
Areca coconut heart leaf nails are destructive and difficult to control? Try root control, easy to administer, the effect is good, why will betel nut coconut leaf beetle will make farmers feel headaches? The reasons are as follows: What are the disadvantages of using traditional spray stick spray medicine to prevent and control betel nut coconut palm leaf nails? Is there any better way to prevent it? Yes, that is, what are the advantages of root application root application prevention method? summary

author:Science three agriculture

As the main cash crop of Hainan, although the planting area of the whole island is large, the planting management is not so easy and simple, there are more than 10 kinds of diseases and insect pests alone, especially the betel nut coconut heart leaf beetle, which is one of the most headache problems for betel nut growers. Why? Take a look at the betel nut coconut heart leaf nails.

Areca coconut heart leaf nails are destructive and difficult to control? Try root control, easy to administer, the effect is good, why will betel nut coconut leaf beetle will make farmers feel headaches? The reasons are as follows: What are the disadvantages of using traditional spray stick spray medicine to prevent and control betel nut coconut palm leaf nails? Is there any better way to prevent it? Yes, that is, what are the advantages of root application root application prevention method? summary

The harm of coconut heart leaf beetle is large: coconut heart leaf beetle will endanger betel nut all year round, bite the newly grown leaves of betel nut, bite off the vascular bundle of leaf flesh tissue, causing necrotic long spots in new leaves, thereby yellowing and dying of leaves, seriously affecting the growth of betel nut plants, and finally producing low yields of betel nuts.

Coconut heart beetle can also cause other diseases: coconut heart leaf beetle seriously harms betel nut plants, and also increases the incidence of betel nut yellowing disease. Betel nut yellowing disease is an unknown disease, some people say that it is a viral disease, some people say that it is a physiological disease, mainly caused by betel nut deficiency and coconut palm leaf nail harm, but the betel nut tree suffering from yellowing disease will not be able to flower and bear fruit normally, resulting in serious yield reduction.

Areca coconut heart leaf nails are destructive and difficult to control? Try root control, easy to administer, the effect is good, why will betel nut coconut leaf beetle will make farmers feel headaches? The reasons are as follows: What are the disadvantages of using traditional spray stick spray medicine to prevent and control betel nut coconut palm leaf nails? Is there any better way to prevent it? Yes, that is, what are the advantages of root application root application prevention method? summary

The reproductive ability of coconut heart leaf beetle is very strong: under the right temperature, a female adult can lay hundreds of eggs, and it takes only about 10 days from egg laying to hatching larvae, and there will be thousands of heads at the same time when a severe outbreak occurs, which seriously affects the growth of betel nut plants.

The control of coconut palm leaf beetle is difficult: a betel nut tree must grow at least 5-6 years to hang fruit, at this time the tree is very high, from five or six meters to more than ten meters, such a high tree has to use a very long spray rod, the liquid can be sprayed to the new leaves of the betel nut; and the concealment of the coconut heart leaf nail is very good, they will hide in the base of the heart leaf, which greatly increases the difficulty of prevention.

Coconut heart leaf beetle host wide, food materials: coconut heart leaf beetle can not only harm betel nut, but also can harm coconut trees, wasabi, dates and other crops, so the coconut heart leaf beetle food is very rich, which is conducive to their large number of reproduction, aggravating the harm to betel nut trees.

Areca coconut heart leaf nails are destructive and difficult to control? Try root control, easy to administer, the effect is good, why will betel nut coconut leaf beetle will make farmers feel headaches? The reasons are as follows: What are the disadvantages of using traditional spray stick spray medicine to prevent and control betel nut coconut palm leaf nails? Is there any better way to prevent it? Yes, that is, what are the advantages of root application root application prevention method? summary

Coconut heart leaf beetle hosts a wide range of food, strong reproductive ability, the harm caused to betel nut is huge; and coconut heart leaf beetle likes to hide in the more intimate heart leaf base, so it is more difficult to control. At present, many betel nut growers still use the traditional way of spraying stick medicine to prevent coconut palm beetle, but there are many shortcomings in this traditional control method.

1, the betel nut tree is too high, some old trees are even as high as more than ten meters, the need for a relatively long spray rod to reach the crown of the betel nut to spray to the leaves, because the spray rod is too long will lead to poor flexibility when applying the drug, there will be uneven or missed phenomenon of the liquid, poor prevention and control effect, and short duration.

2, the application efficiency is slow, now betel nut growers use the old-fashioned sprayer, but the spray rod has become longer, so that after spraying a bucket of water and need to continue to add water to dispense, repeatedly, a day can not hit many trees, the efficiency is very low.

3, the labor cost required for prevention and control is high, many large betel nut growers in the treatment of coconut palm leaf nails are asked to manually spray prevention and control, but the manual spraying efficiency is low, dozens of acres of planting area needs at least 3 days to spray, so the labor cost required is relatively high.

Areca coconut heart leaf nails are destructive and difficult to control? Try root control, easy to administer, the effect is good, why will betel nut coconut leaf beetle will make farmers feel headaches? The reasons are as follows: What are the disadvantages of using traditional spray stick spray medicine to prevent and control betel nut coconut palm leaf nails? Is there any better way to prevent it? Yes, that is, what are the advantages of root application root application prevention method? summary

The answer is yes, and that is the use of root administration to control coconut palmetacea. The so-called root application is to dig a circular ditch at the root of the betel nut, and then use the lower content of insecticidal granules for spreading, and then re-landfill and water, so that the root system of the betel nut absorbs the active ingredients of the agent through transpiration, respiration and other effects and then conducts to various parts of the tree, especially the canopy, playing the role of preventing and controlling coconut heart leaf beetles.

Areca coconut heart leaf nails are destructive and difficult to control? Try root control, easy to administer, the effect is good, why will betel nut coconut leaf beetle will make farmers feel headaches? The reasons are as follows: What are the disadvantages of using traditional spray stick spray medicine to prevent and control betel nut coconut palm leaf nails? Is there any better way to prevent it? Yes, that is, what are the advantages of root application root application prevention method? summary

1, the first is convenient application, the general root application of the agent is based on granules, such a drug can be mixed with fertilizer together, easy to apply.

2, the second is to save time and labor, because it is root application, digging trenches, spreading, landfilling can be, so the efficiency is very fast, a day can complete several acres of spraying, both can improve efficiency and save time to save labor costs.

3, the last is the control effect is good, the duration is long, this kind of granular insecticide in the soil, will be slowly absorbed by the betel nut root, and then transmitted to various parts of the plant, coconut heart leaf nail to eat the leaf will be poisoned immediately after death, and the active ingredient of the agent decomposes slowly, so there is a relatively long effective period, up to about 90 days.

Commonly used agents: 2% cypermethrin • thiamethoxamine granules, 1.5% thiosefen granules, 1% bifenthrin • thiose amine granules

Application steps:

Step 1: Create a circular ditch around the soil of the betel nut tree, at a depth where the root system is visible;

Areca coconut heart leaf nails are destructive and difficult to control? Try root control, easy to administer, the effect is good, why will betel nut coconut leaf beetle will make farmers feel headaches? The reasons are as follows: What are the disadvantages of using traditional spray stick spray medicine to prevent and control betel nut coconut palm leaf nails? Is there any better way to prevent it? Yes, that is, what are the advantages of root application root application prevention method? summary

Step 2: Along the circular groove according to the proportion of drug application, insecticidal granules, such as 2% cypermethrin • thiamethoxamine granules need to use 80g / plant;

Areca coconut heart leaf nails are destructive and difficult to control? Try root control, easy to administer, the effect is good, why will betel nut coconut leaf beetle will make farmers feel headaches? The reasons are as follows: What are the disadvantages of using traditional spray stick spray medicine to prevent and control betel nut coconut palm leaf nails? Is there any better way to prevent it? Yes, that is, what are the advantages of root application root application prevention method? summary

Step 3: After that, each plant is poured with 5kg of water along the circular ditch, the purpose is to let the water dissolve the granules and promote the absorption of the root system, and then cover the fine soil, and complete the whole process of application.

Areca coconut heart leaf nails are destructive and difficult to control? Try root control, easy to administer, the effect is good, why will betel nut coconut leaf beetle will make farmers feel headaches? The reasons are as follows: What are the disadvantages of using traditional spray stick spray medicine to prevent and control betel nut coconut palm leaf nails? Is there any better way to prevent it? Yes, that is, what are the advantages of root application root application prevention method? summary

Period of use:

· If the drug is administered according to the season, the first application is best around the Qingming Festival, and the second application is after the Mid-Autumn Festival.

· If it is applied according to the fertility cycle of betel nut, the first time is applied half a month before flowering, which can achieve the effect of killing insects, preserving flowers and increasing yield; the second time is after the betel nut is picked, it can be applied together with fertilizer, which plays a role in early prevention and tree raising.


· Keeping the soil moist after application is conducive to the full play of the medicinal effect;

· Be sure to use it before the peak of the coconut palm leaf beetle, because it is root application, so the effect is slow;

It is best to be applied together with trace elements each time, which can greatly reduce the occurrence of yellowing disease.

Areca coconut heart leaf nails are destructive and difficult to control? Try root control, easy to administer, the effect is good, why will betel nut coconut leaf beetle will make farmers feel headaches? The reasons are as follows: What are the disadvantages of using traditional spray stick spray medicine to prevent and control betel nut coconut palm leaf nails? Is there any better way to prevent it? Yes, that is, what are the advantages of root application root application prevention method? summary

For the prevention and treatment of betel nut coconut palm leaf beetle, root application control is an efficient, time-saving and labor-saving method that can be vigorously promoted. In addition to the use of betel nuts, other crops with short growth cycles or many underground pests, such as sweet potatoes, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, etc., can use root administration to control ground pests, and the effect is excellent.

Of course, in addition to doing a good job in chemical control, we should pay attention to agricultural control measures, such as strengthening field management, increasing organic fertilizer, cultivating robust plants, etc., so as to reduce the occurrence of coconut palm beetle and ensure the abundant yield of betel nut.

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