
Large freshwater fish - Nile barramundi

The Nile barramundi is a species of the spiky-billed perch in the order Perciformes.

Large freshwater fish - Nile barramundi

It is native to freshwater basins such as Lake Chad, congo, Nile, and Senegal rivers in Africa.

Large freshwater fish - Nile barramundi

The Nile barramundi is one of the largest freshwater fish, reaching a length of 2 meters and weighing 200 kg.

Large freshwater fish - Nile barramundi

Jeremy Vader captures the Nile barramundi.

Large freshwater fish - Nile barramundi

Huge fish mouth.

Large freshwater fish - Nile barramundi

The dude also has a documentary capturing the Nile barramundi, but his name is not known.

Large freshwater fish - Nile barramundi

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