
Why is "stealing vegetable dumplings" "unscrupulous"? Reason found! How to eliminate shameful acts? 01, the synopsis of the incident 02, the reason behind the analysis 03, the impact of stealing vegetable dumplings 04, how to eradicate this "stealing vegetable balls" behavior 05, conclusion

author:Sannong Guangxun

Recently, the incident about "individual elderly people in Qinhuangdao City organizing a group to go to the countryside to steal vegetables" continued to ferment on the Internet, attracting a lot of social attention. So what the hell is going on with this incident? Why is the "stealing dumplings" so fearless? What can be done to eradicate this "uncivilized" behavior?

Why is "stealing vegetable dumplings" "unscrupulous"? Reason found! How to eliminate shameful acts? 01, the synopsis of the incident 02, the reason behind the analysis 03, the impact of stealing vegetable dumplings 04, how to eradicate this "stealing vegetable balls" behavior 05, conclusion

By reading various media articles about "stealing vegetables", the matter is probably: the 45th and 49th buses in Downtown Qinhuangdao, there are some elderly people who can ride for free, each with a trolley, with a small shovel and other tools, to the suburban farmers' vegetable fields to "pick up vegetables", in fact, they are stealing vegetables, and they know that there are many varieties of stealing vegetables, including ginger, cabbage, turnips, celery, green onions, etc. Some farmers even cried that the vegetables they grew at home were stolen, and they had to lose 5,000 yuan per acre of land, which was really a heavy loss.

There are also reports that some vegetable thieves are no longer the elderly, but young adults, and even take children and drive to "pick vegetables", which is even more difficult to say. According to Li Tiezhu, a cadre in Wanzhuang Village in Funing District, an old woman was caught, and the person lay down on the ground and said that he had suffered a heart attack.

Why is "stealing vegetable dumplings" "unscrupulous"? Reason found! How to eliminate shameful acts? 01, the synopsis of the incident 02, the reason behind the analysis 03, the impact of stealing vegetable dumplings 04, how to eradicate this "stealing vegetable balls" behavior 05, conclusion

There are many reasons for this, both in terms of human nature, at the social level, and more at the institutional level. In summary:

First, the psychology of coveting small and cheap, may first be really picking vegetables, and then picking vegetables can not be satisfied, it becomes "take" when no one is there, that is, stealing. In fact, it is understood that a large part of the members of the vegetable stealing group are retirees, who have pensions themselves, and they are not short of money, but they are greedy and cheap.

Second, some elderly people have nothing to do at home, see the elderly around them go out to "pick vegetables", anyway, idle is idle, and they also go with it, a kind of herd mentality.

Third, some elderly people go out to steal vegetables, and they have not been severely punished, and some are only stopped by police officers at the police station through education and eviction, and there are no compulsory measures for the parties concerned, and they feel that the law does not blame the public, resulting in these elderly people becoming more and more unscrupulous.

Although the act of stealing vegetables "stealing vegetables" involves a small amount of money, as little as a few dollars of dishes, as much as a dozen or dozens of dollars, it cannot constitute a crime, but the impact on the family and society cannot be ignored. First, the impact on children and young people, if there are old people in the family who go out every day to steal farmers' vegetables and take advantage of farmers, how much impact will this behavior have on the formation of children's three views, and what kind of children can such old people educate? The second is the impact on society, which is now a legal society, although it is only stealing a few dishes, but this kind of stealing is neither civilized nor moral, and there is a possibility of breaking the law, and it has formed a scale, which will bring about a bad social atmosphere.

Why is "stealing vegetable dumplings" "unscrupulous"? Reason found! How to eliminate shameful acts? 01, the synopsis of the incident 02, the reason behind the analysis 03, the impact of stealing vegetable dumplings 04, how to eradicate this "stealing vegetable balls" behavior 05, conclusion

In the face of this situation, how should we solve it? It should be a problem worth thinking about, some netizens suggested: First, it can be constrained by formulating relevant systems such as the "Citizens' Convention" and punishing this kind of petty theft accordingly. Second, for those who have not changed repeatedly, can they be included in the management of the credit reporting system? In order to act as a deterrent. The third is whether a person who steals vegetables and does not change his life repeatedly can be considered for saving a safe place, and even whether it can be considered as the basis for political review when his family members take the examination for public office and public institutions. In short, there are many views of netizens, and I will not list them all here.

Why is "stealing vegetable dumplings" "unscrupulous"? Reason found! How to eliminate shameful acts? 01, the synopsis of the incident 02, the reason behind the analysis 03, the impact of stealing vegetable dumplings 04, how to eradicate this "stealing vegetable balls" behavior 05, conclusion

Dear friends, the old man should retire and enjoy the joy of his children and grandchildren around his knees, but there is a shameful behavior, which is indeed shameful.

"Doing good deeds" is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, pei song's note in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Shu Zhi, and the Biography of the Ancestors: "Don't do it with evil and smallness, and don't do it with kindness and smallness." Although the old man stealing food is not a "big treachery and a big evil", the impact of this "small evil" on society cannot be ignored, causing losses to farmers, bringing a crooked rhythm to the education of young people, and also having an impact on the social atmosphere, so it should be rectified as soon as possible. The above is just a personal opinion, what do you think about the behavior of the elderly stealing vegetable dumplings? Welcome to leave a message. (Sannong Guangxun)