
Wang Yi met with Chilean Foreign Minister Rivera

Nagoya, Japan, 23 Nov (Xinhua) -- On November 23 local time, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with Chilean Foreign Minister Rivera while attending the G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Nagoya, Japan.

Wang Yi asked Rivera to convey President Xi Jinping's greetings to President Pinera. Wang Yi said that Chile, as the host of APEC this year, has done a lot of fruitful work to promote economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region. China supports the efforts made by the Chilean side to restore public order and believes that the Government and people of Chile have the ability to maintain national stability. The Chinese side is full of confidence in Chile's development prospects and the future of China-Chilean cooperation, and is willing to work with Chile to continue to strengthen exchanges and cooperation between the two countries in various fields.

Rivera conveyed President Pinera's cordial greetings to President Xi Jinping, expressed Chile's firm commitment to promoting Asia-Pacific economic cooperation, and thanked China for its understanding and support for Chile. The Chinese government has always put the interests and needs of the people in the first place, and has achieved remarkable results in understanding the people's demands and improving their lives. The Chilean side attaches great importance to the development of friendly and cooperative relations with China and hopes to continue to maintain high-level exchanges with China and expand cooperation in trade, agriculture and other fields to benefit the two peoples.

Editor-in-charge: Xue Yilei

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