
The method of hemp skin suckling pig, the roasting master with 30 years of experience said that the production method of suckling pig is one of the methods of skin explosion: firing and coloring. Popping method 2: pouring oil to burst the skin and coloring.

author:Red dining

Mapi suckling pig is a local specialty of Guangdong roasted pork cuisine. It is a popular dish not only at folk and various banquets, but also in various star-rated hotels. Thirty years of experience in the roasting of the wax master, said that one of its relatively simple methods of production.

1. Material selection. Vietnamese pigs, fragrant pigs, native pigs, frozen white strip pigs. The net weight is about 6-8 pounds, and the skin is thick and the meat is good.

2. Peel water. One pound of white vinegar, one or two big red Zhejiang vinegar, one or two maltose, one or two rose dew wine. Stir well and use.

3. Marinade. The marinades are: five-spice salt, sugar, chicken powder, sand ginger powder, pepper, five-spice powder, thirteen spices, licorice powder.

The method of hemp skin suckling pig, the roasting master with 30 years of experience said that the production method of suckling pig is one of the methods of skin explosion: firing and coloring. Popping method 2: pouring oil to burst the skin and coloring.

4. Made of hemp skin suckling pig. Change the pig to a knife to remove some things such as bones and brains, change some flower knives where the meat is thick, can not change the epidermis, and then blanch the water, blanch the epidermis until cooked, over cold water, marinate the meat noodles for more than half an hour, put on the pig fork wooden rack, brush the skin water.

The method of hemp skin suckling pig, the roasting master with 30 years of experience said that the production method of suckling pig is one of the methods of skin explosion: firing and coloring. Popping method 2: pouring oil to burst the skin and coloring.

5, after the hemp skin suckling pig into the furnace, the side of the meat towards the fire, do not cover the lid, start to use high heat, to the back to change to a small fire, the raw and cooked meat to see whether the hind leg meat has been cooked, if pressed to be very soft, the needle is easy to enter, indicating that the meat has been cooked. After the meat is cooked, it is baked in a dry room for the next day to be fired to color and burst the skin.

The method of hemp skin suckling pig, the roasting master with 30 years of experience said that the production method of suckling pig is one of the methods of skin explosion: firing and coloring. Popping method 2: pouring oil to burst the skin and coloring.

The next day, a pile of raw charcoal was burned on the stove, and the pig was first brushed with blended oil on the skin, and the charcoal was set on the fire, which could be colored from head to tail or from tail to head. The whole process should be brushed with oil often, often observe the situation of the skin, it is easy to burn black (it is recommended that novices use other ways of coloring the skin).

The method of hemp skin suckling pig, the roasting master with 30 years of experience said that the production method of suckling pig is one of the methods of skin explosion: firing and coloring. Popping method 2: pouring oil to burst the skin and coloring.

Mix the oil, the oil temperature is about 250 degrees, some big smoke, you can pour pig's feet or pig's head to try the oil temperature, see if you can burst the skin and color. When the oil temperature is enough, where the oil is drizzled, it will burst the skin and color it wherever it goes. After the skin is exploded and lustful, the wooden frame can be dismantled and sold.

On how to do the hemp skin suckling pig, the text seems simple, after all, there are many operational details that cannot be expressed in detail with words, learn technical things, and everything can be practically operated. If you have a different opinion or question, please leave a comment in the comments section below.

The method of hemp skin suckling pig, the roasting master with 30 years of experience said that the production method of suckling pig is one of the methods of skin explosion: firing and coloring. Popping method 2: pouring oil to burst the skin and coloring.

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