
He was a famous sui and Tang general, brave and unparalleled, and famous, why would he be recorded as the king of Yan Luo in the history

author:Traces of travel

Turning over the pile of stories of 5,000 years of history, it can be said that famous ministers are like clouds and warriors are like rain. Those warriors who emerged at key nodes such as the change of dynasties and the invasion of foreign enemies made time shine and make history magnificent.

As the saying goes: The times make heroes. Any character who has left an imprint on the long river of time is inseparable from the historical environment in which he lives. In certain circumstances, they tend to be mavericks and leave good stories.

He was a famous sui and Tang general, brave and unparalleled, and famous, why would he be recorded as the king of Yan Luo in the history

Han Hu Stills

Han Baohu, formerly known as Han Baobao (汉擒豹), was a famous general of the Northern Zhou and Sui Dynasties. He was born into a shogun family, and his father, Han Xiong, was a well-known general, known for his bravery and invincibility. During the Northern Zhou Dynasty, Han Xiong was an official of the Eight Prefectures of Luoyang, Luoyang, and Yuzhou.

In such a family environment, Han Baohu has been influenced since he was a child. At a young age, it is rough and meticulous, heroic and courageous, and it is a good material that is deliberately shaped into talent. When he grew up, Han Huhu was tall and burly, and his heroism was extraordinary. Because he loves the Hundred Schools of Scripture and History, he is a good cultivator and can be called a talent who is both literate and martial.

He was a famous sui and Tang general, brave and unparalleled, and famous, why would he be recorded as the king of Yan Luo in the history

Portrait of Han Huhu

Opportunity is sometimes a key factor in a person's standing out, especially historical figures. By chance, The Northern Zhou Taizu Yuwen Tai saw Han Huhu and liked it, thinking that the young man in front of him would definitely be of great use in the future. In order to let Han Baohu influence his children, Yuwen Tai let his children socialize and play with him.

Sure enough, Han Huhu later made many military achievements. Coupled with the fact that his father himself already had resources in the Northern Zhou system, Han Huhu was promoted to the rank of Governor of Du and Xin'an Taishou, and gradually reached the Third Division and hereditary Duke of Xinyi County.

He was a famous sui and Tang general, brave and unparalleled, and famous, why would he be recorded as the king of Yan Luo in the history

When Emperor Yuwen Yong of Northern Zhou attacked Northern Qi, the Northern Qi general Du Lonely Yongye defended Jin Yongcheng. Kim Yong City is difficult to take in a short period of time, and Han Huzhi descends to be lonely and eternal. When the Southern Chen army forced into Gwangju City, Han Captured Tiger put on a battle and repelled the enemy army. When Southern Chen united with foreign tribes to attack many times, Han Huhu bravely killed the enemy and repelled the enemy army.

In particular, Nan Chen repeatedly committed crimes in the north, like a mosquito that flew around, and the northern Zhou encountered entanglements. In the first year of the Kai Emperor (581), the Sui Emperor Yang Jian, who had already captured the Northern Zhou Dynasty, chose Han Tohu. In Yang Jian's view, Han Huhu is the perfect candidate to shoulder heavy responsibilities.

He was a famous sui and Tang general, brave and unparalleled, and famous, why would he be recorded as the king of Yan Luo in the history

Sui Wendi Stills

Han Huhu secretly prepared for battle and made up his mind to attack Nan Chen. As soon as he heard Han Huhu's name, Nan Chen panicked.

In the eighth year of the Kai Emperor (588), Emperor Wen of Sui raised an army to cut down Chen, and Han Captured Tiger as the vanguard. Like a sharp knife, he quickly crossed the river with five hundred soldiers, rode on the night, surprised General Chen, and quickly took down the quarry. A good start laid the foundation for success, and Han Tackle tigers were like bamboo, driving straight in, going down to many cities, and playing a classic blitzkrieg.

At that time, Yang Guang, the King of Jin, reported these situations to his father Emperor Wen of Sui, who was very happy after hearing this and held a feast to celebrate. After that, Yang Guang sent du yan, the commander of the march, to meet Han Huhu, and the infantry and cavalry reached 20,000 people to meet Chen Shubao. Chen Shubao personally led the army, but as soon as he heard that Han Huhu was coming, the soldiers fled without a fight, and his allies even surrendered directly to Han Huhu. Han Huhu did not stop him, and easily captured Chen Shubao alive.

He was a famous sui and Tang general, brave and unparalleled, and famous, why would he be recorded as the king of Yan Luo in the history

Northern Zhou Xiaowen Emperor Yuwen Yong stills

When Emperor Wen of Sui learned of this, he issued an edict praising Han Huhu and He Ruobi: "These two dukes are deeply strategic... Ping Ding Jiang table, the strength of the two people also. ”

"Shen Guowei is in ten thousand miles, Xuan Dynasty is transformed into a corner, so that the people of the southeast are out of the soup, and for hundreds of years, the Sun is clear, and it is only the merits of the public..." Emperor Wen of Sui's praise for Han Hu can be said to be high in the sky.

Han's tiger was so famous that even the distant Turks admired and feared it. It was said that the Turkic emissaries came to worship, and at that time, Emperor Wen of Sui was very happy because he had destroyed Southern Chen, so he asked the Turkic emissaries: "Is there a Chen Guo Tianzihu in the south of Ruwen Jiangnan?" The Turkic emissary said he knew, and pointed at Han Huhu and said that this was the person who captured the Southern Chen monarch alive. At the moment when the Turkic emissary raised his eyes, he saw that Han Huhu's eyes were sharp, not angry and arrogant, and he was so frightened that he did not dare to look up again.

He was a famous sui and Tang general, brave and unparalleled, and famous, why would he be recorded as the king of Yan Luo in the history

As for Han Huhu's becoming the King of Yan, this is not a folklore, but is clearly recorded in the Book of Sui.

It is said that on the eve of Han Huhu's death, the old woman of the neighbor saw that there was a very grand honor guard in front of his mansion, just like the palace. The old woman felt strange and asked in a loud voice, and said that she had come to greet the king. Before they could ask, these people disappeared in the blink of an eye. After that, someone with a sick face and a delirious look said that he would come to Han Hu's mansion to see King Yan Luo. Originally, the guards were going to beat this man out, but Han Huhu stopped him and said, "Born as a pillar country, and died as the king of Yan Luo, Si Yi is enough." He died a few days later.

He was a famous sui and Tang general, brave and unparalleled, and famous, why would he be recorded as the king of Yan Luo in the history

Portrait of Emperor Wen of Sui

Before and after his death, he was legendary, and Han Huhu did not walk in the human world in vain. As for whether this mysterious event recorded in the Book of Sui is true or false, no one knows whether it is known to posterity. However, judging from Han Huhu's famous name, it seems somewhat reasonable.

As one of the judges of good and evil in a person's life after death, Han Huhu can make the villain, the adulterer and the evil man fight, which is one of the demands of the people of Li. As a famous general of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, he was recorded by the zhengshi as a kind and close to the people, but in fact, it was the respect of the common people.