
Top-notch Wang Junkai is on the hot search again! This time it's to boycott these fans...

author:UK Colleges & Universities Encyclopedia

tfboy three little ones, now they have grown up... Since their debut, I have always paid a lot of attention to them... It's like loving these hairy guys from a "mom" perspective

Top-notch Wang Junkai is on the hot search again! This time it's to boycott these fans...

Ran Goose... Several children of that year have grown up now, and the Weibo fans of Captain Wang Junkai are close to 80 million... Definitely a popular little student at the top.

Top-notch Wang Junkai is on the hot search again! This time it's to boycott these fans...

Today, Wang Junkai was on Weibo's hot search again, because of the boycott of illegitimate meals. The so-called people are not much, and the bastard meal is indeed very annoying...

The encirclement and interception of the bastard meal can really be represented by the following picture ↓↓↓

Top-notch Wang Junkai is on the hot search again! This time it's to boycott these fans...

Last night, Wang Junkai's studio issued a statement on the issue of illegitimate life, saying that the recent behavior of following the plane, chasing cars, blocking the hotel and other behaviors has seriously affected public order and Wang Junkai's normal work and life, and said that it does not advocate any form of private behavior, do not buy and listen to Wang Junkai's various travel information.

Top-notch Wang Junkai is on the hot search again! This time it's to boycott these fans...
Top-notch Wang Junkai is on the hot search again! This time it's to boycott these fans...

How do you say "bastard meal" in English?

Sasaeng fan bastard meal

The word is derived from a Korean buzzword, and the English pronunciation is also a pronunciation that mimics the Korean sasaeng. Refers to fans who like to spy on the private lives of artists and idols. For example, squatting in front of the idol's home, spying and tracking the idol's itinerary at all times, chasing cars... These behaviors have seriously affected the artist's personal living space.

造句:many celebrities find the sasaeng fans so annoying.

Many celebrities find illegitimate meals annoying.

Top-notch Wang Junkai is on the hot search again! This time it's to boycott these fans...

If you don't already know what a bastard meal is, a video thoroughly makes you understand:

We all know that the general term for "fans" is fan, but the types of fans are various. So what do fans of all types say in English?

(1) Obsessive fan fan

obsessive /əbˈsesɪv/ fascinated; obsessed

Top-notch Wang Junkai is on the hot search again! This time it's to boycott these fans...

造句:he is an obsessive fan of justin bieber.

He is an avid fan of Justin Bieber.

【短语】be obsessive about sth

- william is obsessive about motor racing .

- William is fascinated by racing.

(2) Stalking fan tracking powder

stalk /stɔːk/v. sneaks up; (illegal) tracking

Stalking n. stalking sin;v. Illegal stalking

A very important feature of "bastard meals" is tracking and secretly filming. So stalking fan is also a kind of sasaeng fan.

Top-notch Wang Junkai is on the hot search again! This time it's to boycott these fans...

(3) Fanboy / fangirl brain residue powder

"Brainwashed fans" is a new buzzword that refers to a group of people who are so obsessed with celebrities and things that they lose their minds.

造句:i’ve spent too much money on iphones, i’m such an iphone fanboy!

I've spent too much money on my iphone, and I'm a fan of the apple phone!

Top-notch Wang Junkai is on the hot search again! This time it's to boycott these fans...

(4) Die-hard fan hardcore fan; die-hard fan

It can also be said directly die-hard, meaning "hardcore powder"

造句:i am a die-hard of johnny depp.

I'm a die-hard Jony Depp fan.

(5) zealot /ˈzelət/ n. Fanatics; fanatics (referred to by religious and political aspects)

Memory Skills: Zeal Zeal + Ot Table Man → Fanatic

造句:he was forceful, but by no means a zealot.

He has a strong personality, but he is by no means a fanatic.

simon the zealot n. (= simon the zealot) Simon Silodis (one of the 12 saints of Jesus)

In English, it is very like to use the phrase "name + attribute" to represent someone, for example: the protagonist of Madagascar, alex the lion, is called alex the lion

Top-notch Wang Junkai is on the hot search again! This time it's to boycott these fans...

In addition to these typical expressions, we can also use these phrases/sentence patterns to represent "fanatics of something":

1. An enthusiast for sth./ The noun +enthusiast denotes a fanatic of something or activity.

Such as: a sports enthusiast sports enthusiasts

2. be fascinated with sth/ by sb

he is fascinated with chinese history.

He was madly obsessed with Chinese history.

Finally, there is nothing wrong with chasing stars, fans and stars should promote each other and achieve a relationship. Chasing the stars, and chasing and cherishing, healthy chasing the stars, happy chasing the stars, we can all become better people!


Top-notch Wang Junkai is on the hot search again! This time it's to boycott these fans...

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