
De'an No.1 Middle School held a theme education activity to celebrate the National Day

author:Jiujiang News Network

Jiujiang News Network News (Xu Junyun) In order to solemnly, warmly and lively celebrate the 72nd anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, stimulate the patriotic feelings of all teachers and students, enhance the collective sense of honor of the majority of students, and further strengthen the ideological and moral construction of minors, De'an Yizhong specially launched a series of activities to celebrate the National Day of "the motherland, I am proud of you; the first China, I am proud of you".

"Love the party, love the country, the country, and the country has me" flag-raising ceremony

On September 27th, in the bright morning sunshine, De'an No. 1 Middle School held a flag-raising ceremony in the school playground and made a speech under the national flag.

De'an No.1 Middle School held a theme education activity to celebrate the National Day

With the sound of the "March of the Volunteer Army", the five-star red flag was rising, we sang the national anthem, saluted the national flag, and patriotic feelings continued to rise.

Happy National Day

De'an No.1 Middle School held a theme education activity to celebrate the National Day
De'an No.1 Middle School held a theme education activity to celebrate the National Day


Zeng Rui delivered a speech under the national flag "Welcoming the National Day": Five thousand years in China, the rolling Yellow River is her surging blood, urging people to forge ahead and urge people to move forward; the endless Yangtze River is her flexible pulse, jumping with inexhaustible throbbing; the rolling Great Wall is her upright backbone, standing in the east and not moving... Countless of these are the symbols of the mother of our motherland, they record the countless vicissitudes of the mother, they are an indelible spirit! I couldn't help but say loudly: "China, I am proud of you, proud of you!" ”

De'an No.1 Middle School held a theme education activity to celebrate the National Day

President Zhang Guang'an sent sincere wishes to the mother of the motherland and mobilized everyone to love our motherland and the Communist Party of China even more. Study hard, work hard, build the great motherland stronger in the future, and contribute to the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Birthday · Happy national celebrations

"I love my motherland" theme team class

De'an No.1 Middle School held a theme education activity to celebrate the National Day
De'an No.1 Middle School held a theme education activity to celebrate the National Day

De'an No. 1 Middle School, with each squadron and regiment branch as the unit, held theme class meetings, carried out team classes, learned about our motherland, and participated in patriotic knowledge questions and answers.

De'an No.1 Middle School held a theme education activity to celebrate the National Day
De'an No.1 Middle School held a theme education activity to celebrate the National Day

Happy Birthday celebrates National Day

"Singing praises to the motherland and singing praises to the hometown" calligraphy painting hand-copied newspaper exhibition

De'an No.1 Middle School held a theme education activity to celebrate the National Day
De'an No.1 Middle School held a theme education activity to celebrate the National Day
De'an No.1 Middle School held a theme education activity to celebrate the National Day
De'an No.1 Middle School held a theme education activity to celebrate the National Day
De'an No.1 Middle School held a theme education activity to celebrate the National Day
De'an No.1 Middle School held a theme education activity to celebrate the National Day

I took a picture with the flag

De'an No.1 Middle School held a theme education activity to celebrate the National Day
De'an No.1 Middle School held a theme education activity to celebrate the National Day

"Motherland, I am proud of you" recitation activity

De'an No.1 Middle School held a theme education activity to celebrate the National Day
De'an No.1 Middle School held a theme education activity to celebrate the National Day

We are all dreamers

To achieve the second centenary goal

We are preparing for the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

Fight for the cause of communism!

Always ready

Do not forget the original heart, youth and vitality will always be there

Aiming for a thousand autumns, a hundred years is still a teenager

Struggle is youth! Youth dedicated to the party!

Please rest assured that the strong country has me!

Through the activity of celebrating the National Day of "The Motherland, I am proud of you; in the first middle school, I am proud of you", the school enabled the students to have a more comprehensive understanding of the National Day, and the teachers and students of the whole school received a baptism of patriotic education, which enhanced the love of all teachers and students for the motherland, enhanced the national pride and responsibility of teachers and students, and further enhanced the feelings of teachers and students to love the party, the country and socialism.