
【Curator Several Family Treasures】Deng Baoshan in Yulin: Defending the Country and Resisting the Enemy Soldiers, Seeing the Hearts of the People (III)

author:Lanzhou Eight Office Memorial Hall

Wen | Yuan Zhixue

【Curator Several Family Treasures】Deng Baoshan in Yulin: Defending the Country and Resisting the Enemy Soldiers, Seeing the Hearts of the People (III)

Deng Baoshan

Visiting Yan'an many times Is better to hear than to see

During his garrison in Yulin, Deng Baoshan visited Yan'an many times and had exchanges and talks with Mao Zedong, Zhu De, He Long, and other leaders. In May 1938, Deng Baoshan passed through Yan'an and did not want to alarm the central leadership, but was told to Mao Zedong. After Mao Zedong learned the news, he immediately called Jin Cheng, who was in charge of communication: "We must give Deng Baoshan and his party a warm welcome and preferential treatment." Jin Cheng immediately rushed to Deng Baoshan's residence, met Deng Baoshan's lieutenant Yu Jundu, and said: "Deng Jun came for a long time, we did not get noticed, and we have failed to meet." Our border district government has several guest houses, although the house is very small, but it is better than this mule and horse shop, we welcome Commander Deng and all of you to the guest house to rest. Yu Jun did not report to Deng Baoshan, and rebuffed himself: "Commander Deng will rush back to Yulin tomorrow, and now that he is already staying in the hotel, he will no longer disturb your party and government." So Jin Cheng could only come again early the next morning, and just when Yu Jundu still wanted to stop the car, Deng Baoshan came out and said very kindly: "This time passing through Yan'an, the time was rushed, and I did not disturb the government of the Border Region." We had a great stay here, so we won't bother you guys. Jin Cheng immediately said, "I heard that you have come, and I have reported to Chairman Mao and the Government of the Border Region." Chairman Mao and the Government of the Border Region welcome you very much and hope that you will stay in Yan'an for a few more days and meet you. When Deng Baoshan saw that Mao Zedong was so earnest, he said, "Well, I'm not leaving today." After Mao Zedong learned the news, he immediately rushed to the mule and horse shop with Xiao Jinguang to meet Deng Baoshan. At the banquet to welcome Deng Baoshan, Mao Zedong said: "Many of the generals of the Northwest Army are patriotic and have a tradition of cooperation with our party and democratic revolution. Now that the Kuomintang and the Communists have resumed their cooperation and the anti-Japanese national united front has been established, as long as we persist together and consolidate and develop, we will certainly be able to defeat the Japanese aggressors. Mr. Deng is in Yulin, and we will definitely be able to cooperate better. Deng Baoshan said confidently: "This is the last wish of Dr. Sun Yat-sen and the common demand of the people of the whole country." Mr. Mao and Mr. Zhou Enlai adhered to the principle of peaceful settlement during the Double Twelve Incident, which promoted the re-reconciliation of the two parties and put the interests of the state and the nation above all else, which won the hearts of the people. Since then, the prime minister's wishes before his death have been fulfilled. Mao Zedong said, "I hope That Mr. Deng will stay a few more days this time and go to all parts of Yan'an to visit and guide." Deng Baoshan happily agreed: "I will change my plan and stay for a few more days." Deng Baoshan stayed for another week at the invitation of Mao Zedong, during which time he visited schools such as Kang Da and Shaanxi North Public School, and also attended literary and art evenings and mass meetings.

【Curator Several Family Treasures】Deng Baoshan in Yulin: Defending the Country and Resisting the Enemy Soldiers, Seeing the Hearts of the People (III)

When Deng Baoshan arrived in Yan'an for the second time, the Eighth Route Army was welcomed by a parade

In 1939, Deng Baoshan passed through Yan'an again, and after Hearing the news, Mao Zedong warmly invited Deng Baoshan to his residence to meet. At this meeting, the two talked very happily, and they talked all night. Later, Deng Baoshan also observed Mao Zedong's speech at the cadre meeting. After Deng Baoshan returned to Yulin, he praised Mao Zedong to the staff around him, and he saw the problem far and deeply. In May 1943, the Comintern was dissolved, and Chiang Kai-shek took the opportunity to set off a third anti-communist upsurge. Deng Baoshan once sent a telegram to Invite Nan Hanchen to Yulin to discuss countermeasures. In June of the same year, Deng Baoshan was going to Chongqing for a meeting, and Chiang Kai-shek, fearing that he would go to Yan'an again, specifically ordered him to take a detour. As a result, after receiving the telegram, Deng Baoshan said angrily: "If you don't specify the route, you will designate me to go to Yan'an." Mao Zedong instructed the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region to welcome the arrival of this old friend with great fanfare. At the transit station in Suide, where Yulin and Yan'an were in touch, Xi Zhongxun, then secretary of the SUIDE prefectural party committee, received an order to greet him halfway through. On 10 June, when Deng Baoshan, Yang Lingde, reporter of the "Ta Kung Pao," and Yu Jundu, deputy chief of staff of the Sui border region of Jinxi, and more than ten other people passed through Suide, Xu Xiangqian, president of the Kang Da General School, and Xi Zhongxun, secretary of the Suide Prefectural Cpc Committee, greeted them from afar, and the Eighth Route Army on both sides of the Wuding River lined up and welcomed the masses of the people. That night, Xi Zhongxun arranged for Deng Baoshan to stay at the home of the enlightened gentleman Liu Shaoting, and the two talked all night long, thus opening the door to their friendship for decades to come. Since then, Xi Zhongxun has resolutely implemented the party's national united front policy, actively and proactively mediated and communicated with Deng Baoshan, and tried his best to influence Deng Baoshan to accept the party's policy propositions and promote Deng Baoshan's understanding and support for the CPC. Accompanied by Xu Xiangqian, Deng Baoshan inspected the local Eighth Route Army garrison. On June 17, Deng Baoshan arrived in Yan'an. When Mao Zedong heard that Deng Baoshan was coming, he immediately set up a grand banquet for hospitality. As soon as Deng Baoshan saw Mao Zedong, he said happily: "Mr. Mao is blessed!" Mao Zedong said humorously: "This is the result of our military and civilian expansion of production and abundant food and clothing." For three consecutive days, Mao Zedong, Zhu De, and He Long successively held a welcome banquet for Deng Baoshan. On the third day, Deng Baoshan, Mao Zedong and others met again. Mao Zedong used his humor to analyze the situation at home and abroad, and said to Deng Baoshan: "The international situation is on the eve of great changes, fascism is about to collapse, and Japanese imperialism is about to be cornered." When talking about Hu Zongnan's encirclement of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region with a large army, Mao Zedong pointed out that Hu was just picking two baskets of eggs and selling them, and if we threw two stones at him, they were all smashed. Mao Zedong's statement played a major role in strengthening Deng Baoshan's belief in unity and resistance against Japan. During the conversation, Deng Baoshan asked Mao Zedong about the geometry of Guigeng. Mao Zedong deliberately replied in its entirety: "Guangxu was born on December 26, 1893. Deng Baoshan said with emotion: "Mr. Mao is one year older than me." It is a blessing for the nation that China has such a leader as Mr. Mao. After defeating Japanese imperialism, we must wish Mr. Mao a happy birthday. In July, when Deng passed through Xi'an, he met Zhou Enlai and Lin Biao. When Zhou Enlai went to visit him, Deng Chuan ordered him to refuse all guests and listened carefully to Zhou Enlai's conversation. This talk made Deng's idea of adhering to unity in the War of Resistance and striving for democratic construction more clearly. Deng Baoshan stayed in Chongqing for two months after leaving Yan'an, during which time she was summoned by Chiang Kai-shek alone several times. After arriving in Chongqing, Deng Baoshan was worried when he saw the anti-communist clamor raging in the Kuomintang, and when he saw Chiang Kai-shek for the last time, he boldly advised Chiang Kai-shek: "I am willing to support the leadership as Washington, but I do not want to support the leadership as Napoleon." This made Chiang Kai-shek very angry in his heart and gave up his plan to transfer Deng Baoshan to the chairman of Gansu Province.

【Curator Several Family Treasures】Deng Baoshan in Yulin: Defending the Country and Resisting the Enemy Soldiers, Seeing the Hearts of the People (III)

Mao Zedong's letter to Deng Baoshan of December 22, 1944

In the autumn of 1943, when he returned to Yulin, Deng Baoshan went to Yan'an for the fourth time, but he fell ill. After hearing the news, Mao Zedong personally visited Deng Baoshan and invited Li Dingming to diagnose his pulse. In the past few days, Deng Baoshan also attended the production labor model conference, and repeatedly said to everyone in her speech: "I am everyone's friend. Xu Fanting gave a poem to Deng Baoshan at the residence of Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai, saying: "In the past thirty years, the earth and dust have been in the past thirty years, and the fifty blades of Xinjun are still new." Half-life revolution is always the same road, how many people have a friendship in the first life?" After Deng Baoshan returned to Yulin, he once again said to the people around him: "In Yan'an, I had a long talk with Mao and had a very good conversation. The border areas are cultivating land for production, and I think it can be done to achieve self-sufficiency. Hu Zongnan wanted to blockade the border areas, but this man was ambitious and talented, and was not an opponent of the Communist Party. Chairman Mao Zedong and Deng Baoshan had many correspondence exchanges, and in December 1944, Liu Shaoting, senator of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region, brought to Deng Baoshan a letter from Chairman Mao Zedong, writing: "Last year, the situation changed, and Mr. Deng did his best, and we will not forget." Eight years of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Mr. Li supported the northern front and protected the border area, for the great virtue, do not dare to forget. (To be continued)