
Vice Mayor An Weiguo came to Linze to investigate the prevention and control of the epidemic and agricultural production

author:Linze County Rong Media Center

On November 6, Vice Mayor An Weiguo came to Linze County to investigate the prevention and control of the epidemic and agricultural production. Zhang Guoke, the county leader, investigated together.

Vice Mayor An Weiguo came to Linze to investigate the prevention and control of the epidemic and agricultural production

An Weiguo and his party successively went to Runfengyuan Agricultural Development Co., Ltd., Deyuan Farm, Wanzi Village, Xiaotun Village and other places to learn more about the implementation of epidemic prevention and control measures, the resumption of work and production of enterprises, production and operation, etc., and visited and comforted the frontline staff of epidemic prevention and control.

An Weiguo stressed that relevant departments and units should attach great importance to it, comprehensively promote epidemic prevention and control and agricultural production, and on the basis of strictly implementing prevention and control measures, orderly resume agricultural production and operation, do a good job in the preliminary work of agricultural production and agriculture-related projects, and effectively achieve "two mistakes and double promotion". It is necessary to strengthen communication and coordination, do a good job in service guarantee work in a timely manner, actively dock with business entities, timely understand the practical difficulties faced by enterprises in resuming work and production, actively help solve problems such as labor security, material supply, and product sales, and do everything possible to help enterprises tide over difficulties. It is necessary to do a good job in the production of vegetables, pigs, etc., do a good job in production guidance services, strengthen the prevention and control of animal and plant diseases, ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products, do a solid job in ensuring the supply of agricultural products such as "vegetable baskets", and make every effort to ensure the stable production and income of agricultural products. Enterprises should strictly implement the main responsibility, earnestly grasp the epidemic prevention and control work, strengthen the closed management of the factory area, and continue to do a good job in entering the factory registration, scanning code temperature measurement, disinfection and disinfection of the place, so as to achieve standardized management and safe operation. It is necessary to strictly implement the responsibility system for safe production, strengthen the management of safe production, implement the responsibility for safe production in every link, every post, and every employee, eliminate all kinds of risks and hidden dangers, and resolutely put an end to the occurrence of safety production accidents. (Li Bing)


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