
The Standing Committee of the Zhengning County CPC Committee held a meeting to convey and study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and instructions to study and deploy food security and post-disaster reconstruction

author:Information News
The Standing Committee of the Zhengning County CPC Committee held a meeting to convey and study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and instructions to study and deploy food security and post-disaster reconstruction

On October 12, the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee held a meeting to convey and study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and instructions, and to study and deploy food security and post-disaster reconstruction.

Wang Guanglong, secretary of the county party committee, presided over the meeting, and county leaders such as Cheng Hehui, Shi Pu, Qi Xuebai, He Zitong, Xu Xiurong, Bian Tao, Li Peibo, and Duan Weiguo attended the meeting. County-level leaders of county people's congresses, governments, and CPPCC committees, as well as principal responsible persons of townships, towns, and relevant departments, attended the relevant topics as observers.

The Standing Committee of the Zhengning County CPC Committee held a meeting to convey and study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and instructions to study and deploy food security and post-disaster reconstruction

The meeting conveyed and studied the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the conference commemorating the 110th anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution. The meeting stressed that the Xinhai Revolution ended the feudal monarchical system that lasted for more than two thousand years in China and established the first democratic republic in Asia, which was a profound ideological revolution, an institutional revolution and a social revolution, and a turning point in the history of the Chinese nation and a milestone on the road to great rejuvenation. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech is lofty and profound, inspiring and inspiring, and is a mobilization order to inspire us to continue to struggle in the new great journey. All levels and departments of Zhengning County should combine and integrate the study of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the meeting commemorating the 110th anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution with the study and education of party history, profoundly understand the spiritual essence and core essence, profoundly understand the "five historical enlightenments" of the Xinhai Revolution in the past 110 years, inherit and carry forward the lofty spirit of the revolutionary pioneers who are unswervingly determined to revitalize China, and use the revolutionary pioneers' struggle course and great achievements to inspire fighting spirit, guide the direction, and practice the original mission. Actively plunge into the great practice of comprehensively building a modern socialist country, actively perform their duties and take responsibility for their deeds with the spirit of never slacking off and the attitude of indomitable struggle, and strive to create new achievements worthy of the people and history.

The meeting conveyed and studied the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the Central Talent Work Conference. The meeting stressed that General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech scientifically answered a series of major theoretical and practical questions in the work of talents in the new era, pointed out the direction of progress for doing a good job in the work of talents in the new era, and provided fundamental compliance. Party organizations at all levels in Zhengning County should run the principle of the party managing talent through the entire process of talent work, combine the actual conditions of Zhengning's economic and social development and the development needs of the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan," systematically study and plan the work of attracting, retaining, using, and cultivating talent, gather more outstanding talents in Zhengning, and truly stimulate the strength of talent. It is necessary to classify and find out the talent base and talent needs, combine the cultivation of local talents with the introduction of expert teams, and do not seek all, but seek to use. In light of the relevant requirements of the central authorities, provinces and municipalities, it is necessary to optimize and improve the mechanism for the use of talents, give play to the positive role of talents in all aspects, and provide strong talent support and intellectual guarantee for the economic and social development of Zhengning County.

The meeting conveyed and studied the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the 33rd collective study of the Politburo of the Central Committee. The meeting stressed that General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, standing at the height of the overall work of the party and the country, profoundly expounded the importance and urgency of biosecurity construction under the new situation, put forward clear requirements for strengthening biosecurity risk prevention and control and governance system construction, and improving biosecurity governance capabilities, which further pointed out the direction and provided guidelines for us to do a good job in biosecurity work. All levels and departments should profoundly understand the extreme importance and urgency of strengthening biosecurity construction under the new situation, thoroughly implement the overall national security concept, keep an eye on key risk areas of biosecurity, strengthen bottom-line thinking and risk awareness, implement the responsibility for biosecurity work in a down-to-earth manner, and ensure that there is a responsibility for defending the territory and fulfilling the responsibility of defending the territory. It is necessary to do a good job in the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic and vaccination, strictly implement various epidemic prevention and control measures, and consolidate the hard-won achievements in prevention and control. It is necessary to do a good job in the prevention and control of animal and plant diseases, increase the guidance and supervision of disease prevention and control in large-scale breeding enterprises, and ensure the safety of planting and breeding products. It is necessary to strengthen the protection of germplasm resources and protect the unique germplasm resources such as early sheng cattle and perilla in Zhengning. It is necessary to strengthen the publicity of biosecurity knowledge, improve the understanding of biosecurity in the whole society, strengthen the supervision of alien species, prevent the risk of species invasion, and ensure the physical and life health of the people.

The meeting conveyed and studied the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on food security and the spirit of relevant provincial and municipal meetings, and studied and deployed the special rectification of corruption in the field of food security, grain purchase and sales in Zhengning County and the special inspection of grain-related issues. The meeting stressed that all levels and departments of Zhengning County should thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on national food security, engage in the strategic height of national food security, the effectiveness of comprehensively and strictly governing the party, and the consolidation of the party's ruling foundation, and resolutely shoulder the political responsibility of food security. It is necessary to implement the strictest system for the protection of cultivated land, intensify the protection of cultivated land, and stabilize grain area and output. It is necessary to strengthen the management of grain reserves, strictly control the key links of grain procurement, storage, sales, and rotation, and ensure that the quantity of grain reserves is true, the quality is good, and the management is standardized. It is necessary to fully understand the importance of carrying out special inspections and inspections in grain-related fields, enhance the ideological consciousness and action consciousness of cooperating with and supporting the inspection and inspection work, conscientiously perform the responsibilities and obligations that should be fulfilled, and promote the ability and level of governance in the grain field in Zhengning County to a new level. It is necessary to make overall plans for making preparations for various inspections, make good use of the time window for self-examination and self-correction, do a good job in rectifying and rectifying all kinds of feedback problems, and accept supervision and inspection in a truth-seeking manner. All functional units should divide labor in accordance with the cooperation plan, strengthen coordination and cooperation, earnestly assume responsibility, and conscientiously do a good job in ensuring various inspection services.

The meeting conveyed and studied the spirit of the sixth plenary meeting of the Provincial Rural Work Leading Group (Provincial Leading Group for the Implementation of the Rural Revitalization Strategy), and studied the work of consolidating and expanding the results of poverty alleviation and the effective connection between rural revitalization. The meeting stressed that it is necessary to pay close attention to the key tasks of the post-poverty assessment work after consolidating the results of poverty alleviation, carefully sort out and examine each item item by item, comprehensively check the shortcomings and fill in the gaps, and ensure that a good position is achieved in the post-assessment of the state and Gansu Province. It is necessary to increase the intensity of dynamic monitoring and assistance, conduct a comprehensive and meticulous survey of the affected peasant households, so that they should be fully accepted and helped, and resolutely adhere to the bottom line of preventing large-scale return to poverty. It is necessary to increase the cultivation of new types of business entities, and on the basis of introducing and cultivating leading enterprises, vigorously cultivate cooperatives and family farms, and further accelerate the pace of agricultural industrialization in combination with the development of e-commerce. It is necessary to keep a close eye on the latest policy guidance and deployment requirements of the central and provincial governments, thoroughly plan and demonstrate a number of rural revitalization projects, implement the central special lottery public welfare fund to support the rural revitalization projects in the old underdeveloped revolutionary areas, solidly carry out demonstration actions for rural construction, improve and perfect the rural governance system, pay attention to improving the skills of getting rich, stimulate the endogenous motivation of the masses, and strive to promote high-quality and efficient agriculture, livable and workable villages, and rich and prosperous peasants.

The meeting conveyed and studied the spirit of the "Circular of the Gansu Provincial CPC Committee on Several Measures< > on Strengthening the Supervision of the "Number one leader" and the leading body issued by the Gansu Provincial CPC Committee." The meeting stressed that strengthening the supervision of the "number one" and the supervision of the leading bodies has grasped the key points and keys of cadre supervision and management. Zhengning County's leading bodies at all levels and the "number one leaders" should comprehensively implement the requirements of the "Circular" of the provincial party committee, set a good line of work, strengthen self-restraint, pay attention to preventing microaggressions, strengthen self-protection, and strive to create a good political ecology with a clean and healthy atmosphere. It is necessary to improve and perfect the supervision and extension mechanism of the "number one" in townships, towns, and villages (communities), strengthen the supervision of small and micro powers, tighten the cage of the system, and strictly prevent the occurrence of corruption problems and unhealthy tendencies that infringe on the interests of the masses. The "number one leader" must not only consciously and actively accept supervision, but also strengthen the supervision and management of the members of the leading body and the contingent of cadres, and promote the implementation of various policy decisions and arrangements for comprehensively and strictly administering the party.

The meeting conveyed and studied the spirit of the instructions of Huang Zeyuan, secretary of the municipal party committee, when investigating flood prevention and disaster relief work in Zhengning County, and studied flood prevention and disaster relief, post-disaster reconstruction, energy supply and other work. The meeting stressed that all levels and departments of Zhengning County should deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on flood prevention and disaster relief, firmly establish the concept of "people first, life first", go all out to do a good job in flood prevention and disaster relief and post-disaster reconstruction, restore the order of production and life in the disaster-stricken areas as soon as possible, and minimize the property losses of the people. It is necessary to seek truth from facts, accurately and comprehensively do a good job in mapping and mapping the disaster situation, and lay a solid work foundation for post-disaster reconstruction work. It is necessary to take the initiative to report upwards and actively strive for provincial and municipal projects and financial support. It is necessary to implement measures in different categories, properly resettle the disaster-stricken masses, and make every effort to do a good job in warming the winter and rebuilding after the disaster. It is necessary to strengthen the inspection and monitoring of all kinds of risk points, strengthen safety education for the masses, and strictly prevent the occurrence of secondary disasters and accidents. It is necessary to actively tap the potential of energy and power supply, strengthen coal dispatch reserves, strengthen the maintenance of electric power and heating facilities and equipment, and go all out to do a good job in ensuring people's livelihood such as power supply, heat supply, and gas supply.

The Standing Committee of the Zhengning County CPC Committee held a meeting to convey and study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and instructions to study and deploy food security and post-disaster reconstruction

The meeting heard a report on the problem of resolving the "difficulty in registration" left over from the history of sold urban houses on state-owned land. The meeting stressed that the problem of resolving the "registration difficulties" left over from the history of sold urban houses on state-owned land is a major people's livelihood project that benefits the people's livelihood, relieves the people's worries, and warms the people's hearts. All relevant departments at all levels should strictly follow the requirements of provincial and municipal standards, thoroughly understand the policy of quasi-understanding, carry out the work of resolving problems in accordance with laws and regulations, and do their utmost not to let the legitimate interests of the masses be damaged, but also strictly prevent the problem of violations of laws and regulations from being legalized through real estate registration. It is necessary to set up a special work class, conduct a comprehensive and in-depth investigation, find out the bottom number, find out the situation accurately, establish a list of problems, and rectify and resolve them item by item. It is necessary to conscientiously perform our duties and fulfill our responsibilities, keep a close eye on the problems left over from history, carry out in-depth investigation and study in accordance with the principle of "who examines and approves, who is responsible, what is missing, and what is to be filled," strictly control the threshold of examination, examination, and approval, and strictly prevent the emergence of new problems while resolving problems left over from history.

The meeting deliberated and adopted the "Implementation Plan for Zhengning County to Grasp Party Building and Promote Rural Revitalization.". The meeting stressed that party building work is the "locomotive" that leads all work, and in the course of rural revitalization, it is necessary to build up grass-roots organizations well. It is necessary to continue to strengthen the building of the contingent of leaders of village-level party organizations, and give full play to the role of grass-roots party organizations as fighting bastions and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members. It is necessary to accelerate the construction of a rural governance system led by party organizations, and transform the party's political and organizational advantages into rural governance efficiency. It is necessary to establish a regular supervision and evaluation system mechanism, incorporate the consolidation and expansion of the results of poverty alleviation and the promotion of rural revitalization into the annual assessment system, strengthen the use of assessment results, supervise the implementation of party building and promote the implementation of rural revitalization responsibilities, and comprehensively improve the effectiveness of work.

(Source: Zhengning County People's Government website) [Submissions, regional cooperation, please send a private message or send a 3469887933 within 24 hours to reply. 】

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