
6 soups suitable for winter drinking do not miss, nutritious and delicious, cold warm-up medicinal diet pigeon earth chicken soup cabbage meatball soup Angelica yam duck soup corn lotus root rib soup

author:Ho Mama cuisine

Delicious food, make your own is delicious! With simple ingredients, make delicious home cooking! Here is The Lotus Mother Cuisine, focusing on sharing home-cooked dishes and three meals to broaden the taste of happiness in life with food! Enjoy my sharing, remember to follow yo!

Winter will be in a few days, which means that the cold winter is coming.

"Don't eat meat in winter, freeze off your toes", which is why you have to eat more meat in winter. The weather is cold, eating some meat appropriately can enhance the body's resistance, cold protection and warmth, so in the period from winter to winter solstice, we must "make up for winter", drink more nutritious and nourishing soup, supplement enough energy, help resist the cold and get sick.

Winter is coming, drink soup is the most nourishing, these 6 kinds of nutritional soup do not miss, drink a bowl every day, enhance the physique less sick, simple methods, nutritious and delicious, suitable for all ages, like friends to collect it!

6 soups suitable for winter drinking do not miss, nutritious and delicious, cold warm-up medicinal diet pigeon earth chicken soup cabbage meatball soup Angelica yam duck soup corn lotus root rib soup


Half a chicken about 2.5 pounds, 2 old pigeons, 20 grams of lilies, 30 grams of yam tablets,

20 grams of coriander, 20 grams of barley, 20 grams of lotus rice, 15 grams of wheat dong

20 grams of jade bamboo, 15 grams of white fungus, 20 grams of raw land, 30 grams of red dates

Goji berries 20 g, angelica 15 g, astragalus 15 g, dang ginseng 20 g

Production process:

1, the chicken is handled clean and cleaned up the internal organs, dry the water, the pigeons do not bleed, so the meat skin is a little red, stewed pigeons are recommended to use old pigeons.

2: All medicinal herbs are placed in a large bowl except for raw land, and soaked in water for half an hour. Cut the chicken into large pieces and the pigeons in half

3: Put the chicken into a pot of cold water, boil on high heat and remove the foam, then fish out and rinse

4, start a casserole pot or a larger stew pot, inject enough water at one time, put in the blanched chicken pieces, pigeons, boil on high heat, soak the herbs 2 to 3 times, fish out the controlled water, wash and cut thick slices raw; boil in the soup pot and then put in all the Chinese herbal medicines, boil on high heat and simmer for more than 3 hours.

5, the cold winter, to a bowl of piping hot chicken soup, enough to drive away the cold and warm the stomach, a family together, the joy and harmony, is happiness, is the warmth of home.

As the saying goes: radish cabbage to keep peace, a hundred vegetables are not as good as cabbage. Chinese cabbage is of good quality and low price, which can not only supplement calcium, but also detoxify, clear the fire and moisturize. Winter cabbage is tender, crisp and sweet, 2 yuan a pound, buy a pound is enough for a family to eat a meal, plus their own meatballs, 15 yuan can cook a pot, the taste is fragrant and sweet, delicious and nutritious.

6 soups suitable for winter drinking do not miss, nutritious and delicious, cold warm-up medicinal diet pigeon earth chicken soup cabbage meatball soup Angelica yam duck soup corn lotus root rib soup


Half a chinese cabbage, a bowl of minced meat about half a pound, 5 grams of ginger

1 chives, salt, pepper to taste, 1 spoonful of cooking wine

1.5 scoops light soy sauce, 1 tbsp oyster sauce, 1 tbsp starch, 1 egg

1, the front leg meat is chopped into meat puree, the Chinese cabbage is washed, and the stems and leaves are shredded separately;

2: Put the minced meat into a bowl, add minced ginger, green onion and pepper, 1 spoonful of cooking wine, 1.5 spoons of soy sauce and 1 spoonful of oyster sauce, stir well in one direction, beat into an egg white, add 1 spoonful of starch, and then stir in one direction.

3: Pour in the appropriate amount of water, cook until half-open, turn the heat to squeeze the meatballs out of the tiger's mouth, put all into the pot and turn to medium heat to boil, skim off the foam and cook for another 3 minutes

4: Add the cabbage stalk and cook for about 3 minutes, the cabbage stalk is broken, then add the cabbage leaves and cook for 2 minutes, add a little salt to taste, add the green onion to the pot

5, finally put into a bowl as needed sprinkled with goji berries, a bowl of fragrant and delicious, nutritious and delicious cabbage ball soup is ready. It's cold, come to a bowl, and it's warm all over.

Lamb broth stew

6 soups suitable for winter drinking do not miss, nutritious and delicious, cold warm-up medicinal diet pigeon earth chicken soup cabbage meatball soup Angelica yam duck soup corn lotus root rib soup

800 grams of lamb chops, 1 white radish, 1 piece of ginger

1/2 green onion, salt, cooking wine, pepper

Coriander, hawthorn dried dried slices

1, buy the lamb let the store cut off the bones, so that home do not have to work particularly hard to chop, put in water soaked for more than half an hour, remove the blood inside, and then use a knife to scrape the skin clean. In addition, crush the ginger, cut the green onion into sections, prepare a spoonful of cooking wine and less goji berries, 3 slices of dried hawthorn, peel and wash the white radish, cut into diamond-shaped pieces and set aside.

2: Fish out the soaked lamb chops, cut into small pieces, add the right amount of water to the soup pot, put the lamb cold water into the pot, put 1 spoon of cooking wine, bring to a boil over high heat, and use a strainer spoon to skim off the foam

3: Add ginger, green onion, hawthorn, turn to medium heat and simmer for 1.5 hours.

4: After the lamb is basically cooked thoroughly, put in the white radish pieces, boil on high heat and simmer for 30 minutes, the radish becomes transparent and cooked.

5, finally add the appropriate amount of salt, pepper seasoning, put on the goji berries, coriander minced, a pot of fragrant, sweet and delicious radish mutton soup is ready.

6 soups suitable for winter drinking do not miss, nutritious and delicious, cold warm-up medicinal diet pigeon earth chicken soup cabbage meatball soup Angelica yam duck soup corn lotus root rib soup

1/4 duck, 1 Huai yam, 5 grams of angelica

20 grams of red dates, 10 grams of goji berries, 15 grams of lotus seeds

Astragalus 5 g, American ginseng 3 g, salt to taste, 1 spoonful of rice wine

1: In addition to goji berries and American ginseng, soak lotus seeds, red dates, angelica and astragalus in water for 15 minutes. Chop the duck in good size pieces and set aside.

2: Put the duck into the pot with cold water, pour 1 spoonful of rice wine, bring to a boil on high heat, skim off after foaming, cook for another 5 minutes and rinse.

3: Heat the water until warm, add the duck, lotus seeds, angelica, dates and astragalus, bring to a boil on high heat for 10 minutes, turn to low heat and simmer for 30 minutes.

4: Peel and wash the yam, cut the hob pieces and soak them in clean water. The duck is simmered, add the chopped yam, American ginseng, and simmer over medium-low heat for 20 minutes.

5: Season with salt and simmer for 5 minutes.

Tomato beef rib soup

6 soups suitable for winter drinking do not miss, nutritious and delicious, cold warm-up medicinal diet pigeon earth chicken soup cabbage meatball soup Angelica yam duck soup corn lotus root rib soup

Steak bones, tomatoes, green onions, ginger, onions

Sand ginger, fragrant leaves, star anise, cinnamon, white blaze

Pickled pepper, salt, sugar,

1: Soak the beef ribs in water for 1 to 2 hours, cut the green onion into small pieces, slice the ginger, cut the onion into small cubes, cut the pickled pepper into rings, cut the remaining ginger into minced, cut the tomatoes in half, and cut the remaining half into small pieces for later

2: Pour the right amount of water into the pot, put the beef ribs into the pot with cold water, enlarge the slices of green onion and ginger, bring the cooking wine to a boil on high heat, skim off the foam and cook for 5 minutes, then fish out, rinse with running water

3: Stir-fry in a frying pan with minced ginger, diced onion, pickled pepper, star anise, cinnamon and fragrant leaves over low heat. Stir-fry the diced tomatoes, when the tomatoes become soft and juicy, pour in the appropriate amount of hot water, add the blanched beef ribs, bring to a boil on high heat and simmer for 15 minutes, then turn to low heat and simmer for 1.5 to 2 hours.

4: Add the tomato pieces after the steak is soft and rotten, and then simmer for about 5 minutes. Finally, season with salt, a pinch of sugar and pepper, sprinkle with green onions and out of the pan.

6 soups suitable for winter drinking do not miss, nutritious and delicious, cold warm-up medicinal diet pigeon earth chicken soup cabbage meatball soup Angelica yam duck soup corn lotus root rib soup

Ribs, corn, lotus root, carrots

Ginger, green onion, salt, pepper, cooking wine

1, pork ribs into the pot of cold water, add a spoonful of cooking wine, boil on high heat, skim off the foam and fish out, rinse with running water and set aside;

2: Slice ginger, knotted green onion, blanched ribs into a saucepan, add an appropriate amount of mineral water, boil on high heat and simmer over medium-low heat for half an hour;

3: Cut the lotus root, carrot and maize into pieces and set aside, put the lotus root into the pot after half an hour and simmer for 30 minutes;

4: Then add corn, carrot cubes and simmer for 30 minutes, finally add salt and pepper to taste

5, sprinkle with green onions, put on a bowl, the taste is sweet and fragrant, delicious.

Today's sharing is here, these 6 nutritious and healthy nutritious soups, do you like it? Feel free to leave a message to tell us what soup you like to drink!