
Reporter investigation丨 dialogue with a number of Jinan "script people": the script killed into the new favorite of young people's entertainment The market size exceeded 15 billion

author:Poster News

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Public Network poster news reporter Qin Wen Zhao Pengcheng reported from Jinan

"Have a weekend date?" Recently a new ben! "In the past two years, the script killing has suddenly become popular, which requires multiple players to perform in the real-life arena, and the entertainment method of experiencing the nature of reasoning has also become the first choice for young people to play, and attracts young people to indulge in it with its unique game experience and interactive mode."

Reporter investigation丨 dialogue with a number of Jinan "script people": the script killed into the new favorite of young people's entertainment The market size exceeded 15 billion

Seven young people in a group are engaged in a script killing game, each holding their "own" character script and performing a plot interpretation

At the beginning of June, the "2021 Entity Script Killing Consumption Insight Report" (hereinafter referred to as the "Report") was released, which predicts that the domestic script killing market size will exceed 15 billion yuan in 2021, the consumer scale may reach 9.41 million, more than seven will become a young group under 30 years old, and more than 40% of users will spend more than once a week.

So, what is the situation of the script killing industry in Jinan? Recently, the public network poster news reporter visited a number of script killing stores in Jinan. The reporter's investigation found that there are stores that have expanded rapidly, opening four branches within two years, one of which has invested nearly one million; some shopkeepers have changed from loving script killing to under-the-plate stores, from "the strongest customer" to shop owners; there are also many young people who quit their jobs, adhering to the love and partnership with friends to open script killing stores, from dm (script killing host) to shop packaging publicity alone...

01 Opened four branches in two years From "the first crab eaters" to industry leaders

In 2016, the first season of "Star Detective" was launched on Mango TV, and once it was launched, it became popular on the whole network, relying on the popularity of variety shows such as "Star Detective", and the script killed this new game of fire.

About 2018, the script kills this game mode with reasoning as the core, restored and interpreted, providing a new entertainment experience and social atmosphere for young people. Gradually, the game of "high immersion, short escape from reality, and experience the life story of others in a few hours" gradually became popular among young consumers. Script killing has different genres such as horror, emotion, joy, reasoning, etc.

Reporter investigation丨 dialogue with a number of Jinan "script people": the script killed into the new favorite of young people's entertainment The market size exceeded 15 billion

Five urban living room script killing shops located near Jingsi Road Wanda

"Renovations began in May 2019, and in June our first script shop opened, in an office building near Luoyuan Avenue. At that time, we investigated, there were only 6 script killing shops in Jinan, and at that time, I did not have a particularly fixed career, so I prepared to open a store with a few good friends who liked to play script killing. Wang Jinming is the manager of the five-city living room, in 2019, the script killing in Jinan is still a niche entertainment method, when the young people to board games, werewolf killing, ktv as the main entertainment method, the script killing this novel entertainment method let these young people have the idea of entrepreneurship.

Reporter investigation丨 dialogue with a number of Jinan "script people": the script killed into the new favorite of young people's entertainment The market size exceeded 15 billion

Five different styles of rooms are set up in the five city living room stores for the script to be carried out in line with the style

"The first store was in the office building, and we invested 300,000-400,000. Later, we chose the shop along the street, five city living rooms this store, and we invested about a million. ”

Reporter investigation丨 dialogue with a number of Jinan "script people": the script killed into the new favorite of young people's entertainment The market size exceeded 15 billion

On June 9, the reporter went to five city living rooms located near Wanda on Jingsi Road. The reporter saw that the store is divided into two floors, covering an area of about 400 square meters, with a total of five rooms with different styles, which can be used by five groups of customers to play script killing games at the same time.

Reporter investigation丨 dialogue with a number of Jinan "script people": the script killed into the new favorite of young people's entertainment The market size exceeded 15 billion

Depending on the script, the player and dm can wear the corresponding costumes to play the script killing game

Wang Jinming told reporters that compared with when it first opened, the passenger flow was relatively stable. There are more long-term customers who like to play scripts to kill, and there are new scripts that have been introduced, and they will also choose to experience it. Players in the four stores are interconnected, located in the four roads near Wanda, the store location is good, the traffic is relatively high, can open four to five times a day, the store per month turnover between 150,000 yuan and 200,000 yuan.

Reporter investigation丨 dialogue with a number of Jinan "script people": the script killed into the new favorite of young people's entertainment The market size exceeded 15 billion

Props and settings related to ancient scripts killed

As the "first batch of crab eaters", Wang Jinming said that now Jinan's script killing market belongs to the situation of "a hundred contending", from 6 script killing stores when it first opened in 2019, to now there are more than 300 script killing stores in Jinan, market competition has intensified, and the quality of the store is particularly important. Next, she and her partner will develop escape rooms and immersive theaters that give players a more experiential experience.

02 The 24-year-old girl changed from "the strongest customer" to the owner of the script killing shop

According to the "2021 China Script Killing Industry Research Report", the average single consumption amount of offline script killing is between tens of yuan and hundreds of yuan, and the number of players per game is about 6 people. The average ticket price of the script killing single person in the first-tier city is about 200-300 yuan, and the second-tier city is more than 100 yuan, plus the cost of decoration, labor and script procurement, etc., the upfront investment of a script killing offline physical store ranges from 30-1 million yuan, and the well-operated store can recover the cost and achieve profitability in about half a year.

Reporter investigation丨 dialogue with a number of Jinan "script people": the script killed into the new favorite of young people's entertainment The market size exceeded 15 billion

Gringotts is located on Wenhua East Road

Li Xiaoyan, a girl born in 1997, fell in love with playing script killing after graduation, and once soaked in the dialogue of "Group Ben" every day with friends, "This book is good, I can't get out of the character's emotions", "I found a new store, there is a Ben you like". In January 2021, she took over a store and became the owner of the script killing shop.

Reporter investigation丨 dialogue with a number of Jinan "script people": the script killed into the new favorite of young people's entertainment The market size exceeded 15 billion

"At that time, less than 60,000 yuan was invested, and the store was relatively small, which belonged to the script killing shop with smaller investment." Li Xiaoyan's Gringotts is located in the apartment building on Wenhua East Road, because the location of the store is close to the university, there are more college students, a total of two rooms, can be used by two groups of players to play script killing games at the same time.

Reporter investigation丨 dialogue with a number of Jinan "script people": the script killed into the new favorite of young people's entertainment The market size exceeded 15 billion

Li Xiaoyan's store has more than 50 scripts to kill, displayed on shelves for players to choose

"It costs 68 yuan for one person, 5 to 10 people for a group, and it basically takes 4 hours to play each book." Every day, from the customer's appointment time to waiting for all customers to arrive at the store, each script took 4 hours to complete, and Li Xiaoyan could only leave the store in the early morning.

Reporter investigation丨 dialogue with a number of Jinan "script people": the script killed into the new favorite of young people's entertainment The market size exceeded 15 billion

Every day after arriving at the store, Li Xiaoyan needs to sort out the props and costumes and wait for all the reserved players to arrive

Since she is the only one in the store who also serves as the store manager and dm (script killing host), she is often overwhelmed with busyness. "Since becoming the store manager, it is still quite difficult to find that more than 50 books in the store must be memorized clearly, and the interpretation of the script must be constantly tested and improved."

Among her guests, some of them have gone from strangers playing with the game to becoming lovers, and some guests have changed from strangers to good friends who "call out in the middle of the night to pick up strings". Li Xiaoyan said with a smile that the people who come to her store from primary school students to 40-year-old office workers can make friends here and relieve the pressure of life and work, and some customers who like reasoning have gained a full sense of accomplishment after completing reasoning. These are also the harvests of Li Xiaoyan.

"In the past month, there are more than 20 script killing shops nearby, and some of them have lower prices and still have an impact on the market." Li Xiaoyan told reporters that compared with when the store was first opened, starting in May 2021, due to the large number of stores of the same type nearby, new customers were hung up, and there were more old customers who came to the store. Next, she will continue to do it, speak with quality, and make the small shop better and better.

03 "Post-00" dm (dungeon master, script killing host) has a unique feeling about script killing

dm (dungeon master, script killing host) means that when each group of customers chooses a script for interpretation, a dm (script killing host) is needed, that is, the staff, to guide each customer, so that customers are more immersed in the plot, but also to promote the development of the plot.

Reporter investigation丨 dialogue with a number of Jinan "script people": the script killed into the new favorite of young people's entertainment The market size exceeded 15 billion

The "Report" pointed out that the professionalism of dm (script killing host) dominates in consumers' choice of offline stores

"Good script kill game experience = 30%dm + 30% script + 30% teammate + 10% other." A good dm will make the whole game more atmospheric, not only can lead the player to grasp the rhythm of the game, but also make the game process more smooth. "A script kills a business owner who defines a good script kill game experience like this.

In the eyes of script killers and merchants, a professional dm (dungeon master, script killing host) is the soul of a script killing game, and it is also the key to ensuring a good game experience for players. The "Report" pointed out that for nearly half of consumers, dm's professionalism is the decision-making factor for their choice of offline script to kill stores.

Reporter investigation丨 dialogue with a number of Jinan "script people": the script killed into the new favorite of young people's entertainment The market size exceeded 15 billion

Liu Shisan was sorting out the script to kill

Liu Shisan is a professional DM (script killing host), born in 2000, he has been in the industry for more than two years.

"This profession belongs to the game industry, when the customer is formed, everyone has a script, they need to open the script of 'their' and read the story of 'their', and at the end of the day, everyone will understand the life situation of 'their' according to the development of the script." Liu Shisan said that in the process, it felt as if he had gathered customers here and let them open their hearts to talk about some inner words through the roles they played, which was a great sense of accomplishment.

Reporter investigation丨 dialogue with a number of Jinan "script people": the script killed into the new favorite of young people's entertainment The market size exceeded 15 billion

In the store, rehearsal acting is a compulsory course as DM (script killing host).

In the past two years, the customers he has contacted range from 15 years old to 35 years old, most of whom are "post-90s" students. Once, a 60-year-old father was brought by his son to play ben. "The customer's father, a soldier, brought his father to play with the military theme of Ben, which was adapted from historical events, and after the end, the father said that he was very immersed in the memories of that year, which gave the father and son a new way of communicating." Liu Thirteen said.

"It was the happiest job I had since I graduated!"

Liu Shi thirteen said with a smile that he arrived at the store at one o'clock in the afternoon every day, cleaned up, rehearsed the script interpretation, brought the book, sometimes left work at 10:30 p.m., and sometimes ended the last book at five o'clock in the morning. "Nowadays, people live at a fast pace, and after each end of a book, customers will say that they are very happy, which is the realization of our profession's 'self-worth'!"

04 "Post-95" drama professional girl started a business professional drama person + producer + musician want to make "immersion" more pure

"We ourselves are majoring in drama, we are also doing drama, we have been exposed to many scripts, and after the scripts were slowly killed, we became interested in opening a shop." Professional people do professional things, in early 2021, several "drama people" hit it off, and Wang Fangyuan and her friends plan to start opening a store.

Reporter investigation丨 dialogue with a number of Jinan "script people": the script killed into the new favorite of young people's entertainment The market size exceeded 15 billion

Wang Fangyuan and her friends run a new store, 0-key Immersive Reasoning Hall

On May 22, 2021, their store, O-key Immersive Reasoning Hall, officially opened. "Because it is a new store, most of the customers are introduced by their friends and friends, and we rely on word of mouth." The reporter saw that their store is located in Licheng District Garden Road, the store's interpretation theater is like a drama stage, "We use professional stage performances, combined with music and lighting to create an immersive atmosphere, so that friends who play script killing can truly integrate into the story of the character, immerse themselves in the role like a professional actor, and experience a different life experience." Wang Fangyuan said.

Reporter investigation丨 dialogue with a number of Jinan "script people": the script killed into the new favorite of young people's entertainment The market size exceeded 15 billion

There is a professional theater stage set in the store

The opening of the store made several young people full of energy.

From noon to early morning, several "post-95s" use theatrical stage performance to interpret different scripts, "At present, our store has emotional interpretation, hardcore reasoning, horror immersion, mechanism camp, human intention and other types of scripts, each script needs to prepare the corresponding props, and design theater interpretation scenes, different lighting settings, different character scheduling, each will be script creation and arrangement." ”

Reporter investigation丨 dialogue with a number of Jinan "script people": the script killed into the new favorite of young people's entertainment The market size exceeded 15 billion

Wang Fangyuan performed a role interpretation when he brought the book

Wang Fangyuan told reporters that every time a script is performed, it is like preparing a complete stage play.

Playing different roles, more than four hours at a time, sometimes immersed in the whole process.

Reporter investigation丨 dialogue with a number of Jinan "script people": the script killed into the new favorite of young people's entertainment The market size exceeded 15 billion

The crew and players are performing a script

"The biggest gain is that I have made a lot of interesting friends, I can do a job that I like and can be related to my profession, and it is also the joy of our 'post-95s' to make interest a job." Wang Fangyuan said that next, she and her partners want to continue to do a good job of the theater interpretation, so that players can really integrate into the storyline and feel the personality charm of different characters.

Tianyancha professional version data show that in 2017, the number of new script killing related enterprises exceeded 1,000 for the first time, nearly 2,000 new in 2019, after the epidemic in 2020, with the continuous empowerment of online script killing, offline stores showed a "blowout" state, subject to industrial and commercial registration, in 2020, about 3,200 new domestic script killing related enterprises, an increase of 65% over 2019. The expansion of the market scale, with the script as the core, the industrial chain around the script killing is also slowly expanding.

It is worth mentioning that the cultural tourism industry is taking advantage of the heat of script killing to open up a new path of development. Haikou, Guangzhou and other cities of the script killing business is doing a new attempt of "script killing + cultural tourism". It is understood that in November 2020, the Haikou Script Killing Alliance's script killing project "The World Is Not Worth It" in the Volcanic Hot Spring Valley of Haikou Mission Hills, as one of the "highlights" of hainan's first hot spring cultural tourism festival, attracted a large number of tourists; in 2021, the Amazing Courtyard and the Drama Film Hotel jointly created the script to kill "The Red Queen's Tea Party", which truly moved the game scene to the hotel. Recently, a Yangtze River cruise ship in Chongqing launched a cruise ship script killing, which combines cruise ship travel and script killing, passengers will change their clothes, search for evidence, and reason after boarding the ship, and the script plot is interpreted in combination with the cruise ship scene. Perhaps in the future, script killing can rely on the cultural tourism industry to add new application scenarios, ushering in more standardized and rich development prospects.

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