
Dr. Chuang DiJun, Vice Chairman of the Chinese School of Education in Malaysia, on Chinese Culture (10)

author:Slaughter the dogs

"The Difference Between Easy To Learn and Science"

Zhuang Dijun

Dr. Chuang DiJun, Vice Chairman of the Chinese School of Education in Malaysia, on Chinese Culture (10)

The purpose of the study of elephant numbers and scientific research is the same, both are to study the laws or ontology of nature. Easy to learn, in particular, is closest to physics, but the attitudes and methods are very different:

(1) "Difference in choice": A heart higher than the sky, chooses to study the most complex system under the world ~ everything under the world, but there is no requirement for the rigor of the research. The other emphasizes the rigor of research, so only the simplest system can be studied ~ the motion of an object. The former is "Elephant Numbers Easy to Learn", and the latter is the most cutting-edge "Physics" in science.

How exactly does Yixue study the world's most complex systems? Yi Scholars followed the traditions of the Confucian Fa Ancestors and the ShiGu People, and followed the requirements of the original tribal leader Fu Xi. Hegel says that this is an intuitive, haphazard and superficial definition of the intricate relationship between various trigrams and natural phenomena, social phenomena, and trigrams and trigrams.

After reading the "Sayings of Gua" and the "Lexicon", especially after reading the "Han Yi" and the study of the sage Zhu Xi, which has spoken more than a million words and more than a thousand masters, I cannot refute Hegel.

Compared with physics, because the requirements must meet mathematical logical reasoning and experimental verification, so for thousands of years, from classical mechanics, relativity, quantum mechanics to string theory, physicists are still immersed in the study of this simplest system of object motion.

In particular, simple scientific research is full of scientific and technological achievements, and the results of complex easy-to-learn research, in addition to a century of foreign insults and national disasters, are just the speed of the broad and profound and national essence, and I am even more speechless.

Can Yi Scholar's lofty and far-reaching thinking be broad and profound? Lao Tzu said no! The original saying is that "the map is difficult to be easier than it is small; the difficult things under the world will be done easily; and the great things under the world will be done in detail." It is that the saints will not be great in the end, so they will become great." The well-informed Huang Lao Daoist thought is the essence of national thought, right?

The Yi scholar certainly cannot imagine that for more than two thousand years from Archimedes to Galileo and Kepler, physicists are trapped in a concept as simple as accurately defining instantaneous acceleration and cannot break through! This is the truth that "the difficult things under the world will be done easily, and the great things under the world will be done in detail."

If this problem had been handed over to Meng Xi, Jingfang, Yu Fan, Chen Xuan, Shao Yong or Zhu Xi, the acceleration would have been defined eighteen hundred times, and more than a thousand masters would have been produced!

(ii) "The Limitations of Language": As early as 2,000 years ago, the Greeks realized the limitations of the Greek language and chose to use mathematical language to describe physics, but even the mathematical language was very limited. Precisely because of the limitations of language, the countless experiments and astronomical observations of Galileo and Kepler can only sum up many empirical formulas. For example, the equation of motion: an external force equals ✖️ mass acceleration, or f=ma.

It was not until Newton invented the differential, defining instantaneous acceleration as a=x''(t) and the equation of motion f=ma to become the solvable differential equation f=mx''(t). This is also called Newtonian differential modeling.

Dr. Chuang DiJun, Vice Chairman of the Chinese School of Education in Malaysia, on Chinese Culture (10)

As a result, Newtonian micromodeling became a theoretical construction tool in the fields of mechanics, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and electromagnetism, and achieved the invention of the steam engine, the internal combustion engine and electricity, and the two industrial revolutions of the 18th to 20th centuries.

As a language for studying the motion of objects, calculus and vectors are inadequate when motion is fast or objects are tiny! Quantum mechanics and relativity must apply mathematical languages such as Riemann geometry, tensors, and functional analysis, which are not yet sufficient.

What is the reason why, how easy to learn to apply the text and 64 gua xiang is enough to describe and study the most complex systems in the world? Is it that both Latin and Calculus are superior to both Literate and Calculus?

Tell you what! The wizards of the primitive tribes of the Amazon rainforest said that the language of the Turks is sufficient, and they know the mysteries of the universe! The reason is that they are illiterate and ignorant of the limitations of language. Yi scholars are all mathematical illiterate, so they cannot understand that mathematics is the language of cognition of the universe ontology.

Dr. Chuang DiJun, Vice Chairman of the Chinese School of Education in Malaysia, on Chinese Culture (10)

"Confucianism Rejects Logic and Science"

Why did Confucianism reject logic, mathematics, and science? Because they think that "Elephant Numbers Are Easy to Learn" covers them all. They think that the "number of reeds" in Easy Learning is advanced mathematics, and it is the number of heavens and earth! As for science? Nan Huaijin, a master of Taiwanese sinology, said: "The I Ching is a classic in the classics, a philosophy in philosophy, and wisdom in wisdom. I suspect that the I Ching culture was left over from the last ice age, because its scientific and philosophical principles are too clever. ”

Professor Zeng Shiqiang said: "The I Ching is the product of Fuxi's thorough understanding of all the mysteries of life in the universe, which can never be surpassed by future generations. The I Ching is all-encompassing, including astronomy, geography, military, medicine, and even appears on computers. ”

"Zheng number" defines the odd number between 1 and 10 as the number of days, the even number as the number of the earth, their sum 55 as the number of heaven and earth, and the number of 50 from the fraction is the number of the great yan. Then define the "Great Yan Bu Zheng Method", using 50 incense-scented yarrow to derive (divination) the gua elephant.

In fact, as a means of divination into a gua, the "Great Yan Bu Zheng Method" can be replaced by a bamboo stick containing 64 carved characters. Shake out a bamboo stick like a prayer to God and ask for a sign, and you will get a gua xiang.

Dr. Chuang DiJun, Vice Chairman of the Chinese School of Education in Malaysia, on Chinese Culture (10)

Maybe the Yi scholar will say that's not OK! When the Great Yan Bu Zheng Method obtains the old yang or old yin, it must be turned into the old yin or old yang with the law that things must be reversed! I will not argue about this random law, I make a tetrahedral dice, the four sides are carved with old yin, less yang, less yin, old yang and so on four phases. Throw three times, each time you throw the old yang or old yin, the object will be reversed. Is this a substitute for the Great Yanbudsa Method? Since the money gua can replace the Great Yan Bu Zheng Method, this should be feasible, right?

Yi Jie will say that it will not work! There are three faces you show up, which one do you see? Haven't you heard that the sky machine cannot be leaked? Look at the covered side, of course! If it is not intuitive enough, then use transparent plastic to make dice, and the words are all written backwards like mirror reflections.

Dr. Chuang DiJun, Vice Chairman of the Chinese School of Education in Malaysia, on Chinese Culture (10)

Using the "Four-Sided Divination Method" can directly obtain the four phases and the gua xiang, so there is no need to count the number! Does the number of elephants become crappy "easy to learn"?

"Zhu Xi is mathematically illiterate"

Dr. Chuang DiJun, Vice Chairman of the Chinese School of Education in Malaysia, on Chinese Culture (10)

Why did Confucianism regard "zheng number" as advanced mathematics? Because Zhu Xi, the greatest scholar of the Song Dynasty, studied the "Zheng Number" and the "Zheng Yi", and openly debated the Great Yan Bu Zheng Fa with Guo Yong.

The algorithm of the Great Yan Bu Zheng is to divine the gua elephant by extracting 50 yarrows, and its definition is: "The number of the Great Yan is fifty, and its use is nine out of forty." Divide into two to resemble two. Hang one like three. When it is said to look at the four in four ways, it is strange to be in the leap of the elephant, so it is then turned and then it is triad; three changes and four camps become easy."

In fact, the number of heaven and earth is 55, the number of great yan is 50, hang one and guiqi are superfluous, that is, it is just a mystery! Deleting the superfluous concepts and words, the Great Yan Bu Zheng Method is: "The number of the Great Yan is forty-eight, divided into two, and promoted to four; three changes to four camps to become easy; three rounds become gua."

To put it bluntly, the Great Yan Bu Zheng method is to use the nature of 48 to be divisible by 4 times to obtain 6, 7, 8 or 9 to represent the four phases, and repeat it three times to form a gua. I try to use mathematical language to explain the calculus of 48 instead of 50 as the large derivative number:

One change: use 48 yarrows, n = 48.

Two points: randomly divided into two groups of left and right hands, respectively (x, 48-x), x is a random number.

Promotion 4: The number of left and right yarrows is divided by 4, and when divided, the remainder is defined as 4 instead of 0. Because 48 is divisible by 4, the total remainder = sum of the left and right remainders = 4 or 8.

The total number is subtracted from the total remainder to give the new total n1=48-8=40 or 48-4=44.

Two variations: divided into two: randomly divided into two groups of left and right hands (x, 40-x) or (x, 44-x).

4: Divide the left and right by 4, respectively, because both 40 and 44 can be divisible by 4, giving the total remainder = the sum of the left and right remainders = 4 or 8.

The total number subtracts the total remainder to give the new total n2 = 32 or 36 or 40.

Three variations: two points: randomly divided into two groups of left and right hands (x, 32-x) or (x, 36-x) or (x, 40-x).

4: Divide the left and right by 4 respectively, because 32, 36 and 40 can all be divisible by 4, giving the total remainder = the sum of the left and right remainders = 4 or 8.

The total number subtracts the total remainder to give the new total n3 = 24 or 28 or 32 or 36.

Four battalions: total divided by 4. n3/4 = 6 (old yin) or 7 (less yang) or 8 (less yin) or 9 (old yang). The first and second strokes are completed. Repeat three times to get the sign.

Returning to the debate between Zhu Xi and Guo Yong over the Great Yan Bu Zheng Fa, Zhu Xi believed that all three changes must be triad one; Guo Yong believed that only the first change was needed. Taking 48 instead of 50 as the number of large yans, Gua Yi Gui Qi is superfluous, so the argument between Zhu Xi and Guo Yong is superfluous. Why would they openly argue about this superfluous triadic? Because both are mathematical illiterate!

From Confucius to Zhu Xi and Wang Yangming, the Great Confucians were illiterate in mathematics and science! But Mozi and Gongsun Longzi, who were contemporaries of Confucius, were mathematicians and scientists! Unfortunately, the Mo family, the famous masters, and the Ji Dacheng Huang Lao thought were all deposed by the Han Confucians who deposed the Hundred Families. Am I talking gibberish?

"Mojia Logic and Science Deposed by Han Confucianism"

Dr. Chuang DiJun, Vice Chairman of the Chinese School of Education in Malaysia, on Chinese Culture (10)

Mozi was not only a mathematician but also a logician. Mathematical logic is a product of the 19th century in the West. The source is Aristotle's "syllogism" (syllogism). Let me first look at the syllogism: b = >c, a = >b then a = >c.

Examples: a is a cat, b is an animal, c is dead. The logical deduction of syllogism is that animals die, cats are animals, so cats die. That's all.

Let's look at Mozi's logic. Mozi said: "Small reasons are not inevitable, nothing must not be; big reasons are inevitable, nothing is inevitable." Small reasons are also called necessary conditions, and big reasons are called sufficient conditions.

Mozi, like Aristotle, pays attention to inference logic. Symbolically represent the concept of Mozi, consider deducing a = >b, where a is the big reason for b and b is the small reason for a.

If the big cause is necessarily a is established, then b is established, that is, a = > b; if the small reason is not necessarily b, then a may not be established, that is, b÷>a. The reason why nothing else is ~b = > ~ a, which is a contrapositive proposition. The big reason is necessarily ~a÷> ~b.

Mozi covers what Aristotelous does not cover with the logic of derivation of conditions that must be done with sufficient conditions. Does Mozi cover the "syllogism"? This is imminent.

a= > b, b = >c how are they expressed in the language of Mozi? That is the great reason that a is b, and at the same time b is the great reason for c, in the language of Mozi, a is the great reason for c. Can I understand that a big reason is a big reason? This is the understanding of semantics.

Even if the semantics of a is c and a is c is not acceptable, this corollary is too intuitive. Mozi can even accurately expound the contrapositive proposition, how can it ignore such a simple inference? I think that either the semantics of the above Mozi are true, or whether this inference exists in the lost chapters of the Ink Classic.

If the great cause is the great cause, then a is the great cause of c, so with the logic of the necessity of the great cause, it can be deduced that a = >c. This is Aristotle's syllogism.

The Ink Classic records the lever experiment: "Balance, heavier than the side will be pounded, the weight is not similar." The balance is short and long. Two plus, heavy and similar, the standard must be lowered. Bid to get the right also. ”

The translation is that when the lever is in equilibrium, it must sag when it is weighted on one side. This is because the weights are not equal. To balance, it must be a short arm and a long standard arm. Power is the length of the arm, weight is weight, and weight is the moment. Increase the weight of both sides to the same, and the standard edges must sag. That's because the sides are weighted. This is the principle of leverage. It turned out that the Chinese was calculated using physics.

The Ink Classic also has optical experiments and explanations, the original text is: "The people of jingguang are like a radiant light." The one who is lower is also high, and the person who is higher is also down. The foot is shining, so the scenery is on the top. The first light on the upper light is the same as the scenery below. So the scene inside the barrier also. ”

The vernacular translation is: The light illuminates the person as an image, and the lower part of the person is shown below, and the upper part shows the lower part of the person. Block out the light under the foot, so the image is formed on top. Block the light above the head, so the image forms below. This is the effect of obstructing the entry of light into the room. This is the pinhole camera principle.

For Han Ru, this is a strange trick that does not fit the dao. Zhang Taiyan examined: "The legend of Mozi is absolutely unique to the Han Dynasty, and its combination of love, Shang Tong, and Tianzhi, the skill of defending the city, and the debate of the scriptures are all dead." ”

Historical Validation: What are the results of the study of "Flute", "Zhengzi" and exclusion science? Yi Scholar said that it was a profound inheritance of traditional Chinese culture, and that he could understand all the problems of the universe ancient and modern, which science could not do! Do you believe it? Wang Fuzhi, Einstein, Yang Zhenning, and Joseph Needham did not believe it. Needham said that Confucianism hindered the development of science; Wang Fuzhi said that it was the study of subjugation!

Dr. Chuang DiJun, Vice Chairman of the Chinese School of Education in Malaysia, on Chinese Culture (10)

The fact is that the Song Dynasty, which advocated Confucianism, Yixue and Theory, fell to Mongolia, and the Ming Dynasty fell to the Manchu Qing. There are also Western guns that kill the Manchu Qing!

Fortunately Chinese no longer continue the tradition of Confucianism and food, otherwise the United States would have been killed in the 1950s! Far from saying, let's say this Gengzi year, if mainstream academic research is easy to learn, the history before the two jiazi will definitely be reincarnated! This time, even if the epidemic is not fatal, the United States will Chinese life! The exception is for elites serving the United States.

Another fact is that huang lao Daoist thought, which encompasses philosophy, politics, economics, military and science, rather than easy to learn, has achieved two of the greatest prosperity in Chinese history, the rule of Wenjing Huang Lao and the rule of Zhenguan.