
The TV series "The Man Who Played the Flute" was accused of plagiarizing webcomics

The TV series "The Man Who Played the Flute" was accused of plagiarizing webcomics

South Korea's TVN TV series "The Man Who Played the Flute" was recently accused by a webcomicist of plagiarizing his work, and TVN TV said that it was confirming whether "The Man Who Played the Flute" was plagiarized.

The webcomician posted on his blog yesterday that he had taken a script he had spent ten years to compete in a script contest in 2014, but that a judge at the time adapted his script a year and three months later into The Man Who Played the Flute.

The webcomicaian said that "The Man Who Played the Flute" had many things in common with the works he had participated in the screenplay contest at the time, such as the fact that they were all based on fairy tales, that the men who played the flute were portrayed as kidnappers, that the kidnappers were motivated by dissatisfaction with corrupt power, and that the other two works spread poison gas to make the truth public.

The webcomician said that he also thought about giving up after discovering that "The Man Who Played the Flute" plagiarized his script, but he could not find a reason to persuade himself to give up, so he decided to make this work into a comic strip on the Internet, hoping that the majority of netizens and "The Man Who Played the Flute" could make a fair judgment.

TVN responded to the webcomicist's allegations this morning, saying it was investigating whether "The Man Who Played the Flute" was plagiarized. "The Man Who Played the Flute" was written by Liu Yongcai, and his previous works include TV series such as "The Time of the Dog and the Wolf".

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