
He had taught Chairman Mao to sing and had a deep friendship with Lu Xun, and before he was shot, he said: Shoot first, young and wandering two, young people studying three, returning to China to the revolution four, unfortunately arrested

author:Red Deeds

For the sake of the founding of New China, the soldiers took up the swords and guns in their hands and stabbed at the enemy, and the literati also picked up the pens in their hands and used their own knowledge to give the enemy a hard blow. Literati style bones, the world's worries and worries, the world's happiness and happiness, not for fame and fortune, only for the interests of the country.

In the last century, the literati not only referred to literate people, but also to people who could not only use the pen in their hands to turn into knives and guns, but also infect others with the pen in their hands. At that time, a large number of aspiring literati emerged in the country, and for the sake of the country, they used the pen in their hands to write one article after another that could have a great impact on others, and they even used their lives to show their descendants the literary popularity of not fearing power and not fearing death, and Qu Qiubai was a typical example.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="3" >, young drift</h1>

Qu Qiubai was born on January 29, 1899, in Qingguo Lane, Changzhou, Jiangsu Province. His ancestors were officials for generations, and the Qu family attached great importance to the cultural upbringing of their descendants, and almost all of their descendants had received private education, so the Qu family could be said to be a high-ranking official and a scholarly family.

Qu Qiubai's father, named Qu Shiwei, was erudite, well-read poetry, and good at painting, swordsmanship, and medicine. But Qu Qiubai's father was indifferent by nature, did not like fame and fortune, did not love to be an official, nor did he love to govern the family business, so the assets in the family had long been exhausted, and although Qu Qiubai's mother Jin Xuan was the daughter of an official eunuch and proficient in poetry, because she was married, her family would not give her too much help.

Therefore, Qu Qiubai's family lived in his uncle's house, and the family's expenses depended on the help of Qu Shihu, the eldest brother of Qu Shiwei, who was in Zhi County, Zhejiang. In this way, Qu Qiubai's family also supported itself with the help of Qu Qiubai's uncle and Qu Shihu.

He had taught Chairman Mao to sing and had a deep friendship with Lu Xun, and before he was shot, he said: Shoot first, young and wandering two, young people studying three, returning to China to the revolution four, unfortunately arrested

Picture | Qu Qiubai

In 1904, Qu Qiubai entered a private school under the arrangement of his father, and in 1905 he transferred to the local Guanying Elementary School. Influenced by his parents from an early age, Qu Qiubai loved poetry, and his father often taught him painting, swordsmanship, and medical skills, and Qu Qiubai begged his parents to teach him to practice writing when he saw that his parents were good at writing. Over time, although Qu Qiubai was young, he had already practiced a good hand.

It is said that during Qu Qiubai's studies at Guanying Elementary School, the school once asked each student to turn in an article. After reading Qu Qiubai's article, the gentleman of the school was curious about Qu Qiubai, who could write such an excellent article at a young age, and called Qu Qiubai to inquire carefully, and later the husband gave the article a full score. Mr. Li also showed this article to the principal, and the principal also felt that the full score was deserved after seeing this article, and even added five extra points because Qu Qiubai's writing was good.

In 1909, Qu Qiubai, with excellent grades, was admitted to ChangzhouFu Middle School (now Changzhou Senior High School in Jiangsu Province). The principal of this school is Tu Yuanbo. Tu Yuanbo joined the League led by Sun Yat-sen during his study abroad, which made him very dissatisfied with the current situation in the country and gave him the initial bourgeois democratic revolutionary ideas. After returning to China, Tu Yuanbo served as the principal of ChangzhouFu Middle School at the request of his hometown.

During his tenure as principal, Tu Yuanbo hired a number of ideologically progressive and like-minded comrades to teach at the school. In addition, he personally preached democratic patriotism and revolutionary ideas to the students of the school on many occasions. During qu Qiubai's studies at ChangzhouFu Middle School, he was deeply influenced by the revolutionary ideas of the principal, Tu Yuanbo.

However, after the Xinhai Revolution, Qu Shihu gave up his official position and lived idly in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, and his family's economic resources were gone, and he could only "eat the old money", and naturally he did not have extra money to support Qu Qiubai's family. Qu Qiubai's family had no financial resources, and Qu Qiubai's uncle's family was unwilling to accept Qu Qiubai's family. Therefore, Qu Qiubai's family could only move to the Qu Ancestral Hall in the West Temple of the Changzhou capital, and live by pawning the original assets of the family or borrowing money. After that, Qu Qiubai dropped out of school many times because he could not afford to pay the tuition.

He had taught Chairman Mao to sing and had a deep friendship with Lu Xun, and before he was shot, he said: Shoot first, young and wandering two, young people studying three, returning to China to the revolution four, unfortunately arrested

The picture | Changzhou Senior High School in Jiangsu Province

Later, on the fifth day of the first lunar month in 1915, Qu Qiubai's mother chose to commit suicide by taking poison because she could not stand the days of living on pawn property or borrowing money all day. After placing Jin Xuan's body, Qu Qiubai and Qu Shiwei went their separate ways and went to their relatives at home. With the help of relatives, Qu Qiubai went to Yang's Primary School to study. But this relative's family was not happy, and he could not support Qu Qiubai for too long.

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At the end of 1916, Qu Qiubai received financial support from his cousin's mother, bought a ticket to Hankou, Qu Qiubai's cousin Qu Chunbai worked as an interpreter at the Beijing-Hankou Railway Bureau here, Qu Qiubai has been living in Qu Chunbai's home, and with Qu Chunbai's sponsorship, he entered the Wuchang Foreign Chinese School to learn English and other cultural knowledge.

In the spring of 1917, Qu Chunbai's work was transferred, and Qu Qiubai came to Beijing with Qu Chunbai. At this time, Qu Qiubai had reached the age of applying for the university, he wanted to apply for the famous Peking University, but because of the economic difficulties at home, Qu Chunbai's salary could not support the tuition fees of Peking University, qu Qiubai went to apply for the Beijing Russian Language Training Center founded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At that time, the Russian Language Training Center in Beijing did not charge tuition fees for students, and most of the students who graduated from it could find a good job.

During this period, Qu Qiubai's thoughts were very painful. At that time, the bureaucratic atmosphere in Beijing was not correct, which put a lot of pressure on Qu Qiubai. In order not to be affected by these unhealthy trends, he cut off all social interaction and buried himself in poetry books all day long, studying ancient poetry and learning Lao Zhuang thought. This period of time was wandering and silent for Qu Qiubai. He didn't know what to do next, and he was worried that he would fall into the quagmire of corruption in the future.

Finally, in 1919, the May Fourth Movement broke out. The May Fourth Movement awakened the Chinese youth of the time, including Qu Qiubai. The movement broke Qu Qiubai's originally deserted life and opened up Qu Qiubai's social circle, and he joined the May Fourth Movement and became one of the students who protested the petition.

He had taught Chairman Mao to sing and had a deep friendship with Lu Xun, and before he was shot, he said: Shoot first, young and wandering two, young people studying three, returning to China to the revolution four, unfortunately arrested

Figure | May Fourth Movement

Later, when Qu Qiubai recalled the past, he said: "The May Fourth Movement suddenly broke out, and I was also involved in it, originally my life was dry, but this time, it was broken. Somehow, a warm current suddenly surged in my heart, and after being involved in this movement, I began to call out to the 'corruption' that I did not like. ”

After participating in the May Fourth Movement, Qu Qiubai actively carried out activities. He not only joined the Marxist Research Association initiated by Li Dazhao and Zhang Songnian, but also became a representative of the Beijing Municipal Federation of Students. He often organized his classmates to speak in the streets, march and demonstrate, or publicize anti-imperialist and patriotic knowledge.

On June 3, 1919, this time Qu Qiubai led his classmates to march and demonstrate in the streets, but this time the Beiyang government sent troops, and they arrested many students, including Qu Qiubai. During his time in prison, Qu Qiubai's classmates came to visit and comfort him.

But Qu Qiubai did not feel frustrated or give up because of being arrested, his enthusiasm was unprecedentedly high, and he said to his classmates who came to visit him: "You don't have to worry about me, don't give up." You must continue to struggle and persist in the strike. Remember, never give up until we reach our desired goals, and fight them to the end. ”

On June 8, 1919, Qu Qiubai and other arrested students were released. As a result of this experience, Qu Qiubai became the "center" of the students. When he organized his classmates to carry out activities, he calculated all aspects, which enabled the students to hide in time when they encountered repression, and several activities he organized were extremely flexible, and the classmates trusted him. At this time, Qu Qiubai had already shown his talent in leadership.

He had taught Chairman Mao to sing and had a deep friendship with Lu Xun, and before he was shot, he said: Shoot first, young and wandering two, young people studying three, returning to China to the revolution four, unfortunately arrested

Pictured | students participating in the May Fourth Movement

After the End of the May Fourth Movement, the students' yearning for revolution in their hearts was not extinguished, and Qu Qiubai and his companions were still secretly carrying out activities. The impact of this campaign on Qu Qiubai was enormous. Before participating in this campaign, Qu Qiubai's life was dry, boring, lonely, and accompanied by ancient poetry and Lao Zhuang thought all day; but after participating in this activity, his life was vivid, interesting, lively, and accompanied by his like-minded partners all day.

The May Fourth Movement enabled Qu Qiubai to completely step out of his previous circle of life and let him know the effective way to change the social situation at that time. Qu Qiubai was trained in the May Fourth Movement, including the exercise of his organizational ability when organizing student activities, the exercise of his spirit of resistance when he was imprisoned, and the exercise of his leadership ability when leading students in sports. All this laid a solid foundation for him to become a staunch politician and revolutionary.

In the autumn of 1920, Qu Qiubai was hired as a special correspondent to moscow for interviews. During this period, he had the privilege of having brief exchanges with Lenin and attending the three major congresses of the Comintern. After the meeting, Lenin led thousands of people to sing the Internationale. Qu Qiubai, who saw this scene and heard this song, was full of passion in his heart, he wanted to bring this song back to the motherland, he wanted to save the country from danger, he wanted to open up a bright road for suffering China, so that Chinese people could be under the light.

In the autumn of 1921, the Eastern University in Moscow opened a Chinese class designed to accept students from China. At that time, as one of the few people in Russia who knew both Russian and Chinese, Qu Qiubai was hired to enter the school as a Russian translator and class assistant. In the spring of 1922, Qu Qiubai officially became a member of the Chinese Communist Party.

At the end of 1922, Chen Duxiu came to the Soviet Union for a visit, mainly to learn some Soviet ideas. However, Chen Duxiu was not proficient in Russian, so Qu Qiubai, who was in Moscow at the time and was proficient in Russian, served as Chen Duxiu's interpreter and accompanied Chen Duxiu on his visit to the Soviet Union. During this period, Chen Duxiu was very fond of Qu Qiubai, who was not very old but had excellent translation skills and a calm temperament, and after his visit to the Soviet Union, he invited Qu Qiubai to return to China.

He had taught Chairman Mao to sing and had a deep friendship with Lu Xun, and before he was shot, he said: Shoot first, young and wandering two, young people studying three, returning to China to the revolution four, unfortunately arrested

Pictured| Chen Duxiu

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On December 21, 1922, at the request of Chen Duxiu, Qu Qiubai resigned from his job as a translator at Dongfang University and as a teaching assistant in the Chinese class, and after packing his luggage, set off for China. On January 13, 1923, Qu Qiubai returned to his residence in Beijing.

After returning to China, Qu Qiubai served as the editor-in-chief of the journals "New Youth" and "Forward" and the editor of "Guide". In these journals, he published many articles on politics, combined with China's specific national conditions, and analyzed China's national conditions with Marxism, which made very great contributions to the ideological and theoretical construction of the Communist Party of China.

During this time, he also brought the Internationale, which he had heard in Moscow, to China. He wanted the people of the motherland to be able to sing this song, and after countless nights of hard work, Qu Qiubai finally translated the "Internationale" into Chinese. As he translated, he thought: "If only the proletarian people of China, when singing this Internationale, pronounce the same tone as the proletarian people of the whole world." So he transliterated "international" as "Internacionale." The song was translated as Chinese the news was known to Chairman Mao.

When Chairman Mao saw Qu Qiubai on a certain occasion, he said: "Comrade Qu Qiubai, I heard that you translated the Internationale into Chinese? ”

Qu Qiubai said, "Yes, I just finished translating it not long ago." ”

Chairman Mao said: "I also think it is better for us to use Chinese when we sing the Internationale, and not everyone understands Russian. So can you teach me? I want to learn this song. ”

He had taught Chairman Mao to sing and had a deep friendship with Lu Xun, and before he was shot, he said: Shoot first, young and wandering two, young people studying three, returning to China to the revolution four, unfortunately arrested

Pictured| Mao Zedong

Qu Qiubai said, "Of course, I will teach you how to sing this song." ”

Not only that, after returning to China, Qu Qiubai was also invited to serve as a member of the administrative committee of Shanghai University, during which time he rectified the school's teaching staff inward, introduced excellent teachers to the outside, and also began to formulate the rules and regulations of the school, and he firmly wanted to establish Shanghai University as the "New Cultural Movement Center in the South".

Due to his long-term sleepless work and concern about major national events, Qu Qiubai fell seriously ill and was admitted to the hospital. But even in his illness, he did not forget to dedicate his strength to the Chinese revolution, and he wrote a book on his hospital bed, which he believed would point out a clear path for the current situation of the Chinese Communist Party.

In mid-May 1928, Qu Qiubai came to Moscow, and after finding a good place to live in the local area, he stayed in Moscow to carry out organizational arrangements. At this time, under the leadership of Wang Ming, the country began to insult and even attack the CCP delegation. Wang Ming even blamed all the faults on Qu Qiubai's head, and Qu Qiubai's family in China was affected.

In August 1930, Qu Qiubai's job in Moscow was cancelled, and he returned to China with his wife. About half a year later, Qu Qiubai was dismissed from his central leadership post for various reasons. After that, he stayed in Shanghai with his wife to recuperate (tuberculosis) and carried out some literary and artistic works or translations of famous works in Russian. During this period, he formed a deep friendship with Lu Xun and others.

Beginning in May 1931, Qu Qiubai and Lu Xun began to communicate on text. They often corresponded about how a sentence from a classic Soviet classic would be translated, or even talked all night. At the handover of the summer and autumn of 1932, the two met. Because Qu Qiubai was seriously ill and the cost of treatment was expensive, so the family was in financial difficulties, Lu Xun had been helping Qu Qiubai financially after learning the news. He also covered up for Qu Qiubai many times to avoid Qu Qiubai's identity from being known, and the friendship between the two became deeper and deeper.

He had taught Chairman Mao to sing and had a deep friendship with Lu Xun, and before he was shot, he said: Shoot first, young and wandering two, young people studying three, returning to China to the revolution four, unfortunately arrested

Figure | Lu Xun (oil painting)

In 1934, the Kuomintang launched the fifth "encirclement and suppression" campaign against the central revolutionary base areas, and at that time the Party was still under the influence of Wang Ming's "left-leaning" ideology and refused to listen to the suggestions put forward by Mao Zedong and others. Before the Red Army's Long March, Qu Qiubai, who was in Shanghai, received an order from the party to leave Shanghai for Ruijin.

On February 5, 1934, Qu Qiubai came to Ruijin. After discussion, the Party organization appointed him to the post of member of the Executive Committee of the Central Committee of the Chinese Soviet Republic. Before the Red Army was about to begin the Long March, in order not to aggravate its own illness, and in order to confuse the enemy army and give the enemy the illusion that the Red Army was still in the Central Soviet Region, Qu Qiubai was not ready to carry out a major transfer with the Red Army, and he submitted an application to the party organization to stay in Ruijin to carry out guerrilla warfare, and the party organization agreed to this request after discussion.

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Qu Qiubai successfully stayed in Ruijin. Ruijin's medical condition was not good, and after staying there for a while, Qu Qiubai's illness became more and more serious. Although he wanted to insist on staying in Ruijin for the revolution, his physical condition was no longer allowed. In February 1935, the Party Central Committee considered Qu Qiubai's physical condition and decided to send someone to escort Qu Qiubai from Ruijin to Hong Kong, and then to Shanghai for medical treatment.

On February 24, 1935, Qu Qiubai and his escort arrived at Xiaodao Village, Shuikou Town, Maotian District, Changting County, Fujian Province. At this time, the reactionary security regiment located in the local area found him, and Qu Qiubai and his escorts tried to break through, but they were unsuccessful, and they were all arrested. At this time, Qu Qiubai assumed the pseudonym Lin Qixiang and was a doctor. Because Qu Qiubai himself also studied medicine, especially lung diseases, his identity was not revealed even after many interrogations during his arrest.

In early April 1935, the wife of Wan Yongcheng (then secretary of the Fujian Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China) was captured by the Kuomintang. Fearing that the Kuomintang would punish her, she told her what she had overheard about qu Qiubai, a member of the Central Executive Committee, who had been arrested in Changting, Fujian Province, but because she was unclear about the specific circumstances, she did not say the specific appearance of Qu Qiubai and Qu Qiubai's false identity.

He had taught Chairman Mao to sing and had a deep friendship with Lu Xun, and before he was shot, he said: Shoot first, young and wandering two, young people studying three, returning to China to the revolution four, unfortunately arrested

Based on the information they received from Xu, the Kuomintang conducted an investigation of the personnel arrested by the Kuomintang in Changting County, Fujian Province, and later, under the designation of Zheng Dapeng, who had been a courier and had become a traitor because he had been captured, they learned that "Doctor Lin Qixiang" was Qu Qiubai, one of the senior leaders of the Communist Party of China.

After learning of Qu Qiubai's identity, the Kuomintang reactionaries, if they had received the most precious treasure, they quickly escorted Qu Qiubai from Xiaodao Village to Changting County. At first, they only wanted to persuade Qu Qiubai to surrender, and learned from Qu Qiubai some important secrets of the Chinese Communist Party.

They said to Qu Qiubai: "Qu Qiubai, if you can tell the next plan of the Chinese Communist Party or other important information, then you are a great hero of the Kuomintang, and we will be fully responsible for your illness, and give you a high-ranking official Houlu, so that you will no longer have to worry about it for the rest of your life." But Qu Qiubai was just expressionless and did not say a word.

The Kuomintang would not only send people to persuade Qu Qiubai every day, but would also use expensive food to entertain him or give him a lot of money, hoping to make Qu Qiubai lose himself in the paper drunken gold fans, but Qu Qiubai was still unmoved.

In the end, they punished Qu Qiubai and tried to force Qu Qiubai to say the information they wanted. But Qu Qiubai still refused to say a word. When he was imprisoned by the Kuomintang reactionaries, no matter what acts the Kuomintang reactionaries did to Qu Qiubai, Qu Qiubai's revolutionary confidence was still firm, and he never revealed any news of the Chinese Communist Party.

In the end, the Kuomintang reactionaries refused to let up when they saw qu Qiubai, and they abandoned their plan to take over Qu Qiubai and decided to shoot him to death.

He had taught Chairman Mao to sing and had a deep friendship with Lu Xun, and before he was shot, he said: Shoot first, young and wandering two, young people studying three, returning to China to the revolution four, unfortunately arrested

In the early morning of June 18, 1935, Qu Qiubai wrote his own poem. After sorting out his clothes, he went to the execution ground (that is, Changting Zhongshan Park). Qu Qiubai passed by a pavilion where he drank the "severed head wine" prepared for him by the Kuomintang reactionaries. At this time, several reporters with cameras hanging around their necks appeared, and when they saw the situation, Qu Qiubai asked the reporters to stop first. When he took off his glasses and stood with his hands behind his back, he calmly said to the reporters, "You can shoot." ”

After the photographs, Qu Qiubai continued to walk to the execution ground, and along the way, he repeatedly sang "Red Army Song" and "Internationale" translated by him. Finally, Qu Qiubai walked to the execution ground, and he looked at the place with a smile. Then he found a comfortable place to sit cross-legged, turned his face to the Kuomintang members with guns behind him and said, "Shoot!" ”

With a few gunshots, this pen-wielding soldier who had struggled for the revolution for most of his life fell into the grass and sacrificed!

When the news of Qu Qiubai's sacrifice reached his friend Lu Xun, Lu Xun shed tears of sadness, and he dragged his sick body day and night to proofread qu Qiubai's translation collection "Hai Gaolin" that he had left when he left Shanghai, and sent this translation collection to Japan for publication. Chairman Mao also shed tears after learning the news of Qu Qiubai's sacrifice and highly praised Qu Qiubai's behavior.

Qu Qiubai had no children in his lifetime, only an adopted daughter Qu Duyi brought by his second wife Yang Zhihua from her ex-husband. When Qu Duyi first met Qu Qiubai, she was only 3 years old. At that time, she had just arrived at Qu Qiubai's house and was very afraid, but then a gentle and elegant and extremely talented person appeared, and he said, "Don't be afraid, I will be your father in the future." After a long time together, Qu Duyi gradually regarded Qu Qiubai as her biological father, and now, her father was sacrificed.

He had taught Chairman Mao to sing and had a deep friendship with Lu Xun, and before he was shot, he said: Shoot first, young and wandering two, young people studying three, returning to China to the revolution four, unfortunately arrested

Picture | Qu Qiubai (first from right), Duyi Qu (center), Yang Zhihua (first from left)

After learning the news of Qu Qiubai's sacrifice, Qu Duyi was very sad in her heart, she could not accept this news, she did not want to stay in this land that made her sad, she took her mother Yang Zhihua to the Soviet Union, wanting to wait for her mood to calm down before returning, but this time, it was more than 20 years.

Qu Qiubai's sacrifice made many people cry for it, and how many people were deeply saddened. Mr. Qu Qiubai is a very windy literati, he used his life to show us the wind and bones of being a literati, and also proved for us that the literati and inkers can also contribute their own strength to the motherland in the war years. He deserves our memory!

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