
Jia Xu: If you can die well in a chaotic world, is it a courtier or a poisoner? The way of self-perfection, the helpless move to run to Zhang Xiu, defeat Cao Cao and fight again with a long-term vision, persuade Zhang to return to Cao


In the chaotic world of the Three Kingdoms, where soldiers and horses are in chaos and the people are not happy, I don't know how many heroes Haojie died on the battlefield, and how many innocent people were in different places. Jia Xu was also involved in the melee of the group of males and females, often circling between the masses.

He was on the cusp of the storm, but in the end he was able to retreat with his whole body and die well, what was the superiority of Jia Xu?

Jia Xu: If you can die well in a chaotic world, is it a courtier or a poisoner? The way of self-perfection, the helpless move to run to Zhang Xiu, defeat Cao Cao and fight again with a long-term vision, persuade Zhang to return to Cao

Jia Xu

Jia Xu was born at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and when he was young, he was unknown, but Yan Zhong, a Hanyang man, believed that he had the wizards of Zhang Liang and Chen Ping. History proves that this statement is true, but Jia Xu, like most literati in history, did not meet with Talent and had a bumpy career, so Jia Xu returned to his hometown shortly after being recommended as a filial piety and taking up the post of Lang Official.

He got rid of the intrigues of the officialdom, but on the way back to his hometown, he was kidnapped by the Kryptonians, intending to make money and kill him. Aware of this, Jia Xu had a plan, and directly reported the name of Duan Ying, the grand lieutenant of Weizhen's western frontier, and falsely claimed that he was the grandson of this person. When the men heard this, they were all shocked, and finally let him go, killing dozens of his companions.

Jia Xu made a small calculation and tasted the sweetness of the way of self-perfection, so in later life, once he encountered a moment that threatened his life, he would put "self-improvement" as the priority.

Jia Xu: If you can die well in a chaotic world, is it a courtier or a poisoner? The way of self-perfection, the helpless move to run to Zhang Xiu, defeat Cao Cao and fight again with a long-term vision, persuade Zhang to return to Cao

When the traitorous minister Dong Zhuo was in charge, Jia Xu served as a lieutenant under him. Later, Dong Zhuo was killed by Wang Yunshi, the tree fell and scattered, and the Liangzhou army lost its fighting spirit and wanted to disband on the spot, jia Xu believed that this was not feasible, because Wang Yun was bound to destroy Dong Zhuo's henchmen to avoid the consequences.

In order to save his life, Jia Xu analyzed the situation at that time and encouraged Li Dai, Guo Feng, Zhang Ji and others to "lead the crowd to the west and collect troops to attack Chang'an."

After the fact, the Eastern Han court was controlled by Li and Guo. Jia Xu had meritorious service and thus escaped death, but his decision-making led to bloody storms in the capital, the people's livelihood, and the death of millions of people, but this was the price of the way of self-improvement.

Jia Xu: If you can die well in a chaotic world, is it a courtier or a poisoner? The way of self-perfection, the helpless move to run to Zhang Xiu, defeat Cao Cao and fight again with a long-term vision, persuade Zhang to return to Cao

Lee urges stills

Born in a chaotic world, the weak eat the strong, precarious, everyone can't help themselves, want to live, this is understandable, but if you ignore principles and morality for this, it is not too much to leave a stink for thousands of years.

Some people think that Jia Xu is such a person, so they call him "the first poisoner of the Three Kingdoms," and Pei Songzhi also pointed out: "You, Xue zhi is a man, and his luminous light and steaming candles are like it."

Some people believe that many of the major decisions in Jia Xu's life are helpless actions after judging the situation, and even if he has no exhaustive strategies and strategizing, he cannot reverse the uncontrollable situation that occurs in the future.

Jia Xu: If you can die well in a chaotic world, is it a courtier or a poisoner? The way of self-perfection, the helpless move to run to Zhang Xiu, defeat Cao Cao and fight again with a long-term vision, persuade Zhang to return to Cao

Pei Songzhi

Li Dai and Guo Feng invaded Chang'an and fought each other after taking control of the government, and Jia Xu was also suspected by the two, so in order to prevent the disaster of killing himself, he took the thirty-six plans to go up, left Chang'an, and defected to his fellow villager Duan Sheng, who was also a suspicious person, worried that Jia Xu, who already had fame and prestige, would seize his military power. This bit of careful thinking was soon discovered by Jia Xu, who was good at observing the color of speech, and Jia Xu had to run away again and turn to Zhang Xiu, who admired him.

At that time, Zhang Xiu's strength was average, far below Cao Cao, if it were not for Jia Xu's advice and advice, how could he repeatedly defeat Cao Cao? On the surface, it was a confrontation between Zhang Xiu and Cao Cao, but in fact it was a strategic contest between Jia Xu and Cao Cao.

According to records, Cao Cao marched south to Zhang Xiu in Jian'an for three years, but did not think that Yuan Shao would take the opportunity to sneak up on Xu Du, so he quickly withdrew his troops and quickly rode to Xu Du. Zhang Xiu saw the situation and thought that if he and Liu Biao cooperated in the pursuit, they could seriously hurt Cao Jun's vitality, but unexpectedly Cao Cao left a hand and laid down a strange soldier to let Zhang and Liu throw themselves into the net.

Jia Xu: If you can die well in a chaotic world, is it a courtier or a poisoner? The way of self-perfection, the helpless move to run to Zhang Xiu, defeat Cao Cao and fight again with a long-term vision, persuade Zhang to return to Cao

Cao Cao and Yuan Shao

After the great victory of the Cao army, it quickly retreated north, Zhang Xiu was not willing to lose, and wanted to lead the army to pursue again, Jia Xu advised him: "Do not chase, chase will be defeated." Zhang Xiu did not enter the oil and salt, and after forcibly pursuing, sure enough, as Jia Xu expected, he was defeated again by Cao Jun, and fled back to the camp in disgrace.

"One drum, then decline, three and exhaustion", Zhang Xiu, who suffered losses twice, learned "lessons" and no longer pursued, while Jia Xu at that time persuaded to "promote more pursuit, more battles will be won." Zhang Xiu was puzzled, and Jia Xu persuaded Zhang Xiu to send troops with "the military situation has changed, and it is urgent to go to the advantage", and finally Zhang Xiu pulled back a round and crushed Cao Cao's rear guard troops.

This battle is enough to show jia xu's ability to think differently from ordinary people and to perceive human nature as a strategist. Sun Tzu said: "Know yourself and know the other, never lose a hundred battles", Jia Xu saw through Cao Cao's mindset, command style and ideological path, and then used reverse thinking to help Zhang Xiu defeat Cao Cao's weak soldiers with scattered troops.

Jia Xu: If you can die well in a chaotic world, is it a courtier or a poisoner? The way of self-perfection, the helpless move to run to Zhang Xiu, defeat Cao Cao and fight again with a long-term vision, persuade Zhang to return to Cao

Cao Cao stills

The Battle of Guandu was imminent, and both Yuan Shao and Cao Cao wanted to enlist Zhang Xiu to help them, Zhang Xiu was simple-minded, and just because Yuan was strong and Cao was weak, he wanted to agree to Yuan Shao.

The strategist Jia Xu had a long-term vision, taking into account that "Shao qiangsheng, I will follow the few people, I will not take me as the most important", and Cao Cao has few soldiers, surrendering to him, will be valued, and then "those who have the ambition of overlordship will release their personal grievances and use Mingde to the four seas", so abandoning Yuan and throwing cao is the most appropriate choice.

Zhang Xiu trusted Jia Xu, who was good at judging the hour and sizing up the situation, so he led the crowd to submit to Cao Cao.

Jia Xu's decision was to kill two birds with one stone, not only conducive to the development of Zhang Xiu, but also to add a guarantee to his future life, Cao Cao Lixian corporal, know the way to employ people, the art of tolerance, with Jia Xu's talent, will definitely have a place in Cao Cao's camp, history proves this.

After Jia Xu became one of Cao Cao's "Four Great Strategists", he assisted him in pacifying the north, secretly assisted Cao Pi, and became the founding hero of Cao Wei, ranking first among the three dukes.

Jia Xu: If you can die well in a chaotic world, is it a courtier or a poisoner? The way of self-perfection, the helpless move to run to Zhang Xiu, defeat Cao Cao and fight again with a long-term vision, persuade Zhang to return to Cao

In the process of helping Cao Cao to chase the Deer Central Plains, the Battle of Guandu was a platform for Jia Xu to show his skills, and the advice he gave allowed Cao Cao to annihilate Yuan Shao's army in one fell swoop, directly affecting the direction of the Situation in the Three Kingdoms.

After pacifying Yuan Shao, Cao Cao could not wait to go down the east side of the river to destroy Sun Quan of Eastern Wu, and Jia Xu believed that there was no need to send troops, as long as he recruited talents and soldiers and appeased the people, the Jiangdong region would certainly be subservient in the future. Cao Cao disagreed, "entering wu with troops" and finally losing to Chibi.

I have to say that Jia Xu's clever calculations and words have played a pivotal role in the establishment of the Cao Wei regime.

Jia Xu: If you can die well in a chaotic world, is it a courtier or a poisoner? The way of self-perfection, the helpless move to run to Zhang Xiu, defeat Cao Cao and fight again with a long-term vision, persuade Zhang to return to Cao

The reason why Jia Xu was able to help Cao Cao win the world was that in addition to having strategic foresight, he also applied the tactical idea of insight into human nature, and this idea was also applied to people. This ensured that he had a safe life and a good life in the end.

Throughout Jia Xu's life, he was loyal, knew everything, said everything, and did his duty as a good strategist, if you evaluate him as a poisoner, there is also a certain truth, after all, he "a plan can be dangerous, a piece of speech can be chaotic", but in a chaotic world, in order to survive, how can there be no blood in his hands?

Whether it is a strategist or a poisoner, Jia Xu's way of success is the focus of attention for future generations.

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