
Foreign Film Critics: "Miss Julie"

author:What is invisible is the dream
Foreign Film Critics: "Miss Julie"

On midsummer nights, Miss Julie and her father Baron did not go dancing, but the carnival mansion and servants, Miss Julie's handsome-looking male servant John, seduced him with class and meat, John's fiancée Catherine knew Miss Julie's intentions, and could only stay in the room secretly sad because of her identity, and John liked Miss Julie. He wanted to get rid of the poor class, and they felt high in Miss Julie, but the sky was on fire, and two years later John and Miss Julie's relationship, the tone of the order had changed subtly....

The characters in Miss Julie's scenes are streamlined, and the story condenses in one night and seems to change everything, but nothing. The film has three characters, Miss Julie, John and Catherine, the upper class is distinct, originally accounting for Miss Julie's relationship with John, becoming a negative thought, Miss Julie looking for love is taken out of prison, but she sadly finds that after their meat sacrifice, it will not win Valentine's heart, no matter what class, there will always be a desire and intention of their own first; "Miss Julie" leads the audience to see the contradictions in people's hearts repeated, selfish and humble, John wants to become a social person, he has a relationship with Miss Julie, But Miss Big Hated Too High to Reach Low, and their desire for love john thought that Miss Julie's t together had even become a ticket to the upper class, but when he put on the uniform, the master wouldn't hear the bell ringing. Obedience to the command class thoughts, John (he was with the "humble" male servant/Miss Julie, so was John looking down on Miss Julie or himself?). The same goes for Catherine Cook, who respects the rich class of the world, believes that with the poor will die in paradise, believes that Catherine does not dare to take a step, she must ensure that everyone is in their "place", and she is the most loyal defender of the victim class.

Foreign Film Critics: "Miss Julie"

"Miss Julie", which is the "love" of the movie, triangle, Miss Julie with John, John regrets giving Catherine, feeling things, cut and cut still messed up, but in the movie, the ingredient of love becomes thinner and thinner, personal interests and calculated weight more and more important; the original class is true. In the movie, John, Catherine, Miss Julie's lessons are unshakable, but love is fake, John is not Miss Julie's relationship before, his young admirer Miss Julie how even willing to die for her says, the contradiction between love and personal interests, John chose to protect himself; "Miss Julie" The beginning of the movie, we see young Julie's sad mother, Julie longs for maternal love and can't get (mother teaches her to hate men, adulthood) Miss Julie seems to be a caged canary in a closed (house), Beautiful objects for man to see, true love lacking, Miss Julie finally listens to John's "order" behavior, perhaps her habits of life obey her father's instructions, perhaps she thinks that "obedience" is an ion that expresses love, or there may be a person's appearance (costume) Miss Julie, or the beginning of the movie girl, afraid of the real edifice (adult) world, just want to be a spoiled child.

Foreign Film Critics: "Miss Julie"

The 2012 Taipei Film Festival reflects a detailed description of the 1951 version of "Miss Julie", Miss Julie's mood or class power changes, compared to Liv Uman, the director of the new version of "Miss Julie", limited to theater style (character and scene simplification), when the character changes attitude and the final choice is difficult to understand and sympathize with, plus Liv Uman's film director will have interest (the three actors play "push"), the plot is not full of tension from the first to the end, gentle and lyrical redemption time, Seeing intermittent shouts of pain helplessness and self-harm, read "Miss Julie, thought he was going to be a depressed..."