
Russian media article: The "tripolar world theory" in the United States is very absurd

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On November 6, the website of the Russian News Agency published an article entitled "Declaring the 'Three-Power World War' to Russia", written by Peter Akopov, and the full text is excerpted as follows:

Speaking and geopolitically at the Aspen Security Forum in Washington, D.C., Chairman mark Milley, Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, focused on the fact that the era of a tripolar world has arrived. Milley said the United States is entering a "three-pole war" pattern, in which it will not only be forced to fight Russia as it did during the Cold War, but also confront China.

Millikin predicted that if "we ourselves do not change significantly in the next 10 to 20 years, we will become the weaker party in the conflict." His so-called geopolitical conclusion is: "They (China) are clearly challenging us at the regional level." They will seek to challenge the United States at the world level. ”

"Chinese have a Chinese dream, they want to challenge the 'rules-based liberal order' that emerged after World War II in 1945," he said. They want to change order. This country, which is becoming extremely powerful, wants to make the international order work in its favor. This will be a real challenge for the next 10 to 20 years, very serious. ”

That is, Milley is not talking about the military threat to U.S. national interests, but about the geopolitical threat to the an Anglo-Saxon-built world order, the threat to its plans for global hegemony. Whoever disagrees with the Atlanticists' right to hegemony is an enemy and a threat to the United States. Russia and China are called so-called "revisionist powers" by the United States, but don't Moscow and Beijing have the right and obligation to defend their views on the world order?

Milley threw out the idea of a three-pole war and three centers of power in principle. He also warned that "we are entering a world that may be much more strategically volatile than the past 40 to 70 years," a tripolar world is more dangerous than a bipolar world.

The idea itself is blatantly provocative. This idea attempts to create the illusion that the United States is fighting alone with China and Russia, but this is not the case. The two countries have long acted as allies and are not hidden, but there is no military alliance between Moscow and Beijing.

Millikin took the wish as a fact: China is in the east, Russia is in the west, and the global leader, the United States, is on top (but needs to be renewed in order to maintain hegemony).

The challenge launched by China and Russia is only a response, the result of Anglo-Saxon domination, overbearing and brazenness, which is the essence of the Atlantic elite's idea of global hegemony.

Therefore, the world is not a three-pole, and in the plan to confront the United States and deprive it of its hegemonic status, China and Russia stand on one front. But this does not mean that the world is bipolar, it is more complex and diverse. The new world power posture will be multipolar. China and Russia have no intention of occupying the United States in the new world, but want to create a world without hegemony in principle.

If the United States understands this, it will be one of the centers of power in the future world order. If not, the United States will lose everything.

Source: Reference News Network

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