
James, who is invincible on the field, he will also be afraid

On August 25, Beijing time, James led the Lakers to a big victory over the Blazers, leading the opponent 3:1 in the playoffs. He himself scored 30 points, 6 boards and 10 assists, becoming the key to the team's victory.

The horrific stats of 10 of 12 shots, 4 of 5 three-pointers and 6 of 8 free throws prove once again that he is still the number one in the league. However, it is such a player who is not afraid on the field, and he is also "afraid" in the face of the recent violent police enforcement in the United States.

Blacks are shot by the police again: Blacks in America are afraid

<b>"Maybe everyone is tired of hearing me say this, but I have to emphasize that we black Americans are scared right now." </b>This is James's heartfelt words at the post-game press conference.

James, who is invincible on the field, he will also be afraid

The reason for this is that on the 23rd local time, there was another case of police violence in Wisconsin. Blake, an unarmed black African-American, was shot several times in the back by police as he returned to his private car.

Even more lamentable, according to a family lawyer, he had three children in the car, aged 3, 5 and 8, and his wife had lost her mind outside the car.

In the video, Black refuses to communicate with the police and goes straight back to his car. This act infuriated the two police officers present.

Local police said that after receiving the report on the same day, the two police officers went to the scene to resolve the family dispute.

James, who is invincible on the field, he will also be afraid

This incident once again ignited the anger of African-American blacks, and the impact of the Floyd incident was far from over.

"If you're sitting here and saying to me that they didn't have a chance to subdue and arrest this gentleman before the police opened fire, you're not just deceiving me, you're deceiving all black Americans, because we've watched [the incident] video over and over again, over and over again." James said.

<b>USA Today noted that James watched the video seven times in a row and</b> then said, "Thank God he's alive."

Of course, there is another explanation for James's words, "Black Americans have seen over and over again the images of their fellow citizens being violently enforced by the police."

In Florida, 2013, U.S. Co-operative Officer George Zimmerman shot and killed 17-year-old Trevorn Martin, an unarmed hoodie.

In New York, 2014, white police officer Daniel Pantaleo strangled black hawker Eric Garner alive in 15 seconds.


In March, three police officers mistakenly identified Brenna Taylor as a suspect in her ex-boyfriend's money laundering campaign and killed her while she was sleeping.

In April of this year, Freud...

Throughout the press conference, you could barely see James's anger, or rather, he suppressed his anger the whole time.

But he repeated a few words over and over again, and still gave the impression of the black star's view of the incident: helpless, unbelievable.

"If you watch the video, you will find that many times the police could have caught him, they could have caught him, they could have done it!" Why do you always have to get to the point of shooting? ”

<b>"His family was there, the children were there, in broad daylight... Frankly, our society sucks. If it weren't for the video taken by passers-by, would we still know about this? James</b> said, his expression still grim.

<b>A distraction from the playoffs</b>

Although the perfect form cut the high score to help the team win, but frankly, James's game today is "very tired".

He could have enjoyed the thrilling victory, and he could have paid tribute to Kobe Bryant with his performance (if Kobe hadn't died, it would have been his 42nd birthday).

James, who is invincible on the field, he will also be afraid

"I can't even enjoy the playoff victory right now, that's the saddest part." James said. "Half of my mind was focused on the playoffs and the other half was thinking about how I could help the blacks.

James said he had never been able to understand the operation of the police, "You have no idea what these cops were thinking when they went out that day." He may have told his children on his way out that today would be the end of a black man. Now [we] think so. ”

At the same time, the incident also had to remind James of his childhood fear of the police, "Children should not hide at home because they are afraid of [the police], <b>but I am one of them." 」 When a policeman came, we hid behind a brick wall and waited for him to leave. If we saw the lights of the police car, we pulled our legs and ran. Although we didn't do anything wrong, we were just afraid. ”</b>

In addition, when it comes to James' constant consideration of helping blacks, it has to be mentioned that he has recently been busy planning for the voting rights of blacks in the Us election in November. If the plan is successful, the NBA's competition venues and major sports venues in the United States may become polling stations.

James has told the Associated Press that his intention, along with other black athletes and showbiz personalities to promote the "more than a vote" campaign, is to maximize black turnout in the United States.


After James spoke out about the shooting of Blake, many NBA players joined in, condemning the violent law enforcement of the police and calling for an end to racial discrimination.

"I think this society has to change," said George Hill of the Milwaukee Bucks, "but now it doesn't seem like it's happening, even if we're falling every day, we're still being robbed of our lives." More importantly, it's consequence-free and there's no need to take responsibility, and that's where change is needed. ”

Middleton argues that's why many people are angry at the U.S. government, "people are starting to understand why black people, people of color, are so afraid of the police." <b>Because at any given time, no matter what the situation, whether what they do is right or wrong, the first thing the police do is shoot us. “</b>

Kyle Kuzma and Anthony Davis both said that although Blake survived, the incident would become a psychological shadow for the family, especially their children, who would remember a terrible childhood.

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