
Plant a "fairy tree" in the yard, the flowers bloom and the aroma flutters, and the fruit is ripe and harvested, and how tall can the cactus grow, what kind of cactus can grow into a cactus tree

author:Flower and grass housekeeper demon

Cactus is a plant that is more common in both the north and south, and its adaptability is very strong, and it is not easy to raise to death. The cactus raised by our family every day is not too big, growing up to more than one meter, do not let it grow or not grow, otherwise the whole body is thorny and difficult to take care of.

Plant a "fairy tree" in the yard, the flowers bloom and the aroma flutters, and the fruit is ripe and harvested, and how tall can the cactus grow, what kind of cactus can grow into a cactus tree

In many areas of the south, the ground has grown for one or two decades, and the cactus can grow to four or five meters high, which is very spectacular. I went to the suburbs early last summer to pick cherries, and I found a four- or five-meter-tall cactus on the hillside, which was blooming, which was very rare. If the winter in the area is not too cold, you can plant cacti on the ground, plant a "cactus tree" in the yard, the flowers bloom and the aroma is fluttering, and the fruit is ripe and harvested!

Plant a "fairy tree" in the yard, the flowers bloom and the aroma flutters, and the fruit is ripe and harvested, and how tall can the cactus grow, what kind of cactus can grow into a cactus tree

According to existing reports, cactus ground cultivation can grow up to 11 meters. The 11-meter-tall cactus, which grows in The Hulan District of Harbin City, has been growing for more than a hundred years and is known as the largest cactus in Asia, and has long since become a cactus tree, taller than three stories.

Plant a "fairy tree" in the yard, the flowers bloom and the aroma flutters, and the fruit is ripe and harvested, and how tall can the cactus grow, what kind of cactus can grow into a cactus tree

This huge cactus is raised in a warm flower cellar, and after 8 generations of flower breeders, the diameter of the main rod has reached about 16 centimeters. Every year in late spring and early summer, this cactus can produce hundreds or thousands of flowers. After the flowers are thanked, they bear the fruit of the cactus full of trees, and the harvest is full.

Plant a "fairy tree" in the yard, the flowers bloom and the aroma flutters, and the fruit is ripe and harvested, and how tall can the cactus grow, what kind of cactus can grow into a cactus tree

It is really rare for a cactus to grow to 11 meters tall, but there are more cacti that grow up to three or four meters. The one I saw last early summer grew haphazardly on the hillside and looked wild. I went to play elsewhere and saw cactus trees several times. In Yunnan, some people's orchards are surrounded by cacti as hedges. Cacti are even planted on vegetable patches to prevent people from stealing vegetables.

Plant a "fairy tree" in the yard, the flowers bloom and the aroma flutters, and the fruit is ripe and harvested, and how tall can the cactus grow, what kind of cactus can grow into a cactus tree

I saw on the Internet before that someone sold a cactus tree in an old house, with an overall height of about 5 meters, and it is said that it has been raised for more than thirty years. The cactus was blooming, the flowers were yellow, and the tree was full of flowers, or so a thousand or so. The reason for the sale is because the owner's old house is to be demolished, and the new home has no place to plant, so it can only be sold painfully, hoping that people with hearts can continue to raise it.

Plant a "fairy tree" in the yard, the flowers bloom and the aroma flutters, and the fruit is ripe and harvested, and how tall can the cactus grow, what kind of cactus can grow into a cactus tree

Most potted ornamental cacti do not grow into taller "cactus trees". For a long time, when you reach a certain height, you will fall down because of your top-heavy weight. There are generally two kinds of cacti that can grow into a cactus tree, which are more common in China, one is a thousand swords, and the other is a pear fruit cactus.

Plant a "fairy tree" in the yard, the flowers bloom and the aroma flutters, and the fruit is ripe and harvested, and how tall can the cactus grow, what kind of cactus can grow into a cactus tree

A thousand swords

The alias of the Thousand Swords is called the Immortal Tree, and in some places people do not know the name of the Thousand Swords at all, and the cacti planted in the family are called the Immortal Tree. Qianbenjian has been cultivated for many years, the height can reach 5 to 8 meters, and the diameter of the root branches can reach about 10 to 20 centimeters, which has very good ornamental value. Qianbenjian is widely distributed in the southern region of China, with sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan all over the world.

Plant a "fairy tree" in the yard, the flowers bloom and the aroma flutters, and the fruit is ripe and harvested, and how tall can the cactus grow, what kind of cactus can grow into a cactus tree

Originating in the Americas and Mexico, the Senmoto Sword differs from ordinary cacti in that as it grows, the bottom stem will gradually become woody and become a cylinder, like the poles of ordinary trees. With the main pole of the woody, cylindrical body, the Thousand Swords can easily grow into a four- or five-meter-tall immortal tree, and will not be crushed or lodging because there are too many leaves on it.

Plant a "fairy tree" in the yard, the flowers bloom and the aroma flutters, and the fruit is ripe and harvested, and how tall can the cactus grow, what kind of cactus can grow into a cactus tree

Qianben sword is not hardy, the plant is larger, ground-planted, can withstand low temperatures of minus one or two degrees celsius in a short period of time. The wintering temperature of the thousand swords with smaller plants and pots is best kept above 0 degrees, otherwise it is easy to frostbite or freeze to death. Like ordinary cacti, the Qianben Sword is propagated by leaf cuttings, which are extremely easy to survive. Therefore, in areas with the right temperature, there is no problem in raising a thousand swords. If you have a yard at home and plant one, a few years, ten years later, it will be a huge immortal tree, and the flowers will bloom and think of fluttering.

Plant a "fairy tree" in the yard, the flowers bloom and the aroma flutters, and the fruit is ripe and harvested, and how tall can the cactus grow, what kind of cactus can grow into a cactus tree

Pear fruit cactus

Pear fruit cactus can also grow into a cactus tree, its origin is in Mexico, very easy to flower and bear fruit, the fruit can be edible. In the arid regions of the Americas, the fruit of the pear cactus is one of the important fruits, and it should be everywhere like the apples and pears we eat.

Plant a "fairy tree" in the yard, the flowers bloom and the aroma flutters, and the fruit is ripe and harvested, and how tall can the cactus grow, what kind of cactus can grow into a cactus tree

Pear fruit cactus is a fleshy shrub or small tree, mature plant height can reach about 5 meters, some good growth environment, can also grow to 8 meters high, become a proper immortal tree. Pear cactus has a strong branching ability, dense leaves, a large amount of flowering, and a larger amount of fruit. In the place of origin, people plant it not to see the flowers, but to eat the fruit.

Plant a "fairy tree" in the yard, the flowers bloom and the aroma flutters, and the fruit is ripe and harvested, and how tall can the cactus grow, what kind of cactus can grow into a cactus tree

The flowering period of pear fruit cactus is from May to June, the single flower diameter is about 5 cm, and the common flower color is yellow, which has a clear fragrance. However, unlike the breeding area, orange,orange, and white-yellow flowers may also bloom. After the flowers are thanked, they will produce immortal fruits, which are oval in shape, purple-red in flesh, and sour and sweet. Adult pear fruit cactus, a plant can bloom thousands of flowers, when the flowers bloom, the aroma flutters, smell very pleasant.

Plant a "fairy tree" in the yard, the flowers bloom and the aroma flutters, and the fruit is ripe and harvested, and how tall can the cactus grow, what kind of cactus can grow into a cactus tree

Pear fruit cactus is widely distributed in China, Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Zhejiang, Taiwan and other places. Because it grows fast, is easy to flower, has a high fruit rate, and has a good pulp taste, it is widely planted by people. If you want to plant cacti in your own yard, it is best to choose pear and fruit cactus, watch the leaves and flowers and eat fruits, and kill three birds with one stone.

Plant a "fairy tree" in the yard, the flowers bloom and the aroma flutters, and the fruit is ripe and harvested, and how tall can the cactus grow, what kind of cactus can grow into a cactus tree

Pear fruit cactus cuttings are extremely easy to reproduce, maintenance is also very simple, ground planting basically do not care, there are no diseases and insect pests. In the spring of March and April, take a pear fruit cactus leaf, dry the wound, and cut the cuttings in the loose and breathable soil to ensure that the soil is moist and can take root and start growing in about 20 days. Some pear cactus leaves fall off and fall to the ground, and if they are left alone, they can take root and become a new seedling and grow in place.

Plant a "fairy tree" in the yard, the flowers bloom and the aroma flutters, and the fruit is ripe and harvested, and how tall can the cactus grow, what kind of cactus can grow into a cactus tree

Plant a "fairy tree" in the yard, the flowers bloom and the aroma flutters, and the fruit is ripe and the harvest is full! If you are in the southern region, the temperature can be kept above 0 degrees Celsius in winter (occasionally, for a short time, minus one or two degrees celsius, two or three degrees can also be), and other flowers and plants are not well raised, plant a fairy tree! I think it is useful to like it, pay attention to me to learn more about flower raising knowledge. (Some of the pictures are from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete)