
Famous Book Speed Reading ---- Chapter 76 "Spring in a Small Town"

author:Cat flowers
Famous Book Speed Reading ---- Chapter 76 "Spring in a Small Town"

Page 1 About the Author

Acheng, formerly known as Zhong Acheng, born in 1949 in Beijing, his ancestral home is Jiangjin District, Chongqing, and Chinese mainland writer and screenwriter. Before Acheng Middle School was over, the Cultural Revolution began. In his freshman year of high school, he interrupted his studies. In 1968, Ah Cheng was sent to Shanxi and began to learn to paint. In order to sketch in the grassland, he went to Inner Mongolia to join the team, and then settled in the farm of the Yunnan Construction Corps.

He returned to Beijing in 1979. After that, he helped his father Zhong Yitang to write the book "Film Aesthetics", during which time he studied Marx's "Capital", Hegel's "Aesthetics", "I Ching", Confucianism, Taoism, Zen Buddhism and so on with his father. After the end of the Cultural Revolution, on fan's recommendation, World Books hired Ah Cheng as an editor.

Ah Cheng's articles are well-written, have ancient meanings, and become high-level in their own right. The occasional white brush stroke method is extremely vivid and natural, looks rough, but in fact it is exquisite. His novels are unique, short and concise without losing the depth of thought, concise and crisp sentences, strong short sentences, and use multiple edited small shots to construct the background picture of the novel.

The large number of written language and monosyllabic words makes the language full of ups and downs of rhythm, and shows the original appeal of the novel language in the aesthetic practice of mixed text and white. His works, as far as sentence forms are concerned, combine whole and scattered, literary and verbal sentences and oral sentences, forming a characteristic of elegant and popular appreciation and free retraction. The common characteristics of his characters are the combination of tranquility, detachment and obsessive attachment, which corresponds to the superficial personality of the character, but the obsession and attachment are the inner characters of the characters, which is also Acheng's obsessive attachment to the taoist spirit.

Famous Book Speed Reading ---- Chapter 76 "Spring in a Small Town"

Page 2 Reader's Comments

1, "Spring in a Small Town" is a light prose, like He Qifang's "Homecoming Diary", but also like Lu Yan's "Limen Shiji", leaving you with a thin sorrow, a little helpless feeling, just like the wind blowing on the wall of a small city, blowing, blowing, passing. At the beginning, Wei Wei took a small vegetable basket home, dead like a fish eye, dragging a lazy step, she said: In this small town, every day life is like this, there is no change.

There really is no change, came a Li Wei, caused her a little emotional whirlpool, he left again, she still carried the basket to the town, came home, the British film "Meet and Hate Late" is also such a beginning and end, in the ocean of life only a small wave, the result is back to calm.

2. Watching "Spring in a Small Town" is like reading Li Guangtian's prose novel, diluting eternity, a faint sadness, helpless emotions. In "Spring in a Small Town", Wei Wei fully expressed the resentment of a depressed young woman Si Chun. The short conversations on the walls, the slight smelting after drinking, the several late-night retreats, are all wonderful and just right.

Famous Book Speed Reading ---- Chapter 76 "Spring in a Small Town"

Page 3 Background of writing

The story is set in a ruined town after the end of the War of Resistance Against Japan, where an originally large family was devastated in the war, and the young master Dai Liyan was plagued by illness and survived, living with his wife Zhou Yuwen and his sister Dai Xiu and the servant Lao Huang.

Zhou Yuwen scrupulously abides by the way of women, takes care of her seriously ill husband, and the two are only husband and wife, and there is no such thing as a husband and wife, and life is tasteless. The young master's friend Zhang Zhichen, a doctor, came to the small town to stay at the young master's home to treat his illness, and Zhang Zhichen was Zhou Yuwen's past lover, but he failed to do so because of zhou Yuwen's mother's opposition.

The two live under the same roof, making Zhou Yuwen's originally quiet life as stagnant water ripple, repeated dating to tell the heartfelt heart but failed to cross the thunder pool one step. The moral torture of the times when the story is repressed, the characters are repressed, and the times that hit the heart produce a powerful force that defeats human nature.

The spring of "Spring in a Small Town" has not arrived, the small city has not come out of the ruins after the end of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the life of the people in the small town is still the same, as quiet as stagnant water, muddy and lifeless, the story makes people sigh the world, the aftertaste is long.

Famous Book Speed Reading ---- Chapter 76 "Spring in a Small Town"

Page 4 Summary of contents

The story takes place in a small southern town after the victory of the War of Resistance. Another spring came, and the squire Dai Liyan and his family came. Mrs. Zhou Yuwen, sister Dai Xiu, and servant Lao Huang lived as usual.

Li Yan lost his family property in the war, became seriously ill, lost the courage to face reality, and was depressed all the time. Sister Dai Xiu is cheerful and lively, full of beautiful fantasies about the future. Faced with the dilapidated situation of the family home, Mrs. Yuwen and her husband Liyan lived a dull and tasteless life, and the husband and wife respected each other as guests, but in fact, there was no emotion to speak of.

This dull life was shattered by Zhang Zhichen, a young doctor who broke into the town from outside. He is LiYan's friend for 8 years and Yuwen's past lover, when their relationship was very good, but they were separated by Yuwen's mother. However, now Yuwen's mother is dead, but she has a husband again.

Zhang Zhichen lives in the Dai family and sees Li Yan. His arrival made Yuwen's heart flood with huge waves, and the two people often went on dates with courtesy words, talking about the past years, and Zhichen was helpless against the current situation that Yuwen had become someone else's wife. Their feelings are bound by "courtesy" and "faithfulness", and they are constantly cut and confused.

Li Yan's sister Dai Xiu fell in love with Zhi Chen, li Yan and Yu Wen talked about this matter, wanted Yu Wen to give her sister a matchmaker, and went to talk to Zhi Chen herself, but Yu Wen opposed this matter from the bottom of her heart and refused his request. During the conversation with Zhichen, Yuwen revealed the matter to him, and Zhichen also refused.

This day was Dai Xiu's birthday, several people set up a banquet to celebrate, and the bored Zhichen and Yuwen were drunk. Li Yan guessed a few points about their special relationship through the manners of the two of them. After thinking about it, he felt that he should not drag his wife down for a lifetime, so he decided to complete the two of them, and swallowed sleeping pills himself to kill himself.

After rescue, Li Yan came back to life. Through this twist and turn, Yuwen also re-acquainted herself with her relationship with her husband, she chose to live again with her husband, and Zhichen also decided to leave the town. One spring morning, Yuwen, Liyan, and his sister Dai Xiu sent Off Zhichen at the head of the city, and they watched Zhichen walk towards the outside world.

Famous Book Speed Reading ---- Chapter 76 "Spring in a Small Town"

Page 5 Quotes

1, he said he had lung disease, I think he was neurotic.

2, I don't have the courage to die, he doesn't seem to have the courage to live.

3. — Did you sleep well last night?

- It's fine.

- Just sleep.

- It's all about sleeping pills.

4, why did you come, why did you come.

(To be continued)

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