
Scroll! Teach you how to fall in love with the 12 zodiac signs "Cancer, Lion, Virgin"

author:Tarot Constellation Eiffel Teacher
Scroll! Teach you how to fall in love with the 12 zodiac signs "Cancer, Lion, Virgin"

I believe that many people would like to ask the teacher how to fall in love with the lover, in our life journey, will encounter a variety of different types of constellations of the opposite sex, but how to get along with your favorite constellation object? Today, let Mr. Eiffel help you analyze the personality of the zodiac signs, let you know more about his preferences and mines, know yourself and know the other in order to prescribe the right medicine, find a harmonious and common mode of getting along with the two, and work together for happiness for a lifetime.

The teacher will follow the order of the constellations of three constellations, today is sent cancer, lion, virgin, each article also has twelve zodiac signs exclusive love mood secret words, you can look forward to it! Don't forget to remind your friends and girlfriends about the characteristics of the zodiac signs (please refer to your lover's sun and rising signs)


Scroll! Teach you how to fall in love with the 12 zodiac signs "Cancer, Lion, Virgin"

The heart of the Cancer crab is as slender as if it had no shell protection

Cancer is a very typical sign of glass hearts, their personalities are always like a little prince, a little princess, who need to be held in the palm of their hands by the other party. Their personality is very sensitive and often magnifies the problem, so when you fall in love with him, you must pay more attention to the differences in the details of the personality of the two people and the various harmonies of life, because they are a little nervous, and it is easy to lose their temper because of a small matter.

A Cancer crab that fills up its uneasiness with possessiveness

In addition, Cancer is easy to tangle in various things, and also loves to daydream, so there are often crushes, ambiguous objects in love, and it is also the most prone to secret relationships in the zodiac. Cancer is very possessive, and longs for love, and also likes the other person's feelings of belonging to himself. In love, Cancer is born insecure, once in love will be based on the premise of marriage, afraid of lovers change their hearts, but also worried about the emergence of new competitors, which leads to Cancer has no self-confidence, easy to gain and lose on this feeling.

The loss of love is as serious as the collapse of the sky

Once Cancer is put into a relationship, they are defenseless, restricted, and determined to give all their love to each other; but if the relationship does not develop smoothly, they will fall into a long, very lonely and regrettable period of lost love, and even because of the loss of love, they will lead to the extreme tendency of jade burning and self-destruction, which should be paid special attention to.

Taking care of people who value it wholeheartedly is also often hurt by it

Cancer likes to take care of people, has a tendency to self-sacrifice, whether it is family, lover or even lover's family will care, he will sacrifice his time, money, youth, etc., to take care of people weaker than himself. Cancer's emotions fluctuate greatly, because of their fickle emotions, they can giggle with you one second, and the next second they suddenly sigh and complain to you about his life, work, and love, and the main key to cancer's emotional ups and downs is because of love and marriage. As Cancer grows older, has more experience in feelings, or has greater frustrations in love, they are prone to some melancholy phenomena, and they should pay special attention to the Cancer friends around them.

【Lion Chapter】

Scroll! Teach you how to fall in love with the 12 zodiac signs "Cancer, Lion, Virgin"

The king of love and hate

Lion is a very domineering, royal, and very attractive sign, they will strive to pursue performance in love, if he likes you, they will be very active, hard in front of you to offer affection, will find a variety of reasons, topics to chat with you, care about you; on the contrary, if you don't like it at all, he will not even pay attention, because the lion's preference for a person is very obvious and direct. Although lions are very eager for love, but they do not take the initiative to pursue each other, they sometimes like lovers to take the initiative to send to the door, which will make lions feel that they are very attractive, but also related to their personality laziness, since the prey took the initiative to send the door, then I will eat a bite.

It is a strong lion king and a supple kitten

Lions like to dominate everything in their feelings, and they are used to looking at problems from their own point of view, which may seem a little selfish, but you can't accuse him in person, most of them won't admit it, and they hate their lovers to contradict him, because lions are a little strong and domineering. If such domineering and strong power appears on the lion woman, it may be disliked by the lover and considered to be a female man. However, Leo will most likely think that as long as they meet the right person and like him wholeheartedly, they will be willing to put away their claws for the other party, as a gentle and harmless kitten.

Enjoy the lions in the spotlight

Regarding lust, lions are actually very, they like to be personally loved in the crowd, and even feel that it is a pity that they can only associate with one object, so regardless of men and women, they will have some red and pink confidants around them.

Easy to be soft-hearted is an advantage or a disadvantage

If you quarrel with the lion and break up, basically as long as you are willing to turn back, he will give you the opportunity to reunite, the lion is a sign that is willing to accept the old love back, but also because it is easy to be soft on the old love, the lion often appears in the relationship between the current and the old love entanglement and contradiction, resulting in the lion often in love negative evaluation.

Lost love is a wounded stray cat with a new love for a second to become a lion king

The lion who has lost love always scars himself, but the special medicine for healing is to start a new relationship, as long as the new love appears, the lion can show an optimistic, sunny, confident side, because he is the natural king of all beasts and wants to show himself to the other party.


Scroll! Teach you how to fall in love with the 12 zodiac signs "Cancer, Lion, Virgin"

Face is more important than anything else

Virgos are very slow and hot in love, they are not very willing to take the initiative to show love to the people they like, feel that they will lose if they confess first, so many Virgos are dead for face, usually in love, work, life when they make small mistakes, they will first point at each other's noses to blame each other for making mistakes first, or because the other party let themselves make mistakes.

Pursue the most ideal, pure and pure love

They pursue the most ideal mode of love, have emotional purity, and always feel that if the other party wants to pursue me, then he must be the only one in his heart, and the lover is best to worship, admire, and care for him. Virgo love can never tolerate the existence of others, he himself is very sensitive, if he finds that the other half of the heart still has other people's words, then Virgo will definitely lose control of emotions.

There are Virgos who speak bluntly

When Virgo begins to be anxious, no one is afraid, they always have something to say in love, do not know how to write these words, if you look at the lover where it is not smooth, you will definitely find a lover theory at the first time, do not like grievances, will be compromised such a romantic relationship.

Have the courage to accept the hook-up and do not have the courage to take the initiative to seduce

In terms of lust, although Virgo is lustful, but it is bold and small, whether it is a small fresh meat or a small beauty who takes the initiative to send it to the door, although they may develop a love relationship that is fake and real, but if it is to be Virgo to take the initiative to seduce and talk to the opposite sex, this part still cannot be done, and Virgo itself still belongs to the conservatives.

The heart is soft and complex, but the broken mirror is difficult to re-round

Virgo is a typical knife mouth tofu heart, if the old lover wants to reunite, they will be very easy to fall into the mood of entanglement and resentment, and have to admit their mistakes in the direction of the oath, it is possible to re-accept each other, but in fact, the bones have not trusted him, turning over old accounts, picking on each other, distrusting each other and other plots will continue to play out.

Deeply wounded can not come out

Virgo is prone to gains and losses in the love after compounding, but once Virgo is hurt in love, this love wound is easy to form a wound that cannot be healed, they can't help but blame each other, and even hold a grudge, remembering the other party's sorry for themselves firmly. Virgos will begin to deny and even pessimistically believe that they will not be able to get a full relationship in this life after the love is hurt, and they will not be able to accept new relationships for a long time.

12 Zodiac Signs "Longing for Love" Love Secret Words

Aries [become dependent] Taurus [have a sense of security]

Gemini【Rich Life】Cancer【Stable Love】

Leo [Someone understands] Virgo [Ideal Love]

Libra 【Perfect Couple】Scorpio【Belong to Yourself】

Sagittarius 【SoulMate】Capricorn【Support Companion】

Aquarius【Unforgettable】Pisces【Enjoy Being Loved】

Zodiac signs will want to invest in a relationship because love can bring him these feelings, remember to give him more of these feelings, so that he can't do without you.

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