
It was rumored that it was hidden in the snow and there was no drama! Zhu Chenli turned to the big screen to play gunfights and wanted to return to the mainland to work


TVB actress Zhu Chenli (Zhu Zhu) appeared in a pink low-cut dress yesterday at the "Sasha Women's Silver Bag Day" held at Sha Tin Racecourse, Zhu Zhu's body shape has lost a lot, and she said that she has recently been actively doing yoga to lose weight. Zhu Zhu revealed that her parents like to watch horse racing, so she will accompany them to the racecourse from time to time: "They are very interested in this aspect.

There has been nearly a year of no new drama works, earlier there was a rumor that Zhu Chenli had a share of the filming of "Towel Gangster 4", but in the end was not able to return to the film, she responded that she is now busy making movies, and is expected to be released at the end of the year: "This set of movies is a gunfight type, I don't have to shoot for the first time, I just got shot, I just got shot, I think it's fun, I used to play a lot of roles in shooting people, being shot is the first time, to play pain, it's good to test acting skills." ”

Zhu Chenli also said that the drama is also being arranged: the drama addiction is really there, the company is arranging the horn, and I am also waiting! I've tried the roles of madam, thirteen o'clock (the role of "Multifunctional Wife"), and the role of the costume minchu, but I have never tried a martial arts film, so I want to do some roles that can be sexy when I can dress up as a man and play a woman. (Like Mulan?) Good proposal! No one is looking for me to make Mulan, hurry up and prepare the next script!

She cited the Korean drama "In My Name" as an example, saying that she would like to be a stylish actress like the heroine Han Shaoxi, and the injury is also not quitting!

When it comes to the wireless Taiwan celebration performance, she will perform and dance with 40 female artists, but yesterday she was absent from the rehearsal due to physical discomfort: "I was dizzy yesterday, so I didn't go to the rehearsal, probably because I am in poor health, so I am often dizzy, and today I am fine." I hope to buy time to try out the dance steps with everyone, because some of the dance steps are difficult and fast-paced, and I hope that Taiqing will not make mistakes that night. ”

Recently, although Zhu Chenli has less dramatic performances, commercial performances and live broadcast invitations have followed, making her busy to the point of not stopping, will she feel that it is easier to make money than filming dramas? "Filming a drama gives me the feeling that I am doing a role, but it is not easy to do live broadcasting." She laughed and said that there are many jobs that need to return to the mainland, and she hopes that she can achieve a good balance between hong Kong and the mainland.

It was rumored that it was hidden in the snow and there was no drama! Zhu Chenli turned to the big screen to play gunfights and wanted to return to the mainland to work
It was rumored that it was hidden in the snow and there was no drama! Zhu Chenli turned to the big screen to play gunfights and wanted to return to the mainland to work
It was rumored that it was hidden in the snow and there was no drama! Zhu Chenli turned to the big screen to play gunfights and wanted to return to the mainland to work

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