
Zhang Sutuo: The pillar of the Sui Dynasty, why were the undefeated and famous generals defeated and killed?

author:Wang Xiaomeow reads history

A series of harsh policies of the Sui Dynasty Emperor led to the displacement of a large number of people.

Among them, the Shandong region not only suffered the heaviest servitude, but also faced the disaster of drought and plague.

In the autumn of the seventh year of Daye (611 AD), the earliest anti-Sui uprising broke out in Shandong.

The man who started the incident was named Wang Bo, a native of Zouping, Shandong, who was active in qi county at that time.

Since then, smoke has spread everywhere.

At this time, a famous general of the Sui Dynasty stepped forward and acted as a firefighting captain.

However, his efforts were ultimately in vain, and he himself fought and died.

He was Zhang Sutuo, a famous general at the end of the Sui Dynasty.

Zhang Sutuo: The pillar of the Sui Dynasty, why were the undefeated and famous generals defeated and killed?

1. Zhang Sutuo and his people

Mention Zhang Sutuo (565-616), probably everyone will feel strange, far less famous than his subordinates Qin Qiong and Luo Shixin.

However, in terms of his record alone, he can be called the first fierce general of the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

Zhang Sutuo's first appearance in the history books was that in the seventeenth year (597) of Emperor Wen of Sui's reign, he followed Shi Wanzai in a crusade against the rebellious Qiang people.

At the Battle of Queensland, he led thirty cavalry into the rebel camp, defeated the enemy, and was promoted.

Shi Wanzai was jealous of Emperor Wen of Sui, and Zhang Sutuo sensed that something was wrong and quickly surrendered to Yang Su's door.

Yang Su admired this fierce general with a fierce personality and courage and strategy, and took him to quell Yang Yu's rebellion.

Zhang Sutuo: The pillar of the Sui Dynasty, why were the undefeated and famous generals defeated and killed?

In this way, Zhang Sutuo received Yang Guang's attention and was appointed as the deputy of Qi County(郡守), equivalent to today's vice governor), and sat in the position of a feudal governor.

What is rare is that Zhang Sutuo is not only a fierce general on the battlefield, but also a good official who loves the people.

When he saw that the people under his rule were displaced and had vegetables on their faces, he ordered the opening of warehouses to release grain.

You know, this takes a lot of risk.

At that time, the law stipulated that if the grain was released without the emperor's edict, the officials would be killed or even exterminated.

Therefore, his subordinates dissuaded Zhang Sutuo from doing this, or asked the Saint to say anything more.

Zhang Sutuo said: Your Majesty is thousands of miles away, and when the instructions are completed, I don't know how many people will starve to death. Even if you go to put food, I will bear the burden alone.

Afterwards, the Sui Emperor did not absolve himself, but instead rewarded him.

This made Zhang Sutuo feel deeply grateful, and he was determined to repay the effect with death.

Second, calm the chaos in Shandong

However, his efforts did not stabilize the situation.

Due to the Sui Dynasty Emperor's three marches on Goguryeo, the people were miserable, and Haojie from all over the world took the opportunity to gather in the mountains and forests.

Wang Bo, a native of Shandong, calls himself "Zhi Shilang", that is, a person who understands the general trend of the world.

He wrote a song called "The Death Song of the Liaodong Wave without Direction", inciting resistance.

This song is easy to understand, and it sings the voice of the people at that time, so the followers gathered.

With the support of the people, Wang Bo occupied Changbai Mountain (in present-day Zhangqiu, Shandong), running rampant between Qi County and Jibei County, and was the first to raise the anti-Sui banner.

At this time, Yang Guang, still immersed in the failure of the first conquest of Goguryeo, was bent on planning to raise troops to requisition again, and could not care about this rebellion at all.

Zhang Sutuo, who was in Qi County, did not hesitate to send troops to suppress the rebellion.

At first, most of the officers and soldiers that Wang Bo faced were incompetent, so when he heard the news that Zhang Sutuo had come to conquer and suppress him, he did not pay attention to it.

Soon, he was taught to be human.

Zhang Sutuo ruled the army strictly, and at the same time cherished the soldiers, so the combat effectiveness was very strong, and they beat Wang Bo to the ground.

Wang Bo gathered his scattered men and crossed the Yellow River north, and Zhang Sutuo was in hot pursuit, killing thousands of people again.

Wang Bo was so frightened that he hugged his head and was no longer able to fight with it.

Zhang Sutuo: The pillar of the Sui Dynasty, why were the undefeated and famous generals defeated and killed?

Unfortunately, people always get better scars and forget about pain.

Two years later, he joined forces with three other rebel armies to attack Zhangqiu.

This time, it was time for me to beat him up! Wang Bo thought to himself.

Afterwards, it turned out that Wang Bo was too young, too naïve, too simple.

Because there are many family members in this hundred thousand people, not all of them can fight wars.

Even young adults who can fight are too far from the regular army in terms of training and equipment.

Even if the number is several times greater than that of the officers and soldiers, it will be crushed.

On this side, after Zhang Sutuo received this information, he made a deployment of cutting off his rear road with the water army and leading his army of 20,000 to meet the enemy head-on.

This time, Zhang Sutuo continued to rub the rebels on the soles of his feet, gaining countless weights, while Wang Bo ran away all night and fled to the Jianghuai area.

The good news reached the court, and the emperor Long Yan Was pleased and ordered a commendation.

In the same year, Pei Changcai led 20,000 rebels to attack Licheng (present-day Jinan), and Zhang Sutuo did not have time to gather soldiers, and even rushed into the enemy camp with five horses!

Zhang Sutuo, who was under siege, although he was injured in many places, his courage was not diminished at all.

After Qin Shubao arrived with reinforcements, Zhang Sutuo's army fought again, and the rebels fled in defeat, only hating that Daddy Niang had two legs less.

Yang Guang was overjoyed to learn of the repertoire, and ordered the painter to paint the image of Zhang Sutuo, and then bring the portrait to all parts of the country.

Suddenly, Zhang Sutuo's voice spread everywhere.

Yang Guang's three expeditions to Goguryeo all ended in failure, which made the domestic crisis more intense. Zhang Sutuo had to be like a fire brigade leader, leading his soldiers around to quell the chaos.

He defeated more than a dozen rebels, including Guo Fangqian, and basically quelled the rebellion in Shandong.

3. Sudra died and Sui died

After pacifying Shandong, Zhang Sutuo was promoted to an official and became the tongshou of Qi County, leading the twelve counties of Henan Province to depose the ambassador of capture.

However, although he was brave and good at fighting, he did not change the overall situation.

The rebels are like leeks that have not broken their roots, cutting a stubble and immediately growing a stubble.

In the twelfth year of Daye (616), Wagangzhai captured Jindi Pass and approached Xingyang.

Xingyang is the main road of Caoyun, and once it is captured, Caoyun is broken.

As soon as the caoyun was broken, it was equivalent to asking for the life of the Sui Dynasty.

The Sui Emperor was worried that Xingyang was in trouble, and transferred Zhang Sutuo to be the defender of Xingyang and was responsible for destroying WagangZhai.

However, at this time, Yang Guang had already led a large number of forbidden troops to the south of Jiangdu, and the number of troops allocated to him was less than 10,000.

Zhang Sutuo was worthy of being a famous general, so he swept through the whole of Henan with ten thousand people in his hand, and fought more than thirty battles with the Wagang Village led by Zhai Rang.

Each time they suffered heavy losses, and it seemed only a matter of time before they were wiped out.

At this moment, Li Mi defected to Wagang Village.

He told Zhai Rang that Zhang Sutuo was just a brave and unscrupulous person, and as long as he did so, he could be captured.

With a feeling of uneasiness, Zhai Rang and the others followed the plan, and when they fought, they deliberately retreated more than ten miles.

Zhang Sutuo looked disdainful and ordered a pursuit.

After chasing them to the vicinity of the Great Sea Temple, the ambush soldiers who were ambushed in the woods came out one after another and surrounded the Sui legions.

After a bloody battle, Zhang Sutuo broke out.

But when he saw that there were still his subordinates trapped inside, he rushed into the encirclement circle to rescue him, shooting dozens of generals, and no one dared to fight for a while.

He eventually died in battle at the age of 52.

Zhang Sutuo: The pillar of the Sui Dynasty, why were the undefeated and famous generals defeated and killed?

Before dying, he shouted, "If the soldiers are defeated here, what face will they see the Son of Heaven!" "

Seeing the death of the commander-in-chief, the surviving soldiers all cried bitterly.

His generals Qin Qiong and Luo Shixin first defected to Pei Renji (the prototype of Pei Shiji in the Sui and Tang Dynasties), and later Pei Renji surrendered to Wagangzhai, and the qin and Luo generals also surrendered.

Regarding these two people, Qin Shubao will talk about them later, first talk about Luo Shixin.

In the "Sui and Tang Dynasties", Luo Cheng's prototype is this Luo Shixin.

Unlike in the novel, he and Qin Shubao are not cousins, and neither of them knew each other before joining the army.

He joined the army at the age of fourteen, and then went south to the north under Zhang Sutuo, and made countless military achievements because of his bravery and good fighting.

After Zhang Sutuo's death, Luo Shixin defected to Pei Renji, Li Mi, and Wang Shichong, and finally came to Li Tang's command.

Li Shimin was very appreciative of this fierce general.

After the crusade against Wang Shichong, he was given the title of Duke of Gongguo.

When Li Shimin was fighting Liu Heimin, Luo Shixin was responsible for guarding the city of Pushui, and eventually because he was outnumbered, he was captured and killed at the age of 23.

When the Sui Emperor heard that Zhang Sutuo had been defeated and killed, he collapsed on the dragon chair and relieved himself to posthumously honor him as the Golden Purple Guanglu Doctor and xingyang county guard.

Since then, Yang Guang has completely abandoned the north.

Zhang Sutuo died, and the last pillar of the Sui Dynasty collapsed, and rebels everywhere became more active.

The Sui Dynasty completely collapsed and collapsed two years later.

The country is in a state of confusion and has loyal subjects, but loyal subjects are difficult to save a country that is in a state of confusion.

The building will fall, a wooden tree will be difficult to support, the demise of the Sui Dynasty is a foregone conclusion, and the efforts of individuals cannot be recovered.

Zhang Sutuo was able to fight a good battle, but he could not save the slightest, and posterity read history to this point, only to sigh:

Sudra died, Sui died!

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