
After Zhou Yu's death, why did Cheng Pu, the elder of the Three Dynasties, fail to succeed Zhou Yu?

author:Sentimental history

In the history of Zhou Yu's "sexual degree recovery" and "real wizards", Sun Quan praised Zhou Yu for having "Wang Zuo's assets", and Fan Cheng praised him as "the hero of the world and the beautiful husband of Jiang Zuo". In the fifteenth year of Jian'an (210), Zhou Yu died of illness in Baqiu at the age of 36. After Zhou Yu's death, Sun Quan appointed Lu Su as a lieutenant of Fenwu and succeeded Zhou Yu in commanding the troops. More than 4,000 of Zhou Yu's subordinate troops, as well as the original four counties of Fengyi, were all transferred to Lu Su, which meant that Lu Su succeeded Zhou Yu, at least in terms of status and real power.

In this context, Lu Su initially garrisoned Jiangling, and later moved his troops to Lukou. Prestige and righteousness, great popularity, more than 10,000 subordinates, was appointed Hanchang Taishou, partial general. It is worth noting that after Zhou Yu's death, Cheng Pu, the governor of Zuodu, as the elder of the Three Dynasties of Jiangdong, was also eligible to succeed Zhou Yu. So, the question is, after Zhou Yu's death, why was his successor Lu Su instead of Zuo Du's governor Cheng Pu?

After Zhou Yu's death, why did Cheng Pu, the elder of the Three Dynasties, fail to succeed Zhou Yu?


First of all, Cheng Pu, the character Demou, was born and died in an unknown year, and was a native of Tuyu,Right Beiping (present-day Fengrun East, Hebei Province, present-day Yinchengpu Town, Fengrun District, Tangshan City). A famous general at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, he has three generations of Sun Jian, Sun Ce and Sun Quan. Therefore, in terms of seniority, even Zhou Yu could not be compared with Cheng Pu, the elder of the Three Dynasties. For Cheng Pu, a fierce general, he first followed Sun Jian in his crusade against Dong Zhuo, and then rescued Sun Ce from the siege when Sun Ce pacified Jiangdong. After Sun Ce's death, Cheng Pu and Zhang Zhao and others supported Sun Quan.

In addition to having a more competitive advantage than Lu Su's seniority, in terms of official positions, Cheng Pu's status in Jiangdong was actually very close to Zhou Yu's. In the thirteenth year of Jian'an (208), Cheng Pu replaced Tai Shi Ci in defending Haifu and served as the left and right governors with Zhou Yu, defeating Cao Cao at the Battle of Chibi. Among them, Zhou Yu served as the right governor and Cheng Pu served as the left governor. On the basis of the left and the right, the status of the left governor Cheng Pu was slightly inferior to that of the right governor Zhou Yu.

After Zhou Yu's death, why did Cheng Pu, the elder of the Three Dynasties, fail to succeed Zhou Yu?


However, as the same governor, Cheng Pu is completely in the same grade as Zhou Yu, but there has been a change in ranking. Based on this, after Zhou Yu's death, Cheng Pu was obviously more qualified to succeed Zhou Yu than Lu Su. So, the question is, why is it that Lu Su laughed at the end in the end? The reasons for this are mainly reflected in the following points.

On the one hand, this is because before Zhou Yu died, he designated Lu Su to replace him. Chen Shou recorded in the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" that Zhou Yu was ill and sleepy, and Shang Shu said: "When there is a matter of service today, it is Yu Nai's heart that worries about the night, and the original supreme being is worried about it first, and then he is happy." Lu Suzhi was slightly full of responsibility and begged for Yu. On the day of Yu's death, all the nostalgia is exhausted. That is, in Zhou Yu's view, Lu Su's wisdom and strategy were slightly competent enough, and he asked to use him to replace me. On the day I die, there will be nothing to worry about. Further, among the civilian and military generals in Jiangdong, Lu Su's wisdom and strategy were first-class, and could even be compared with Zhuge Liang, the chancellor of the Shu Han Dynasty.

After Zhou Yu's death, why did Cheng Pu, the elder of the Three Dynasties, fail to succeed Zhou Yu?


For example, Zhuge Liang proposed the "Longzhong Pair" for Liu Bei, for which Lu Su proposed the "Tatami Strategy" for Sun Quan earlier. The tatami policy was a measure to govern the country proposed by Lu Su to Sun Quan when he was drinking with Sun Quan in the fifth year of Jian'an. It gets its name because it is a conversation that takes place on a tatami (a long, narrow, and shorter bed-shaped seat). Therefore, although Lu Su's battle achievements were not as good as Cheng Pu's, Lu Su's strategy was unanimously recognized by Zhou Yu and Sun Quan, which became an important reason why he could stand out.

On the other hand, the Three Dynasties Old Minister is Cheng Pu's advantage, but also his weakness. As we all know, in ancient Chinese history, a dynasty of heavenly sons and a courtier, after Sun Quan, the lord of the throne, was naturally an old minister left by the important Sun Ce in the early days of his reign, which was an important reason why he could take charge of Jiangdong. However, in the long run, Sun Quan naturally hopes to cultivate his own henchmen. On this basis, the elders of the Three Dynasties like Cheng Pu were naturally not in Sun Quan's consideration.

After Zhou Yu's death, why did Cheng Pu, the elder of the Three Dynasties, fail to succeed Zhou Yu?


Finally, corresponding to this, although Lu Su had known Zhou Yu very early, Lu Su had not followed Sun Ce. In the fifth year of Jian'an (200), Lu Su led his subordinates to defect to Sun Quan and proposed a strategic plan for Dingzu Jiangdong, which was appreciated by Sun Quan. For Lu Su, who agreed to the union, he was not only included in the candidates of Sun Quan's confidants, but also received the latter's weight and cultivation. Therefore, in the author's opinion, even if Zhou Yu designated other candidates before his death, Sun Quan may still strongly push Lu Su to take over.

It is worth noting that, more similar to Cheng Pu, Zhang Zhao, as Sun Cetuo's lonely minister, also had considerable prestige in Eastern Wu. However, when Sun Quan established the post of chancellor, although many people elected Zhang Zhao as the chancellor, Sun Quan still found reasons to refuse. From this, we can find that for the old minister of Jiangdong, although Sun Quan did not hide the bird with a bow, the necessary precautions and vigilance were still there. In summary, in 210 AD, after Zhou Yu's death, Sun Quan appointed Lu Su as a lieutenant of Fenwu and succeeded Zhou Yu in commanding the troops. What do you think about that?

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