
The world was shocked! Take stock of 20 of the world's rarest endangered species

author:Qilu Network
The world was shocked! Take stock of 20 of the world's rarest endangered species

The world was shocked! Take stock of the 20 rarest endangered animals in the world! On the earth, there are species that are constantly disappearing every day, and the extinction of each species is definitely a serious loss for us... The 20 endangered animals to be introduced this time do not know how many you have seen and know?

1. High-nosed antelope saiga antelope

This antelope is one of the creatures that survived the Quaternary Ice Age event, and they can use the flexible longboroot to filter or warm inhale air. Because of its "medical value", the high-nosed antelope has been hunted in large numbers by poachers and is now critically endangered, with perhaps only about 1,000 left in the world.

The world was shocked! Take stock of 20 of the world's rarest endangered species

2. Alligatory dolphins irrawaddy dolphins

It looks a bit like a beluga whale, with a rounded head and a mouth that is not obvious. They are found in the Bay of Bengal and in the coasts and rivers of Southeast Asia, with a dorsal fin on the posterior back, short, blunt, and triangular in shape. Although they swim slowly, up to 20-25 kilometers per hour, there are about 7,000 animals worldwide due to human capture.

The world was shocked! Take stock of 20 of the world's rarest endangered species

3. Florida Mountain Lion Florida Panther

Although known as the "mountain lion", this animal is actually a family of cats that inhabits southern Florida in the United States. Due to the rapid development of Florida, the number of traffic accidents involving mountain lions has been increasing, and the mountain lions themselves like to compete for territory and kill each other, and the number of existing lions is only 160.

The world was shocked! Take stock of 20 of the world's rarest endangered species

4. Loris elusive

Night vision is quite good, and from 1937 to 2002, the lorises with large eyes were found only four times, and were once considered extinct. A small number of extant lorises are found in Sri Lanka, but their lives are also in jeopardy due to the local superstition that the skin and flesh of the lorises can cure leprosy and exorcism spells.

The world was shocked! Take stock of 20 of the world's rarest endangered species

5. Short-tailed dwarf kangaroos quokkas

Most of them are located on Rottnest Island in Western Australia and are very popular because they are cute and look like they are smiling at any time. They are on the verge of extinction because of low fertility, the threat of competition from alien species and the destruction of habitat by humans.

The world was shocked! Take stock of 20 of the world's rarest endangered species

6. Crowned seals hooded seals

A species of seal in the Arctic , they are found in the middle and northwestern ice oceans , bordering the Svalbard Islands to the east and the Gulf of St. Lawrence in the west , so named because adult male seals have an appendage on their nose that can be inflated and protruding. Male crested seals are on average 2. 6 meters, weighing 410 kg, the female is smaller, about 2 meters or so, weighing about 300 kg. As humans venture into the Arctic, they are hunted and killed, leaving only a few.

The world was shocked! Take stock of 20 of the world's rarest endangered species

7. Mexican blunt-mouthed salamander axolotl

This adorable aquatic amphibian, also known as the "hexagonal dinosaur", lived only in Mexico. Around the world, especially in North America, many people keep them as pets, but because of the extensive destruction of their habitat, they were listed as critically endangered in 2010, and there are reports that they can no longer be found in the natural environment.

The world was shocked! Take stock of 20 of the world's rarest endangered species

8. Langur chato

The world was shocked! Take stock of 20 of the world's rarest endangered species

9. Tree kangaroo tree kangaroo

A tree-dwelling kangaroo that lives in rainforests such as New Guinea, which has been deforested by humans in recent years, resulting in smaller habitats and mass hunting by humans, their numbers have plummeted to 1% of what they used to be, and they have been listed as endangered.

The world was shocked! Take stock of 20 of the world's rarest endangered species

10. Solenodon

This small animal is the only venomous mammal in the world and lives in caves along the Caribbean Sea. Also as a result of the fact that humans bring their natural predators such as cats and dogs to their habitats, their numbers are constantly declining, and they are currently only found in sparsely populated areas.

The world was shocked! Take stock of 20 of the world's rarest endangered species

11. Cave salamander olm

This somewhat snake-like amphibian lives in the underground veins of central and southeastern Europe and is the only species of the salamander family in Europe. Their bodies are like snakes, their tails are flattened, their eyes are hidden under the skin, and because they have lived under the dark water for a long time, their eyes have degenerated to the point where they cannot see normally, but their sense of smell and hearing is well developed. They are able to eat, rest and reproduce in the water like ordinary marine organisms. However, their number has been drastically reduced due to years of water pollution.

The world was shocked! Take stock of 20 of the world's rarest endangered species

12. Proboscis monkey

They live mainly in mangroves, swamps and riverside forests on the shores of Borneo, so named because of their large and long noses, whose specific uses are unclear. Their abdomen is larger and the digestive system is not several parts. As trees in the habitat are constantly being cut down, their numbers have dropped dramatically by 50% in just 40 years.

The world was shocked! Take stock of 20 of the world's rarest endangered species

13. Manatee dupongo

This whale-like manatee lives on the east coast of the Pacific Ocean and is endangered by being hunted by humans.

The world was shocked! Take stock of 20 of the world's rarest endangered species

14. Bearded vultures

This vulture is distributed in the high mountains of southern Europe, Africa, India and Tibet, they do not like to eat animal carcasses, but prefer to eat bones, and like to throw bones from high in the air, and then take bone fragments, they are also known as "bone crushers". Fearing that they would attack livestock and children, they were once nearly extinct and now there are about 10,000 left worldwide.

The world was shocked! Take stock of 20 of the world's rarest endangered species

15. Owl parrot kakapo

The Owl Parrot, also known as the "Night Parrot", is the largest nocturnal parrot on Earth. This parrot is strong and incapable of flying, and is the only parrot in the world that cannot fly. Native to New Zealand, the colonists introduced creatures such as cats, rats and ferrets, and the number of parrots began to decline dramatically, with about 120 parrots still existing.

The world was shocked! Take stock of 20 of the world's rarest endangered species

16, 㺢㹢狓 okapi

This giraffe-like hybrid is the only close relative of the giraffe that is not yet extinct, with horizontal black and white stripes on the upper parts of the hips and legs, but is not related to the zebra. It was not until 1901 that they were found in the Sai Forest in Africa, where only about 20,000 remain due to the destruction of their living conditions and their constant hunting.

The world was shocked! Take stock of 20 of the world's rarest endangered species

17. Ganges crocodile gharials

Also known as the "giraffe crocodile", it is a freshwater crocodile that can grow to about 20 feet and weigh about 350 pounds. It is mainly distributed in the four rivers of the Indus, Ganges, Maharadi and Brahmaputra. Because of their unique mouth structure, they can only feed on fish. As a result of overhunting, there are now fewer than 235 left in the world, mainly in India and Nepal.

The world was shocked! Take stock of 20 of the world's rarest endangered species

18. Kudu goat markhor

This goat is one of the representative animals of Pakistan, a species of goat distributed in the western woodlands of the Himalayas. Named for its screw-shaped horns, only about 2,500 remain in existence due to their hunting by humans.

Not only these 20 species of animals, but even many of them have disappeared into the world before we have even seen them... It is everyone's responsibility to maintain the environment and protect the diversity of species! Share it, let everyone see these rare animals, and love the environment.

The world was shocked! Take stock of 20 of the world's rarest endangered species

19. Tarantula spider gooty

This blue-clad spider initially lived only in southern India. Because of its preciousness, some breeders are willing to buy it for up to $500. Because of the bright colors, many people like to treat them as pets, so they are caught in large numbers... Their wild numbers are declining and are therefore endangered.

The world was shocked! Take stock of 20 of the world's rarest endangered species

20. Coconut crabs

They weigh up to 6 kg and are the largest living terrestrial arthropods. Because they are good at climbing trees, they can go to the top of the trees to forage for food. They will usually use pliers to break the shell of the coconut in order to eat the coconut pulp in it.