
Reality TV "Apprentice" star Omarosa resigned and was dragged away

author:American Overseas Chinese Daily Network

Behind Omarosa's "resignation", there may be many "stories".

Fox News reported that on Wednesday (13th), the White House announced that Omarosa Manigault Newman, who has changed from the "star" in the reality show "The Apprentice" to the White House assistant, will leave the Trump administration. According to the Wall Street Journal, Omarosa's departure was abrupt, and the report also described Omarosa's departure as "confrontational."

A White House official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal that Omarosa was "dragged away and escorted away" later on Tuesday (12th).

Details about Omar rosa's departure remain unclear. When Fox News asked if Omarosa had been fired, a White House aide referred to a brief statement from White House press secretary Sarah Sanders.

"Omarosa Manigette Newman resigned yesterday to pursue other opportunities," the statement said. Her departure will take effect in January 2018. We wish her better in the future and thank her for everything she has done during her tenure. ”

(Editor: Sasa)

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