
Reminder: Eat the wrong bread or cause kidney cancer! 3 ways to identify "poisonous bread", do not eat carcinogenic additive bread will cause cancer? Case by case! How can I buy safe and secure bread? Europe and the United States use bread as the main food, why is there no problem?

author:39 HealthNet

The father stood outside the ward and watched the doctor remove the ventilator, and the life of his son, Hao Hao (pseudonym), was forever fixed at the age of 11.

2 months ago, Hao Hao was diagnosed with advanced kidney cancer, and the news was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day for the family.

"You are too ignorant", after a detailed investigation of Haohao's life, the doctor was only sorry, as if everything made sense.

Reminder: Eat the wrong bread or cause kidney cancer! 3 ways to identify "poisonous bread", do not eat carcinogenic additive bread will cause cancer? Case by case! How can I buy safe and secure bread? Europe and the United States use bread as the main food, why is there no problem?

Hao hao's parents run a company, get up early every day and get dark, especially busy. Since there was no time to make breakfast, Hao Hao's mother hoarded some bread at home, and every morning a bottle of milk and a bag of bread were stuffed into the bag for Hao Hao to take to school to eat.

This eating is 7 years.

"All these years, his dad and I have no time to take care of our children in order to make money and to buy a house in the city. When I found out that he was getting thinner, I thought I was going to start growing taller, and I was a little happy in my heart, but I didn't expect..." Recalling the past, Haohao's mother was in pain.

That day, Hao Hao's stomach hurt badly, and Hao Hao's mother thought that she had eaten the wrong thing, so she asked her sister-in-law to take him to the hospital for examination.

The attending doctor was taken aback – there was a lump in the stomach that could not be detected without careful palpation.

The doctor immediately did laboratory tests and puncture biopsies, and the results showed that Haohao's liver and kidney function were seriously impaired, and he was diagnosed with advanced kidney cancer! More seriously, the cancer has long since metastasized, affecting the liver.

Although the hospital quickly performed surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy on Haohao, it was clear that it was too late, and in the 53 days of the iCU, Haohao was in a coma for nearly a month.

Reminder: Eat the wrong bread or cause kidney cancer! 3 ways to identify "poisonous bread", do not eat carcinogenic additive bread will cause cancer? Case by case! How can I buy safe and secure bread? Europe and the United States use bread as the main food, why is there no problem?

"What's the use of making more money, I just want my son back..."

The regretful father knelt on the ground and cried bitterly, watching his son slowly lose his breath, and his heart was like a knife.

After reading the above case, do you feel incomprehensible: the bread you usually eat will actually cause cancer! In fact, regular, qualified bread has no risk of carcinogenesis, but some bread with illegal additives has to be vigilant.

In 2018, India issued a directive to completely ban the use of potassium bromate as a food additive in any food product. The source is because baked goods produced by a number of bread brands in the Indian capital New Delhi have been detected as carcinogenic chemical potassium bromate, including some well-known fast food and bakeries.

Reminder: Eat the wrong bread or cause kidney cancer! 3 ways to identify "poisonous bread", do not eat carcinogenic additive bread will cause cancer? Case by case! How can I buy safe and secure bread? Europe and the United States use bread as the main food, why is there no problem?

Potassium bromate, a flour treatment agent and additive for flour products, can make bread softer. In fact, under ideal baking conditions, potassium bromate is converted into bromide, which is harmless to the human body. However, in practice, due to various reasons, potassium bromate cannot be converted into bromide, resulting in direct ingestion by the human body.

Potassium bromate is difficult to decompose after entering the human body, and reaching a certain dose will have an acute toxicological effect. Mild symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, hemp blood, diarrhea, etc., heavy tubular necrosis and liver damage, methemoglobinemia, hearing impairment, long-term intake will cause kidney cancer.

In the 1990s, the World Health Organization determined that potassium bromate was carcinogenic. Since then, most countries, including China, have banned the addition of potassium bromate to food.

As the standard of living improved, people's pace became hurried, and there was no longer any spare time to get up in the morning to cook a rich breakfast, replaced by a variety of breads. Bread is both delicious and convenient, and many children are willing to eat it. However, in order to make bread sell better and attract consumers, some merchants will illegally add potassium bromate when making it.

In 2005, China's Ministry of Health issued a notice prohibiting the use of potassium bromate as a flour treatment agent in wheat flour. The bulletin also stipulates that the residual amount of potassium bromate in flour baking cannot exceed 30 ppm (maximum use of 0.03 g/kg), that is, not more than 30 mg per kg.

Reminder: Eat the wrong bread or cause kidney cancer! 3 ways to identify "poisonous bread", do not eat carcinogenic additive bread will cause cancer? Case by case! How can I buy safe and secure bread? Europe and the United States use bread as the main food, why is there no problem?

However, in the face of merchants who are frantically tempting on the verge of breaking the law, in the face of all kinds of bread, how can we determine whether bread is safe?

First of all, the bread does not look as white as possible, good bread baked out is light yellow, added potassium bromate bread looks whiter, some even golden bright, gently touch the skin has a good elasticity and toughness, so do not choose the color of too white, too yellow but no bright color bread.

Secondly, the bread with potassium bromate added will be more puffy, larger, and have an incomparable softness, and when cut, the structure of the bread core is perfect. However, the degree of puffing is also related to the production method, so this can only be used as an auxiliary reference.

In addition to bread, noodles commonly found in the market have also been added to the phenomenon of potassium bromate. Therefore, when we buy bread, noodles and other foods, in addition to learning to distinguish whether potassium bromate is added, we must also try to buy regular brands, pay attention to the production date, manufacturer, brand and other elements.

Speaking of which, some people have asked: Europeans and Americans eat bread as a staple food, why are they okay? The main reason is that the materials and methods used for bread at home and abroad are different.

The main raw materials of foreign bread are wheat flour, salt, yeast and water, which are relatively single, and there are not too many health risks, and the shelf life is usually very short. Domestic bread usually has a long shelf life, often added sugar, milk powder, grease, preservatives, etc., eat better. This is why Chinese are not accustomed to foreign bread, and foreigners cannot buy the bread they want in China.

Reminder: Eat the wrong bread or cause kidney cancer! 3 ways to identify "poisonous bread", do not eat carcinogenic additive bread will cause cancer? Case by case! How can I buy safe and secure bread? Europe and the United States use bread as the main food, why is there no problem?

After reading this article, do you dare to buy a bread to fill your stomach? Finally, we should also remind everyone that eating bread regularly can easily lead to indigestion, and a balanced diet is the best way to maintain health.

#Health Science Qualifying ##39健康超能团 #

Resources: [1] "India Investigates 'Poisoned Bread' Incident, Transnational Fast Food Giants Implicated". Beijing Times. 2016-05-26 [2] Six Food Additives that Cannot Be Ignored. Life Times.2012-11-07 [3] "Eating bread causes cancer". Beijing News. 2019-02-13

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