
When Moses took the Israelites out of Egypt, who was the Egyptian pharaoh at the time?

author:Reflections in the daylight

Beginning in 1988 AD, under the leadership of Kentros, a paleo-Egyptologist at the American University in Cairo, a group of archaeologists excavated the long-abandoned Fifth Tomb near Thebes on the banks of the Nile. This tomb is in the Valley of the Kings, where many of Egypt's kings were buried. The fifth catacomb is home to Pharaoh Ramses II, where his 50 children were buried. In 1820, British archaeologists excavated this tomb, but because nothing was found, it was abandoned. This time, under the perseverance of Dr. Kent, the tomb was finally discovered in May 1995, which turned out to be a unique cave, and there were many rooms in it, each of which was the burial place of one of the sons of Pharaoh Ramses II, and the number of rooms was enough to accommodate more than 50 of his children. This astonishing discovery was immediately published on the cover of Time magazine's May 29 issue of that year, and once again aroused the curiosity of archaeologists, because some experts believe that Pharaoh Ramses II was probably the pharaoh when Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt. If this time they could find the corpse of Pharaoh's eldest son, the eldest son who was killed by an angel on The Night of the Passover, they could confirm this. Until now, biblical archaeologists have not been able to conclude that Ramses the Elder was the pharaoh of the Exodus for the second time. In fact, biblical archaeologists cannot yet make up their minds about the correct time in Egypt. Here is a list of the pharaohs of the 18th Dynasty, 19th Dynasty of Egypt:

18th Dynasty

Jahmos I reigned from circa 1550 BC to 1525 BC,

Amenhotep I reigned from about 1525 BC to 1504 BC.

Thutmose I reigned from about 1504 BC to 1492 BC

Thutmose II reigned from about 1492 BC to 1479 BC

Xia Xuesu reigned from about 1479 BC to 1457 BC

Thutmose III reigned from about 1479 BC to 1425 BC.

Amenhotep II reigned from about 1427 BC to 1401 BC

Thutmose IV reigned from about 1401 BC to 1391 BC

Amenhotep III was c. 1391 BC to BC.

Thutmose IV reigned from about 1401 BC to 1391 BC.

Amenhotep III reigned from about 1391 BC to 1353 BC.

Akhenaten, reigned from 1353 BC to 1335 BC

Smocara, reigned from about 1336 BC to 1335 BC,

Nefer Neferdin reigned from about 1335 BC to 1333 BC.

Tutankhamun reigned from about 1333 BC to 1323 BC,

Ayio reigned from 1323 BC to 1310 BC

Hollim Heb reigned from about 1319 BC to 1292 BC.

19th Dynasty

Ramses I reigned from about 1292 BC to 1291 BC.

Emperor Xie I reigned from about 1290 BC to 1279 BC,

Ramses II reigned from about 1279 BC to 1213 BC.

Pay special attention to Thutmose III, Amenhotep II, Ramses I, and Ramses II. Studying the Bible, archaeologists divided into two major schools: the early Outflowers and the Late Exodus. The early school had two more important theories, the early sect a said that the time of the exodus from Egypt was at Thutmose III; the early faction B believed that the pharaoh of the Israelites' exodus was Amunhotep II. Now I will first share with you the statement of the early pie B. When Joseph was made prime minister of Egypt and Jacob and his sons and his party of 70 people went to live in Egypt, the pharaohs of Egypt were probably the two kings of the Middle Kingdom. This was Egypt's golden age of arts and crafts. Egypt then went through an intermittent period, from about 1786 to 1567 BC, which included the 13th to 17th dynasties, and the decline of Egypt in the 13th to 14th dynasties. During the 15th and 16th dynasties, Egypt was conquered by Hyksos for nearly a century and a half, until The Prince of Dimis betrayed them. The 18th to 19th dynasties of the New Kingdom, which began in the capital of Dibies, by Jahmos I of Egypt, were one of the most glorious dynasties in Egyptian history. In the era of the 18th Dynasty, the exodus of the Israelites took place. This was a new wave of Egyptian nationalism that replaced the Sikh dynasty's policy of tolerating foreigners. The Egyptians set out to build their empires, using the Hebrews for hard work, telling them to build fortifications and palaces. Moses was born around 1520 BC, Pharaoh was Tut Moses I, and his daughter was the famous Princess Shassou, who may have been the same princess who discovered the baby Moses on the banks of the Nile at that time. When Thutmose II died, Thutmose III was very young, so his stepmother Shashesu reigned with him until 1482 BC, and then Thutmose III reigned alone until 1450 BC, when he was alone, he was liquidated in the palace to make his stepmother Xia Xuesu's name out of The Land of Egypt. Moses may have fled to Midian at this time of instability. Thutmose III was succeeded by Amunhotep II, who was the pharaoh of the Israelites' exodus from Egypt, and who succeeded Amenhotep II by Thutmose IV, and the stele of Thutmose IV says that the gods told him in his dream that one day he would be king, and if he was the eldest son, of course, he was the crown prince of course, and he did not need to prove that he had the right to inherit the throne, so some scholars deduced that he was not the eldest son of Amenhotep II, because the eldest son had been killed on the night of the Passover.

When Moses took the Israelites out of Egypt, who was the Egyptian pharaoh at the time?
When Moses took the Israelites out of Egypt, who was the Egyptian pharaoh at the time?
When Moses took the Israelites out of Egypt, who was the Egyptian pharaoh at the time?

Next, we will talk about the early Pai a, the time of the exodus from Egypt was in the time of Thutmose III, and some Egyptian archaeologists believe that this point in time is not right, because there should be no Lanse city at this time. However, it has been pointed out that the name Lance may have existed hundreds of years ago, not necessarily after Ramses I came to power. That is to say, even Ramses I himself, his name may have been the same as the ancient name that existed before, because the god Ra himself was the main god among the Egyptian gods, and Ramses, that is, the son of Ra, means the son of The God Ra. If the exodus occurred in the 15th century BC, archaeology may have gained more support for the following reasons, it is said that around 1500 BC there was a volcanic eruption near the Aegean Sea, causing Egypt-related disasters (such as the reddening of rivers) Which is more related to the Old Testament claim to be the era of Egypt. Of course, the relevant theories at this point in time are also troubled, for example, according to archaeological records, Pharaoh Tut Moses III reigned for a long time, about 1479 to 1425 BC, a total of 54 years. However, the first 22 years were nominally the time of co-rule with Xia Xuesu, which coincided with the Pharaoh in the Old Testament who died because of the pursuit of Moses, and it is not easy to judge. If the exodus from Egypt was in 1440 BC, and the pharaoh at that time was indeed buried in the Red Sea or became the Sea of Reeds in the process of pursuit, the pharaoh's death time should also be around 1440 BC, not in 1425 BC, but the Old Testament does not seem to have particularly obvious instructions from the pharaoh, but implies that the pursuers are buried in the sea, and the tone seems to be uncertain. According to archaeological sources, the foundation stele of King Solomon's temple has this record of the year after the Exodus of Egypt 480 years later, and some studies have calculated chronologically that the Exodus should have been in the 15th century BC. The Egyptian princess mentioned in the Old Testament who rescued Moses may have been Sha xuesu, who later ascended to the throne of the female pharaohs of the 18th Dynasty. She was the daughter of Pharaoh Tut Moses I of the 18th Dynasty of Egypt, and the only surviving concubine of Pharaoh after adulthood. He later married his stepbrother Tut Moses II, who died at a very young age. After his death, Shassou co-governed with his young stepson, Tut Moses III. And he claimed the position of Pharaoh, and after Thutmose III came to power, he wantonly eradicated the relics commemorating the female pharaoh of Xia Xuesu, and even left a record of slandering Xia Xuesu, describing her as a greedy, jealous, and ambitious person. If Moses is the righteous son adopted by Pharaoh Shashes, it is not difficult to understand why his name is Moses, because Shasher's father is called Tut Moses I, and Tut Moses means: the son of Tut God, and Moses himself may have been called Moses, and then reduced to Moses, probably Ra Moses, that is, the son of Ra, and this name appears on the coffin where the mummy of Shasher Su is said to be located. The Old Testament mentions that Moses fled the Egyptian palace at the age of 40 to hide in the Midian tribe because he killed the Egyptians, but it is said that as a prince, even if he kills people, it should be fine, and the real reason may be that Xia Xuesu wanted Moses to inherit the throne, which led to a dispute with Thutmose III, and even killed his subordinate officials or guards and thus left the palace. However, there is also speculation that Pharaoh Shasher herself had an argument with Moses. It is possible that Moses did not want to compete for the position of Pharaoh, and instead quarreled with Xia Xuesu, so that Moses ran away in middle age. This statement should be to explain the reign of Xia Xuesu. According to this claim, the Egyptian authorities based on the Destruction of the Israelites, Moses' exodus from Egypt was probably in the mid-15th century BC. In general, most scholars believe that this statement seems to have no obvious flaws, so it should be the most credible one. These statements also seem to best match the Old Testament records of the Exodus.

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