
Weekend Reading Total No. 316 | "Eighteen Stories of Eighteen Cave Villages"

author:Morning nostalgia

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Eighteen Stories of Eighteen-Hole Village

Weekend Reading Total No. 316 | "Eighteen Stories of Eighteen Cave Villages"

"Eighteen Stories of Eighteen-Hole Village" is said to be a story, but it is rather a fragment of the life of the people of Eighteen-Hole Village.

The living details that belong to the eighteen-hole village come to the author's story.

Li Di's works are simple, there is no gorgeous rhetoric, he strives to write the words of the people's hearts, his style is warm and bright, and his attitude is deeply meaningful, which fundamentally stems from his deep emotional identification with the people.

From his works, we feel the vast land and the enterprising people, and feel the great power that promotes the development of history in one character after another, an ordinary and great fighter and laborer. Such a writer is a recorder of the times and a singer of the people.

Weekend Reading Total No. 316 | "Eighteen Stories of Eighteen Cave Villages"
Weekend Reading Total No. 316 | "Eighteen Stories of Eighteen Cave Villages"


On November 3, 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the Eighteen-Hole Village in Xiangxi, Hunan Province, and for the first time put forward the strategic policy of "precision poverty alleviation" in the face of miao fathers and fellow villagers to guide the national poverty alleviation battle. Eighteen-hole village sleeping in poverty, since then the butterfly has changed, opened its colorful and diligent wings, and flew in the spring breeze of poverty alleviation and well-off. The writer tells the story of eighteen families in the past six years in the eighteen-hole village, which are representative of the struggle to get rid of poverty and become well-off.

Weekend Reading Total No. 316 | "Eighteen Stories of Eighteen Cave Villages"

Author: Li Di, author of the novel "Distant Betel Nut Village" and "Wild Bee-Infested Valley"

Novellas "Here is the Forest of Terror", "The Drums of the Black Forest", "You Die and I Live", etc., and the long biography "Macao Xie Shuowen". "The Valley Infested by Wild Bees" won the third prize of the second national juvenile literary and artistic creation, "Leopard Hatch" won the second prize of the national excellent children's book, "The Woman Knocking on the Door in the Evening" won the first Golden Shield Literature Award, and "The Last Movement of Sorrow" won the Blue Shield Literature Special Award. His works have been translated into Russian, French and Korean and published abroad.

Address: Liu Xiao Park Chenyang Building



Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday 9:00-17:00

【Source: Chenxi County Library】

Copyright belongs to the original author, a tribute to the original

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