the same, so hot that it is difficult to grab tickets for concerts. In order to pay tribute to Andy Lau, in many talent shows, imitators emerge endlessly. Some people look like gods, and some people sing like each other. However, when Jiao Hai appeared, everyone was shocked by him, and this man was too similar to Hua Tsai.

Copycat version of Andy Lau: Relying on imitation to sign CCTV, the pomp is bigger than the main card, and the appearance fee is scary

The shadow of a giant

There are too many people in the entertainment industry who disappear into the sea of people like shooting stars. Of course, there are exceptions, that is, artists like Andy Lau who are both virtuous and artistic. Like evergreen trees, they have withstood the hardships of time and become the audience's most beloved public figures. Andy Lau can be said to be an idol of hundreds of millions of people when he was most popular, and it is very likely that the audience will faint when he is excited about him.

Even though Hua Tsai has now entered old age, Hua Tsai's reputation and popularity have always been the box office guarantee of the movie. As long as there is Hua Tsai in the place, there will be new classics and masterpieces, so the more people like him, the more people will rub hua Tsai's traffic.

In order to be able to stand on the shoulders of giants and walk, many imitators of Andy Lau appeared. Through a lot of practice, they constantly imitate Hua Tsai's voice, movements, facial expressions and some small habits that Hua Tsai himself has not noticed, so that people can find the shadow of Hua Tsai from their bodies and become people's emotional sustenance for Hua Tsai.

Copycat version of Andy Lau: Relying on imitation to sign CCTV, the pomp is bigger than the main card, and the appearance fee is scary

Because of the work, even if Hua Tsai is very grounded, people can't easily see the Heavenly King himself, so these people who are very similar to Hua Tsai naturally receive people's attention.

"Little Andy Lau" appeared

Although there are many imitators of the talent show Hua Tsai, most of them are dissatisfied with Hua Tsai's fans. After all, a person who pretends to be unnatural will become a joke, and this situation has been maintained for a long time, and every imitator who appears will be attacked.

Until 2000, at the National Young Singers Competition, the emergence of the teaching sea broke the deadlock. Looking at this young man who resembles Andy Lau from his speech and demeanor to his appearance, Hua Tsai's fans are not calm. With the blessing of his natural appearance, Jiao Haituo transformed from a poor boy into an Internet celebrity.

Videos of him singing were retweeted all over the Internet, and everyone wanted to see how much he looked like Hua Tsai. To this end, Jiao Haituo also won the Best Performing Arts Award and Image Award of Heilongjiang Province in the competition.

Copycat version of Andy Lau: Relying on imitation to sign CCTV, the pomp is bigger than the main card, and the appearance fee is scary

Due to the success of the imitation and the unique appearance, Jiao Haizhao was even signed by CCTV and starred in "Di Renjie". Although in the movie, he played a stand-in for Hua Tsai. But he acted with many big guys, and his value doubled several times. With the growing fame, the teaching of the sea almost does not refuse to accept the announcement, which has the meaning of becoming a popular star.

It's cold in the heights

After all, the similarity between Jiao Hai and Hua Tsai only stays on the surface, and there is no deeper resonance. Andy Lau is the fourth oldest in the family, the family is not rich since childhood, and when he was very young, he and his sister and brother helped to take care of the family's porridge business. It should be said that Hua Tsai also started from a small role and went step by step to today.

Jiao Haitao's origin is not rich, just an ordinary poor child, who has worked and worked as a driver. However, today, Hua Tsai is still the low-key and connotative heavenly king, and The Sect Hai Ishao has begun to be proud.

Years of imitation seemed to have made Jiao Hai lose his self-awareness, thinking that the cheers and praises were simply for him. So gradually, Jiao Hai rushed to live the life of a big star.

Compared with Hua Tsai's quiet travel and low-key work, the behavior of teaching Hai Chao can be said to be very exaggerated. He first hired a large number of bodyguards and assistants, and then constantly raised his own value, refused many programs and invitations, and had a great posture of making people look at the maoshi. But he forgot that even if he looked like it again, excited people could still distinguish Li Kui and Li Ghost at a glance.

Copycat version of Andy Lau: Relying on imitation to sign CCTV, the pomp is bigger than the main card, and the appearance fee is scary

The result of Jiaohai's uproar is that it is resisted and rejected by fans, and countless netizens pour into the accounts of Jiaohai to leave messages. As the imitation of the teaching sea gradually faded, people began to forget this "Little Andy Lau" Mr. who was once sought after. And Jiao Haituo also seems to have woken up from the frenzy, he no longer positioned himself as An imitator of Andy Lau, but changed to Andy Lau's admirer, saying that all his imitations are simply to pay tribute to Hua Tsai. Whether it is an admirer or an imitator, you must always remember a truth as a person, that is, do not forget your heart.

More than enough is too much

Whether the teachings are sincere or false, the bitter fruit of arrogance can only be tasted by himself.

Now Jiao HaiTao has begun to live a life as a Teaching Hai Mu, sharing the things in his life on the short video platform from time to time. Even if he no longer attends events, his wealth is enough to make him better off than most people.

Copycat version of Andy Lau: Relying on imitation to sign CCTV, the pomp is bigger than the main card, and the appearance fee is scary

I hope that in the days to come, everyone will be able to be themselves, will not become the shadow of anyone to lose themselves, and live their own style.

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