
Experts call for attention to population-wide emotional management mental health services to learn about it

author:Xinhuanet client
Experts call for attention to population-wide emotional management mental health services to learn about it

On the occasion of the 30th World Mental Health Day on October 10, Peking University Medical Press, Beijing Healthy City Construction Promotion Association and Narrative Medicine Research Center of Peking University Medical School jointly held the book launch of "Emotional Management and Health" in Beijing on the same day. Participating experts discussed the important public health issue of how to do a good job of emotional management of the whole population.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 350 million people worldwide suffer from depression, an increase of about 18% in the past decade. At the same time, a considerable number of patients have not been able to receive professional assistance and treatment.

"Human health can be divided into two parts: physical health and mental health, but in fact, they are inseparable, and the two complement each other and affect each other." Ma Ning, executive deputy director of the National Mental Health Project Office and director of the Public Affairs Department of the Sixth Hospital of Peking University, said that from a practical point of view, the probability of chronic diseases and mental illnesses coexisting is very high, and it needs to be paid enough attention. The theme of this year's World Mental Health Day in China is "The Mind of Youth, the Youth of Youth". The concept and skills of self-emotion management should be instilled in a timely manner to the entire population, especially young people.

The 14th Five-Year Plan and the Outline of Long-term Goals for 2035 clearly require "improving the mental health and mental health service system" in the chapter on "Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of a Healthy China".

Ma Ning said that in recent years, in order to implement the requirements of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to "strengthen the construction of the social psychological service system and cultivate self-esteem, self-confidence, rationality and peace, and a positive social mentality", the state has issued relevant policy documents, including the "Work Specification for Community Rehabilitation Services for Mental Disorders" and the "Pilot Work Plan for the Construction of the National Social Psychological Service System". At the same time, mental health and mental health have also received more and more attention from all walks of life, and related medical services have shifted from disease prevention and treatment to improving the health level of the whole people.

Guo Liping, director of the Narrative Medicine Research Center of Peking University Health Science Center, pointed out that it is very important for doctors to educate patients in the process of relieving their emotions. In addition to the help of doctors, patients themselves should also have a calm mind and master the necessary skills of self-emotion management.

It is reported that the book "Emotional Management and Health" is a chinese medicine emotional management and Chinese medicine narrative medicine monograph around the theme of emotional management and disease management. The author of the book, Wang Chunyong, deputy chief physician of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Peking University Third Hospital, selected his clinical notes on outpatient diagnosis and treatment cases in the past six years, and through the records of 176 cases, fully reflected that Chinese medicine itself has the characteristics of narrative medicine and biomedicine, providing useful reference for clinical diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and health care.