
Yangqu King Zhu Zhongjun: A scum of the Ming Dynasty clan, who bribed Liu Jin to restore the lord, but the bamboo basket hit the water in an empty Yangqu kingdom by the heir from the Gan green hat

author:Brother Lou looks at history

Foreword: In April of the fifth year of Zhengde (1510 AD), Zhu Huan, the King of Anhua of the Qing Dynasty's Qing Dynasty, launched a rebellion in Ningxia with the assistance of he Jin, Zhou Ang, Ding Guang, and others. Li Zeng, the eunuch of Ningxia, Deng Guang, the young supervisor, Jiang Han, the chief military officer, The Inspector Yushi Anweixue, and the Shaoqing Zhou Dong, were all killed, and for a while the government and the opposition were shaken. Although the Rebellion of Zhu Huan was put down by the guerrilla general and commander Qiu Yu before the arrival of the imperial army. However, the shock wave brought about by this rebellion knocked down Liu Jin, the most powerful eunuch in Daming at that time.

After the fall, Liu Eunuch was frantically liquidated by the civilian-official clique. Liu Jin himself was arrested and imprisoned on August 15, and was executed ten days later by Ling Chi for three days. On October 6, Liu Jin's 10-year-old nephew Liu Erhan was also beheaded and executed. On October 16, Liu Jin's nemesis officer Shangshu Zhang Cai was executed, Jin Yiwei commanded Tongzhi, and Shi Wenyi, the governor of Libei Town, was executed. In the face of such a large-scale counterattack, the New Deal led by Liu Jin was completely abolished, and the officials and even the clans who had previously benefited from it were liquidated one by one. Among them, there was a Yangqu king of the Jin Dynasty in Shanxi, Zhu Zhongjun, who was once again plunged into the abyss after four years of regaining the throne.

Yangqu King Zhu Zhongjun: A scum of the Ming Dynasty clan, who bribed Liu Jin to restore the lord, but the bamboo basket hit the water in an empty Yangqu kingdom by the heir from the Gan green hat

Liu Jin stills

Zhu Meiyao (pronounced guāng), the first Yangqu king, was born in April of the seventh year of Yongle (1409 AD). He was the third son of Zhu Jixi, the Prince of Jinding, the grandson of Zhu Tang, the Prince of Jin, and the great-grandson of Zhu Yuanzhang, the Ming Emperor. As a descendant of the most powerful clan of the Ming Dynasty, The King of Jin, Zhu Meiyao should have had a carefree childhood.

However, in the twelfth year of Yongle (1414 AD), his father, Zhu Jixi, the then King of Jin, was stripped of his title by the Yongle Emperor Zhu Di and deposed as a Shuren. Although Zhu Di was Zhu Jixi's fourth uncle and Zhu Meiyao's uncle, he had always been at odds with the Jin Dynasty. After Zhu Jixi was deposed, his third brother Zhu Jihuan was made the King of Jin. The new king was tyrannical and vicious, and still abused Zhu Jixi's father and son, who had been ordered to be imprisoned in the cemetery of King Zhu Of jingong, and could not even guarantee a basic diet every day. Zhu Meiyao, who wanted to come to that time, also suffered a lot with her father.

This dark life lasted for nearly ten years, until the twenty-first year of Yongle, when Zhu Di suddenly became kind and released Zhu Jixi's father and son from the cage. Although Zhu Jixi did not restore the title of King of Jin, Zhu Di made his eldest son Zhu Meigui the Prince of Pingyang, and his father and son moved to Pingyang (平陽, in modern Linfen, Shanxi) together. After the death of the Yongle Emperor, he was succeeded by Emperor Renzong Zhu Gaozi. Emperor Renzong died less than a year after reigning, and was succeeded by Emperor Xuanzong Zhu Zhanji.

The emperor in the court changed like a marquee, and the living conditions of Zhu Jixi's father and son were further improved. In December of the first year of Hong Xi's reign, Zhu Meiyao was made a general of Zhenguo and had his own years. In the third year of Xuande (1428 AD), the 22-year-old Zhenguo general married Gui Shi, the granddaughter of Gui De, the commander of Pingyang Wei, as his wife. At this time, Zhu Jihuan, the king of Jin, was deposed as a shuren because of his rebellion, but Emperor Xuanzong Zhu Zhanji still had no intention of returning the throne to Zhu Jixi, which shows that the imperial court was deeply jealous of this former Jin king.

Yangqu King Zhu Zhongjun: A scum of the Ming Dynasty clan, who bribed Liu Jin to restore the lord, but the bamboo basket hit the water in an empty Yangqu kingdom by the heir from the Gan green hat

Zhu Di stills

On the fourth day of the first month of the tenth year of Xuande, Emperor Xuanzong Zhu Zhanji died, and the 9-year-old crown prince Zhu Qizhen succeeded to the throne. Coincidentally, shortly after Xuanzong's death, Zhu Jixi, the former King of Jin, also died suddenly. In February, Zhu Meigui, the king of Pingyang, was reinstated as the King of Jin and returned to live in the Jin dynasty in Taiyuan. However, since Zhu Jixi's cemetery was still in Pingyang, Zhu Meigui, the King of Jin, proposed that several younger brothers stay in Pingyang to live in order to sacrifice, which was allowed by the imperial court.

In Xinhai, king Mei Gui of Jin wanted to make the Zhenguo generals Mei Yan, Mei Yan, and Mei Wei live in Pingyang to guard the garden in order to worship the time. From there. —Ming Yingzong Records Volume 10

After Zhu Meigui was promoted to the king of Jin, these Zhenguo generals, including Zhu Meiyao, should also be enfeoffed as king of the county. However, it was not until the second year of orthodoxy that the imperial court sent Li Yong and Li Ke, the left attendants of the Ministry of Works, to Liu Hai as the chief and deputy envoys, and crowned the generals of Zhuzhenguo as kings. Among them, Zhu Meiyao was given the title of King of Yangqu and was the ancestor of the Yangqu State of the Jin Dynasty.

Zhu Meiyao was not Zhu Jixi's concubine, and while he was living in Pingyang, his birth mother Sun moved to Taiyuan with the young King of Linquan, Zhu Meiqi, along with Zhu Meigui, the King of Jin. When Sun died in March of the fourteenth year of the reign, King Yangqu was so distraught when he received the news that he asked the imperial court to go to Taiyuan to mourn his birth mother. Although the Ming Dynasty had strict rules for the emperor to leave the city, the filial piety of the Yangqu King was commendable, and Emperor Yingzong Zhu Qizhen could not refuse, so he agreed to his request.

Yi Mi , Yangqu Wang Mei Yao played: "The subject first served the edict to stay in Pingyang, and guarded the garden of the king of Jinding for worship." When his brother King Jian of Linquan Zhuang was young, he went to live in Taiyuan with his mother Sun Shi. Recently hearing of his mother's illness and death, the subject was overwhelmed with grief and beged to send a funeral in Taiyuan to fulfill the way of the Son of Man. "From there. - Ming Yingzong Records Volume 178

As a result, the Yangqu king happened to encounter the invasion of The Walla and the subsequent "Tumu Fort Change", when the Ming army in Shanxi was too busy to take care of itself, and naturally no one was willing to protect Zhu Meiyao from Pingyang to Taiyuan. When things gradually calmed down, it was already the second year of Jingtai, and the emperor was replaced by Zhu Qizhen's younger brother Zhu Qiyu. So the King of Yangqu once again went to the imperial court to request to go to Taiyuan for sacrifice, but at this time, the Sun clan had already been buried, and Zhu Qiyu thought that there was no need to run such a trip, and refused Zhu Meiyao's request.

Xin Wei, Yangqu Wang Meiyan played: "First feng shu stayed in Pingyang, guarded his father Jin Ding Wang Yuan, and also offered the time sacrifice." There was a mother of the Sun clan, who died in Taiyuan Province on March 25, the fourteenth year of the orthodox dynasty, when he played the sacrifice of The Emperor Yunchen. Because of the prisoner's offense, the road terrier could not go forward. Now that the road has been opened, the beggars will sacrifice Taiyuan in the way of the Son of Man. The emperor said: "The border is not peaceful, it is not easy to reciprocate, and It is not easy for Yigu to do it." —Ming Yingzong Records Volume 211
Yangqu King Zhu Zhongjun: A scum of the Ming Dynasty clan, who bribed Liu Jin to restore the lord, but the bamboo basket hit the water in an empty Yangqu kingdom by the heir from the Gan green hat

The Yellow River Hukou Waterfall is located in ancient Pingyang

The fertility of the Jin Dynasty is outstanding in the entire Ming Dynasty clan, such as the well-known Qingcheng King Zhu Qixun has nearly a hundred children. In fact, Zhu Meiyao, the king of Yangqu, gave birth to at least twenty-five sons without showing the mountains and water, and even after his death in August of the sixteenth year of Chenghua (1480 AD), he also received a widow in September. Zhu Meiyao was 72 years old, and he was known as Rongjing.

In September of the seventeenth year of Chenghua (1481 AD), Zhu Zhongjun, the eldest son of King Rongjing of Yangqu, attacked the King of Fengyangqu, and his wife Hou entered the Princess of Yangqu. Zhu Zhongjun had been the King of Yangqu for less than four years, but was deposed as a Shuren in the twentieth year of Chenghua (1484 AD).

In fact, Zhu Meiyao, the king of Laoyang Qu, gave birth to so many children, indicating that the atmosphere of the entire royal palace was not very good. Sure enough, after the death of King Rongjing, contradictions broke out one after another in the palace. First of all, Zhu Meiyao's concubine Wu Shi actually took the child born of adultery with others to ask the imperial court for food, which was an extremely serious crime in the Ming Dynasty, called "Chaotic Sect Branch". Secondly, Zhu Zhongjun, the king of Yangqu, occupied the young and beautiful concubine room of his father Wang Liushou and gave birth to a son. As for princess Hou Shi, who is not of the good kind, it was found that "the people of the palace were committing adultery", and as to whether it involved the princess herself, it could only be kept secret for His Holiness. Concubine Zheng did not look like this, Zhu Zhongjun's concubine room also had the same example, and his wife Tang Shi was also found to have an affair with the Taoist priest Zhang Deshan. At the same time, after Zhu Zhongjun's sister Fangshan County Lord and Yibin Wang Bo had a dispute, they were forced to die by their husbands.

Yangqu King Zhu Zhongjun: A scum of the Ming Dynasty clan, who bribed Liu Jin to restore the lord, but the bamboo basket hit the water in an empty Yangqu kingdom by the heir from the Gan green hat

Stills of Ming Xianzong

Therefore, when so many scandals in the Yangqu Palace stabbed the Chenghua Emperor Zhu Jianshen in front of the imperial court, it finally caused Long Yan to be angry. In the end, the Yangqu Palace was nearly destroyed, and the imperial court ruled as follows:

Zhu Zhongjun, the King of Yangqu, demoted shuren, and Princess Hou of Yangqu was given the title of Hou Clan and received his crown and order. The usurped concubines of King Rongjing committed suicide, and the one born of them lived with Zhu Zhongjun, and was not allowed to ask for a name. King Rongjing's concubine Murong Wushi of the "Chaos Sect Branch" committed suicide and his accomplices were hanged. Lady Deng Hanged herself, and the adulterer Zhang Deshan sat down and beheaded. Yibin Wang Bo was dismissed from his post.

In the seventh year of Hongzhi (1494 AD), Zhu Zhongjun's biological mother Peng Shi again begged the imperial court to restore Zhu Zhongjun's crown belt. At this time, the emperor had been replaced by Zhu Youfan, the son of Zhu Jianshen, who was very dissatisfied with the mother of the Yangqu King, Hu Youfan, and severely reprimanded him.

Heyou, the mother of the Jin shu people Zhong Gong's wife Peng Shi, played the beggar bell crown belt again. Shang: "Zhong Hao was demoted to a common man by hurting bad ethics." Tired to play, not allowed! —Ming Xiaozong Records Volume 86

After Emperor Xiaozong's death, crown prince Zhu Houzhao succeeded to the throne as Emperor Wuzong. In order to oppose the civilian officials, Emperor Mingwu pushed the eunuch Liu Jin to the forefront to lead the reform. Peng, who saw the opportunity at the time, successfully restored Zhu Zhongjun to the title of King of Yangqu in the second year of Zhengde (1507 AD) by bribing Liu Jin, 24 years after he was deposed as a Shuren. Although Zhu Zhongjun is shameless, the fortitude of Peng's beloved son is still impressive.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, Liu Jin fell in the fifth year of Zhengde, and Zhu Zhongyi's bad luck came again. In November, the Ministry of Rites proposed that Zhu Zhongjun belonged to the "Restoration of the Circle of Fortune" and should be reformed. Subsequently, in a court meeting held in December, the ministers of the Ministry of Rites and the Six Ministries of the Five Provinces agreed that the reason why King Yangqu was able to restore his title was that Liu Jin "became a private favor of the law" and must be removed. In the end, Emperor Wuzong ruled:

Zhong Jiao was morally wounded, and his love was deeply sinful, and he was still demoted to a commoner. — Ming Wuzong Records Volume 70
Yangqu King Zhu Zhongjun: A scum of the Ming Dynasty clan, who bribed Liu Jin to restore the lord, but the bamboo basket hit the water in an empty Yangqu kingdom by the heir from the Gan green hat

Meitake sect images

Conclusion: In terms of generations, Zhu Zhongjun was the same as Emperor Wuzong's great-grandfather Emperor Yingzong Zhu Qizhen and was the emperor's great-uncle. Just because of the wrong things of that year, he was called "a deep sin" by a junior, which was pitiful. Eventually, Zhu Zhongjun died in the first year of Jiajing (1522 AD), and after being deposed for the second time, he served as a Shuren for another 13 years. If he could control his crotch, wouldn't the life of the county king for more than 40 years be fragrant?

As mentioned above, there were many heirs of Prince Laoyangqu, and after Zhu Zhongjun's accident, the atmosphere of the entire palace changed. During emperor Xiaozong's reign, Zhang Wenzuo, the prefect of Pingyang Prefecture in Shanxi, praised the yangqu prince's auxiliary general Zhu Qihun for his praiseworthy deeds, and after the matter was verified, Emperor Wuzong wrote a letter to praise him. Zhu Qihun was the son of Zhu Zhongjun's younger brother, the Zhenguo general Zhu Zhongjun.

The Lord's Book of Rewards says: But the state rules the world with filial piety, and all subjects who have filial piety will be ordered to have a table to encourage customs. Er filial piety is pure and pure, and it is praised with a letter of praise. And with the wind to move the clans, Erqi admired it. - Records of Emperor Mingwu, Vol. 10

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