
Autumn nourishing breast enlargement recipes

author:Animal Genetics and Life

The weather is getting cooler day by day, and autumn is freezing, which is the best season for breast enlargement and body repair. Give the body a moderate nourishment and prepare for winter. Let's let Xiaobian teach you what breast enlargement to eat, let you go up a day, and also moisturize your body and mind.

Breast enlargement hand roll

Ingredients: 1 kg of green asparagus 1 packet of salad a little peanut flour Stir-fried white sesame seeds A little lettuce 1 sachet of roasted seaweed slices

Autumn nourishing breast enlargement recipes

Method: 1: Boil in water, put the asparagus and cook for about 8 minutes, then remove, soak in ice water and put in the refrigerator.

2: Cut the lettuce into thin strips and soak in ice water for about 5 minutes, then drain the water and place in the refrigerator to be crispy.

3: When you want to eat, bake the whole seaweed slice in the oven and cut it in half. The asparagus is cut into lengths and as wide as seaweed flakes.

4: When wrapping asparagus hand rolls, put half a sheet of roasted seaweed on your hand, then put 5-6 asparagus, salad, peanut flour, white sesame seeds, shredded lettuce, roll up and eat.

Breast enlargement comments: Asparagus is rich in a variety of amino acids, proteins and vitamins, its content is higher than that of general fruits and vegetables, but also for cardiovascular diseases, edema and other diseases have curative effect, therefore, it has long become one of the health vegetables.

Rotten bamboo egg sugar water

Ingredients: 80g dried bamboo, 4 eggs, 50g white fruit, 100g barley, 150g rock sugar

Directions: 1: Rinse off the dried bamboo (without soaking in cold water beforehand) and drain the water. The white fruit is boiled in boiling water for 3 minutes, then the shell and the thin skin inside are peeled. Wash the barley and drain.

2: Put 2000ml of cold water in the pot, then put in the washed dried bamboo and bring to a boil, then add white fruit and barley to a low heat and cook for 1 hour.

Autumn nourishing breast enlargement recipes

3: Put the rock sugar into the pot and cook to melt completely.

4: Finally, put the eggs into another pot of boiling water and cook, peel off the shell, put them in the soup and eat them together.

Breast enlargement comments: This is a soup with a very rich protein content, which is often drunk in autumn and winter to nourish the lungs, and can also improve the body's immunity and help the whole family resist the cold wind.

Mango papaya oatmeal porridge

Ingredients: 250ml milk, 2 handfuls of oatmeal, mango, papaya, dates, walnuts


1: Add 2 handfuls of oatmeal to 2 handfuls of milk, bring to a boil over medium heat, continue to cook for 5 minutes on low heat

2: Add mango and papaya cubes, cook for 2 minutes and turn off heat

3: Sprinkle a number of chopped dates and walnuts, refrigerate in the refrigerator, and enjoy after freezing. Of course, it's okay to like hot mm.

Autumn nourishing breast enlargement recipes

Breast enlargement comments: Papaya breast enlargement is well known, its principle is that papaya enzymes are rich in breast enlargement hormones and vitamin a and other nutrients, which can stimulate female hormone secretion, and can stimulate ovaries to secrete estrogen, make the mammary glands unblocked, and achieve the purpose of breast enlargement.