
Ham shortbread

author:The world of food
Ham shortbread

I have always liked to eat Yunnan ham cake, salty and sweet taste. So I searched the food world and found the improved puff pastry square of the leaf chef. I don't want to go out when it's hot, so it's also a pleasure to hide in an air-conditioned room and cook food. Turned the dining table into my makeshift counter. Seemingly simple square, the operation is still quite time-consuming, refer to the leaf of the small kitchen square each feels that the water surface skin is made a little dry, the package is very difficult, but her picture made to look different from mine, I don't know where I did not understand. Guided by experienced experts.

Ingredients and details

<b>Sugar (surface skin) 25g</b>

<b>Lard (surface skin) 10g</b>

<b>Low gluten flour (puff pastry) 170g</b>

<b>Low gluten flour (surface skin) 200g</b>

<b>Lard (puff pastry) 75g</b>

<b>Water (surface skin) 70ml to 80ml</b>

<b>Yunnan ham filling 20 pcs</b>

The difficulty is normal


Tastes salty and sweet

Craft baked

Ham shortbread

1. Knead the surface skin material and the puff pastry material into a ball

Ham shortbread

2. Cover each with plastic wrap and relax for an hour

Ham shortbread

3. Why do I think the surface crust I make is smaller than the puff pastry?

Ham shortbread

4. Divide the two loose doughs into 20 pieces and let them sit for about 10 minutes

Ham shortbread

5. Wrap a puff pastry in a water surface, roll out into a round shape and roll it up for about 10 minutes

Ham shortbread

6. Roll out the dough into a round circle, then pinch the two ends together and press it with your hands to form a round dough (I forgot to take pictures this step)

Ham shortbread

7. This is the ham stuffing that I have divided.

Ham shortbread

8. Pack well.

Ham shortbread

9. Brush with egg yolk liquid and sprinkle with black sesame seeds.

Ham shortbread

10. Oven 180 degrees 20 a 25 minutes or so, out of the oven one

Ham shortbread

11. Finished product drawing

Ham shortbread

12. See the ham

Ham shortbread

13. For the nephew

Recipe classification recommended

More practices of baking

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