
A collection of 9 methods of Enoki mushrooms to satisfy your desire to eat Enoki mushrooms! This taste, absolutely

author:Shanghai hotline nong good Shanghai

As an intellectual mushroom, it is never short of partners, and whether it is making soup or stir-frying, enoki mushrooms are not short of partners, and it is very delicious to match with anyone.

Tomato braised mushrooms

A collection of 9 methods of Enoki mushrooms to satisfy your desire to eat Enoki mushrooms! This taste, absolutely

Ingredients: 2 tomatoes, 200g mushrooms, salt, cooking oil


1. Prepare the raw materials, 2 tomatoes (about 250 grams), 200 grams of mushrooms

2. The tomatoes are rubbed with a small amount of salt, washed in water and cut into 1 cm slices

3. Cut off the head of the enoki mushroom, rinse it off and rinse it with water

4. Heat the pan with oil and sauté the tomatoes over medium heat for 30 seconds

5. Sauté with a small amount of salt and sauté for 30 seconds. (Medium heat)

6. Pour in water and simmer for 10 minutes

7. After ten minutes the tomatoes are fully juiced and simmered

8. Use chopsticks to pinch out the tomato skin

9. Continue simmering for 5 minutes until soft and rotten

10. Pour in the washed mushrooms and add an appropriate amount of water (one-third of the meal bowl). Simmer for 8 minutes. If you don't like too much soup, cook it for a long time, thicken it, and bibimbap and noodles are very delicious

11. Try to lighten and add a small amount of salt. It is possible to collect the juice out of the pot

Cold mix of enoki mushrooms

A collection of 9 methods of Enoki mushrooms to satisfy your desire to eat Enoki mushrooms! This taste, absolutely

Ingredients: Enoki mushrooms, green peppers, red peppers, cucumbers, garlic paste, vinegar, sesame oil, cooked sesame seeds, coriander, soy sauce, shallots

1. Wash the mushrooms, cut off the old part of the tail, and if they are connected, tear them open. Bring water to a boil and blanch

2. Bring water to a boil in a pot, add the mushrooms and cook them slightly, turn soft, scoop up and cool

3. Shredded red pepper and shredded cucumber

4. Wash the parsley, rinse dry with water, chop, place on top of the mushrooms, pat the garlic and chop into small pieces

5. Add a little soy sauce, sesame oil, chicken essence, salt and garlic and unmix. Sprinkle some cooked sesame seeds to be refreshing and nutritious. Beloved

Mince the pepper mushrooms

A collection of 9 methods of Enoki mushrooms to satisfy your desire to eat Enoki mushrooms! This taste, absolutely

Ingredients: Enoki mushrooms, minced pepper, sesame oil

1. Cut off the roots of the mushroom and wash well

2. Drain slightly and lay flat on a plate

3. Add a large spoonful of peppers according to taste, and sprinkle a little salt if the taste is heavy

4. Bring a pot of water to a boil, add the mushrooms to a boil

5. Steam on high heat for 8-10 minutes, then pour out the broth

6. Sprinkle with green onions

7. Bring the right amount of oil to a boil over low heat and immediately drizzle the liquid oil on the green onions

8. Mix well and eat

Enoki mushrooms in eggplant sauce

A collection of 9 methods of Enoki mushrooms to satisfy your desire to eat Enoki mushrooms! This taste, absolutely

Ingredients: 500 grams of enoki mushrooms, 20 grams of tomato paste, 10 grams of green chili peppers, 10 grams of red peppers, 4 grams of salt, 3 grams of sugar, 2 grams of chicken essence, 10 grams of cooking oil

1. Wash the mushrooms dry and remove the bottom. Finely chop the green and red peppers and mince the garlic

2. Add an appropriate amount of cooking oil to the pan, add minced garlic when the oil is hot, and sauté until fragrant

3. Add the tomato sauce and sauté in red oil

4. Into the appropriate amount of water

5. Bring the mushrooms to a boil in a pot and start seasoning, adding salt, sugar and chicken essence

6. Place the cooked enoki mushrooms in a bowl

7. Place the green and red peppers on top of the mushrooms

8. Change to a clean wok and pour the right amount of cooking oil into the pan. When the oil temperature is 60% or 70% hot, turn off the heat and pour the oil on the pepper

Soy sauce chicken shredded mixed with gold needles

A collection of 9 methods of Enoki mushrooms to satisfy your desire to eat Enoki mushrooms! This taste, absolutely

Ingredients: 80g chicken breast, 30g enoki mushrooms, 1 tablespoon of soy sauce, 1 chives, 1 tablespoon of tempeh, 2 garlic cloves, 1 piece of ginger (small), 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 piece of coriander (optional), 1 teaspoon of cooked sesame seeds (optional), 1 teaspoon of balsamic vinegar, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 2 teaspoons of salt, 1 teaspoon of sichuan peppercorns, 1 tablespoon of sesame oil

1. Wash the mushrooms, cut off the roots, tear them apart, organize, slice the ginger, mince the garlic cloves and chives

2. Add water to a pot, add 1 teaspoon of table salt, blanch the mushrooms, remove, drain and set aside

3. Cut the chicken breast into thin slices, blanch the mushrooms in water, add ginger slices, bring to a boil, add the chicken slices, blanch, remove the chicken and tear into shredded chicken

4. Take a small bowl and mix it with soy sauce, 1 teaspoon salt, sugar, sesame oil, old dry mother, incense, minced garlic, green onion

5. Put the shredded chicken and enoki mushrooms in a large bowl, pour in the sauce, mix well, and then, add oil to the pot, sauté the peppercorns, and then pour the peppercorn oil into the mixed chicken shredded golden needles, sprinkle with coriander and sesame seeds

Quick hand Enoki mushroom slippery beef

A collection of 9 methods of Enoki mushrooms to satisfy your desire to eat Enoki mushrooms! This taste, absolutely

Ingredients: beef 150g, enoki mushroom 200g, millet spicy 2, beef powder 5g, shallot salt to taste, oil to taste, ginger slice, corn starch to taste, garlic

1. Slice the beef transversely

2. Add beef powder, corn starch, salt and scratch well, then add oil and stir well, marinate for 15 minutes

3. Wash the mushrooms with a small break

4. Add green onion, ginger, garlic to the pot, beef powder is very flavorful, do not add more

5. Bring to a boil and drizzle with oil, add the mushrooms, pour in the beef powder, salt

6. Cook, scoop up and place on a plate

7. Pour in the beef, scratch it out, and scoop it up as soon as the meat changes color

8. Scoop up the beef and set it away

9. On top, put onions, garlic, millet spicy

10. Heat a tablespoon of oil and drizzle over the minced garlic and green onion

White-seared enoki mushroom

A collection of 9 methods of Enoki mushrooms to satisfy your desire to eat Enoki mushrooms! This taste, absolutely

Ingredients: 200g enoki mushrooms, 0.5 tablespoons vegetable oil, 4 chives, 3 millet spicy, 0.5 teaspoons salt, 0.5 teaspoons caster sugar, 2 teaspoons light soy sauce

1. Cut off the roots of the mushrooms and pick out the old parts of the mushrooms; soak the mushrooms in lightly salted water: it is better if soaked in taomi water

2. Pour some water into the pot, bring to a boil, and blanch the mushrooms in a pot

3. Remove the mushrooms, cool and bring to a boil, drain and set aside

4. Add salt, soy sauce and sugar to an empty bowl and stir well

5. Incense wash, kirinari leek flower

6. Millet spicy washed, cut into chili rings

7. Place the drained enoki mushrooms in a bowl and sprinkle with chives

8. Heat vegetable oil in a wok and stir-fry the millet spicy until fragrant

9. Pour the sauce into the mushrooms, and pour the oil and millet from the pot onto the mushrooms

Golden needle sour soup fat beef

A collection of 9 methods of Enoki mushrooms to satisfy your desire to eat Enoki mushrooms! This taste, absolutely

Ingredients: Fat beef roll enoki mushroom, pickled pepper, millet pepper, yellow pepper, ginger garlic, green onion, salt, pepper

1. Remove the mushrooms from the old roots, wash and drain and set aside. Pickled pepper, millet pepper cut into granules. Mince the ginger and garlic and cut the green onion without sparing

2. Heat the pan with oil, after the oil is hot, sauté under the ginger minced, pickled pepper, millet pepper, yellow chili pepper

3. Add a large bowl of water, bring to a boil over high heat, add a little pickled pepper water and salt to taste, sprinkle with pepper and cook for about 10 minutes

4. Cook the mushrooms softly and remove them into the bottom of the bowl

5. Add the slices of beef and cook until they change color, then pour the soup into a large bowl filled with enoki mushrooms

6. Sprinkle with minced garlic, green onion and pour hot oil

Scrambled eggs with enoki mushrooms

A collection of 9 methods of Enoki mushrooms to satisfy your desire to eat Enoki mushrooms! This taste, absolutely

Ingredients: 4 eggs, enoki mushrooms 2009, 10 black fungus, oil to taste, salt to taste, red minced pepper small half spoon

1. Wash the mushrooms and black fungus, beat the eggs into a bowl and whisk them with chopsticks to form an egg mixture

2. Pour the right amount of oil into the pan, cook until it is about 60% hot, pour in the beaten egg mixture and stir-fry quickly

3. Wait until the eggs are golden brown on both sides

4. Pour a little oil into the pan, add the mushrooms and black fungus and stir-fry slowly over medium heat

5. When the mushrooms are sautéed until they change color, add salt, eggs and chopped pepper and stir-fry evenly


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