
mourn! Xu Guoyi, a meritorious swimming coach in Zhejiang Province, died of illness in the early hours of this morning

author:Hangzhou Net

This morning, Zhang Yadong, former head coach of the national swimming team, sent a condolence:

Xu Guoyi, a famous meritorious coach in Zhejiang Province, passed away at 4:20 a.m. today due to illness. Guoyi brothers all the way!

mourn! Xu Guoyi, a meritorious swimming coach in Zhejiang Province, died of illness in the early hours of this morning

Xu Guoyi is the coach of Olympic champion Ye Shiwen, and his disciples also include world champion Xu Jiayu.

In 2015, during the critical preparation period of the year before the Rio Olympics, 45-year-old Xu Guoyi was diagnosed with a malignant tumor in the brain. Although the operation was very successful, he left a long scar on his forehead and had to take his medication on time and travel to Beijing regularly for follow-up examinations.

In 2020, Xu Guoyi, who dedicated his life to the cause of swimming, still left, and the Chinese swimming world mourned for it:

Xu Dao, you have gone all the way. (City Express reporter Yin Peiqin)