
Gift from Room Seven


"The Miracle of Room Seven" and "The Gift of Room Seven" all tell the same story.

An intellectually retarded father stumbled into a girl's death case in order to buy a school bag for his adorable daughter. As a result, the father was imprisoned and the daughter was sent to a welfare home.

In prison, his father was beaten by the prison director for "raping and killing young children" and was bullied by his fellow inmates. Later, he saved the life of the boss in prison before he was able to secretly see his lovely daughter. The father and daughter thanked the prison boss for their help, but soon the theft of the girl was known to the warden, who was furious and imprisoned his father in a small black room. Then the father saved the warden, who was full of thoughts, not only adopted his daughter but also tried to find out the facts.

In fact, everyone guessed that the father was innocent, how could a father with low intelligence and simple kindness rape and kill young children?

The warden soon found out the truth. It turned out that the girl who died was the daughter of a certain minister of the military department, and the minister did not want his daughter to die tragically, no matter what the truth was, he insisted that the low-minded father was the murderer. He even threatened the father to kill his daughter if he did not plead guilty before the court trial. The low-minded father longs to get out of prison and reunite with his daughter, and is afraid that the minister really killed his daughter, and he chooses to sacrifice himself for her daughter. At least the daughter is still alive.

I watched this movie several times and cried several times, the Korean version of "The Gift of Room Seven", the Philippine version of "The Miracle of Room Seven" and other versions. They are all touching and funny family stories. Among them, the daughter's teacher does not look down on her daughter because of her family lineage and discriminates against her. The presence of this teacher gave her a ray of sunshine in her daughter's difficult childhood; the prison director's gambling on his future to help reunite his father and daughter; and the fact that prison inmates gambled on their sentences to help their father and daughter escape from prison, which made me have mixed feelings. They themselves are a group of prisoners, especially the boss, who are still smuggling goods in prison, but for the reunion of father and daughter, he chooses to help, and even for the little girl to be happy and learn. Seeing this, I wonder if the most heinous prisoner also has a little conscience?

Then there is the birthday of the daughter near the end of the film, and after the birthday, the father takes the daughter's hand and walks on that road step by step, which is the road that will be executed.

On this road, the father carried the pity of the crowd step by step. Maybe he was also full of thoughts, he knew that he was the last time he would see his daughter, maybe he knew that he would leave her and never be able to be reunited with her. He pretended to walk calmly, trying to make his daughter not afraid, trying to make her happy, but in the end he broke down. He has reluctance, harmful climbing, and worries. These emotions are all for the daughter. He wanted to live, but it was too late!

In the end, the daughter successfully helped her father to seek revenge. She turned tearfully to look at the people who had helped her: the warden's adoptive father, her father's cellmates. Because of them, my daughter became stronger and better. In particular, the boss became a priest, and other inmates also became people again after they were released from prison. They also changed themselves because of their daughter's sudden arrival of sunshine. Because this sunlight swept away the darkness in their hearts.

After watching it, I wondered, can we make such a movie in China? Emotional stories in prison, family affection, love, friendship! After that, let the prisoners and suspects watch in prison to arouse their conscience and help them better reform it.

Gift from Room Seven
Gift from Room Seven

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