
Thunder! "Sweeping The Storm" Resources Leaked Anti-piracy has a long way to go

author:1905 Movie Network
Thunder! "Sweeping The Storm" Resources Leaked Anti-piracy has a long way to go

Eighteen years after the 1905 film network special article, from "Liu Huaqiang" to "Li Chengyang", the ruthless professional Sun Honglei once again set off a wave of national drama chasing with "Sweeping Black Storm". However, the drama is not much.

On August 21, pirated resources for the TV series "Sweeping The Black Storm" appeared on the Internet, with pirated content ranging from 1 to 27 episodes, and the price ranged from 1 yuan to 6 yuan. The solo dramas that originally belonged to the long video platform have gradually become "public dramas".

This phenomenon of pirated hunting of genuine copies and the expulsion of good money by bad money occurs from time to time. Before that, hit dramas such as "Dear, Beloved" and "Thirty Only" have also suffered piracy. In addition to online hit dramas, some offline cinema movies are also the same.

Thunder! "Sweeping The Storm" Resources Leaked Anti-piracy has a long way to go

On the evening of August 28, Malaysian director Zhang Ji'an posted on social media confirming that the film "Southern Witch" was pirated during the online screening of the Canadian International Fantasy Film Festival a few days ago. According to the article, after the director learned that the film was stolen, he traced it and found that the source of the film was suspected to be the international version of the online screening of the "25th Canadian International Fantasy Film Festival" that just ended on August 25.

Thunder! "Sweeping The Storm" Resources Leaked Anti-piracy has a long way to go

In this regard, the director said that the matter seriously hurt the reputation of an international film festival. At the same time, this also disrupted the film's screening period at the North Film Festival, and the plan to launch it on streaming media at the end of the year may be in vain.

Film and television resources leak five major "pits"

At present, the leakage of film and television resources is mainly through five ways: 1, the theater pirated recording; 2, the original film sent for trial leakage /loss; 3, the staff copying; 4, hacker attack; 5, the theater staff to guard the self-theft. Popular dramas and hit movies are more likely to become the hardest hit areas of piracy.

"I think it's more likely that the loss of samples sent for trial and the copying of employees are more likely to have problems." Because most Internet companies now have their own cybersecurity products to a greater or lesser extent, hacking is rare. If the theater staff, the hard disk sent to the theater now generally has a key or other encryption method, and the technical level of the recruited projectionist can only be recorded. He Pingyuan, technical director of Concentrating Andy, who has many years of experience in data security protection, shared his views in an interview with the 1905 Movie Network. On the screenshot of the episode screen of the "Sweeping The Black Storm", the words "sample" and "review version" are displayed.

According to He Pingyuan, according to past work experience, when some project employees leave their jobs, in order to facilitate the display of work results to the recruitment company when looking for a job, sometimes they will violate the company's regulations and copy the samples privately. This also leaves a huge security risk for the leakage of related resources. In real life, cinema theft has become the main way to leak cinema movies.

Thunder! "Sweeping The Storm" Resources Leaked Anti-piracy has a long way to go

On April 23, 2021, the Ministry of Public Security held a press conference to inform the "2.19" case of pirated Spring Festival cinema films. According to the case report, the public security organs arrested a total of 19 suspects in violation of the law, seized pirated copies of "Hello, Li Huanying", "Detective Chinatown 3" and other Spring Festival cinema films, smashed the main source of cinema theft, seized 17 crime equipment, and realized the whole chain of crackdowns on offline pirated recording and online dissemination.

In response to the phenomenon of piracy in "Sweeping The Storm of Organized Crime", the copyright owner first published an anti-piracy statement on social media. In particular, the statement emphasized that the case has been reported to the public security organs at the first time, the source of pirated copies has been traced, and the criminal responsibility of the relevant responsible persons has been investigated.

Thunder! "Sweeping The Storm" Resources Leaked Anti-piracy has a long way to go

Prior to this, copyright holders such as "Dear, Beloved" and "Thirty Only" had also issued similar statements. In the actual operation process, the traceability difficulty of pirated dramas is often greater than that of cinema films. As we all know, the current domestic cinema movies have anti-theft watermarks on the screen when they are released. This kind of watermark is invisible to the human eye and can only be recognized by the corresponding machine. Therefore, when the stolen film network is broadcast, the filmmaker can accurately check the theater and venue information of the theft according to the watermark.

Thunder! "Sweeping The Storm" Resources Leaked Anti-piracy has a long way to go

"Indeed, cinema recording is easier to trace back, and some online dramas can even use video recording software or video capture cards to generate so-called pirated resources, which is indeed technically difficult to trace." He Pingyuan revealed the reason why pirated episodes are more difficult to trace. Regardless of the form of piracy, it infringes the legitimate interests of copyright owners and is illegal.

How to maximize anti-piracy?

At present, platforms such as Idle Fish, WeChat Public Account, and Baidu Network Disk have become distribution centers for film and television pirated resources.

Thunder! "Sweeping The Storm" Resources Leaked Anti-piracy has a long way to go

On August 27, when the reporter searched for a specific keyword on an online platform, he could still see someone selling pirated resources of "Sweeping The Black Storm". After talking to a seller, the other party said that it was shipped through a "web disk", which contains episodes 1 to 27. Among them, "the content of the 27 episodes (of the submitted version) is the same as that of the (official) 28 episodes. ”

Thunder! "Sweeping The Storm" Resources Leaked Anti-piracy has a long way to go

At the legal level, Yu Han, a lawyer at Beijing ProMed Law Firm, said that because most pirated film and television drama videos and links are disseminated through online channels such as short video platforms and online disks, as an online service provider, it should exercise reasonable care over the works, performances, audio and video recordings provided by online users. Where network users use network services to commit infringing acts, the right holder has the right to notify the network service provider to take necessary measures such as deleting, blocking, or disconnecting links.

In addition to vigorously strengthening the control of piracy dissemination platforms, copyright owners should also pay attention to taking appropriate anti-theft measures. At present, some episodes have also used anti-theft technology in order to prevent advanced screenings from becoming the source of piracy.

Thunder! "Sweeping The Storm" Resources Leaked Anti-piracy has a long way to go

"Even if you buy advanced on-demand for screen recording, you can't record or the video is black. Previously, Love Apartment 5 used such technology. At the same time, He Pingyuan also admitted that "it is not excluded that there will be more skilled hackers who can crack this technology." At the same time, he also said that it is more critical to strengthen the improvement of related leak prevention technologies, because the management of people is often difficult and prone to flaws.

At present, in order to ensure the security of film and television data, there are two low-cost feasible solutions for devices that store sample data: installing security boxes and banning USB interfaces. The former is to prevent someone from violently dismantling and taking away the hard disk on which the data is stored, and the latter is to prevent the staff from copying the contents without permission.

For the loss of samples submitted for review, there is currently a technology in the industry to support remote destruction of data. However, due to the product price of nearly 10,000 yuan, many small and medium-sized companies and studios often cannot afford such equipment costs. At present, many customers often use Baidu cloud and other methods to transmit film and television materials, which is convenient but not secure. If you use encryption for file transfer, you can reduce the data leakage caused by hacking to a certain extent.

In response to the phenomenon of piracy, in 2019 and 2021, the public security organs launched two special crackdown activities in succession. In 2019, the public security organs identified and destroyed the offline production sources, online communication networks, and domestic and foreign collusion gangs of 8 high-definition pirated films in the Spring Festival file. In 2021, the public security organs successfully detected the "2.19" illegal recording and dissemination of Spring Festival cinema films, and arrested 19 suspects.

On June 1, 2021, the implementation of the new Copyright Law also increased the punishment for infringements such as piracy. This can also effectively reduce the occurrence of such incidents from the legal level.

With the joint efforts of many parties, the phenomenon of piracy of domestic film and television resources has gradually been effectively curbed. But driven by interests, there are still people who choose to take risks. The road of anti-piracy in domestic film and television dramas still has a long way to go.

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