
Wuxi Liangxi: Shouzheng Innovation "Dynamic United Front"

author:Purple Cow News

To this day, whenever she hears the song "My Motherland and Me", Xue Xiangbai will remember that one afternoon in the early spring of 2021, in the Erquan Square of Wuxi City, the impassioned and imposing United Front of Liangxi District of Wuxi City sang the main melody song party, and she and the students of the European and American Alumni Association sang this song in the form of flash mobs. Since she returned home, that moment was a pride she had never had before.

Wuxi Liangxi: Shouzheng Innovation "Dynamic United Front"

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, including this song conference, the United Front Work Department of the Liangxi District CPC Committee of Wuxi City has focused on building a pattern, planning the theme, and integrating media cooperation to set up a stage through various forms and theme activities, doing a solid job in the united front work, constantly promoting the united front work to a new level, and singing the "Liangxi Song" of the new era with one heart.

Wuxi Liangxi: Shouzheng Innovation "Dynamic United Front"

The banner is clear and united

"The Communist Party works hard for the nation, and the Communist Party is bent on saving China..." On April 17, a song "Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No New China" was staged in the form of a flash mob in Wuxi Liangxi Erquan Square, thus kicking off the prelude to the Wuxi Liangxi United Front's "One Heart to the Party and One Heart to the Party and One Mind" to sing the main melody song. At the scene, more than 500 people from 16 united front organizations and united front work groups, such as various democratic parties, the Federation of Industry and Commerce, ethnic and religious organizations, the New Federation, and the European and American Returned Scholars Association, sang in unison songs with deep meaning to their own main themes, such as "Socialism is Good," "Love My China," and "Sing the Motherland," which were deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, expressed their love for the CPC with sonorous and powerful songs, and expressed their love for the CPC and their deep praise for the brilliant achievements that the party has led the people in the past hundred years.

In order to realize the party's historical tasks in the new era, the united front must constantly innovate ways and methods of the united front and intensify the propaganda of the united front. As an important form of the united front in literature and art, the main melody song has the value of the times beyond the significance of the main melody song itself, and it has played an important role in united front propaganda in different historical periods. In the new era, it is still necessary to give play to the epochal value of the main melody song, further do a good job in the united front work of literature and art in the new era, unite all forces that can be united, and serve the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Li Tao, director of the United Front Work Department of the Liangxi District Committee of Wuxi City, introduced the original intention of holding this song party.

Wuxi Liangxi: Shouzheng Innovation "Dynamic United Front"

"The influence of this song in the united front work in Jiangsu Province and all over the country is something we did not expect, and the live broadcast on the day was watched by hundreds of thousands of people online, and then the central and provincial media have reported on it, which has been praised by the province and the city." In recent years, the Liangxi United Front has exerted great influence in the whole country through innovative and solid work." A relevant person from the United Front Work Department of the Wuxi Municipal CPC Committee told reporters.

Precise and innovative efforts

Praise and affirmation came like a tide, in this regard, the staff of the United Front Work Department of the Liangxi District Committee of Wuxi City seemed very calm, in their view, Liangxi's united front work has been on the road of innovation and leadership.

A history of Wuxi, half in Liangxi. Wuxi Liangxi District, formed by the merger of the original three districts of Wuxi, although only 5 years old, the establishment time of the district is short, but as the main city of Wuxi, it has accumulated thousands of years of cultural relics, the Grand Canal, Jiangnandi, industrial and commercial sources, Wuxi roots...

Wuxi Liangxi: Shouzheng Innovation "Dynamic United Front"

The Grand Canal runs through the city, and the United Front Work Department of the Liangxi District CPC Committee fully excavates the united front resources along the canal, promotes the establishment of the united front "canal in the same boat" alliance, takes the water as the path, gives play to the cultural and commercial endowments on both sides of the canal in Liangxi District and the resources of intellectuals outside the party, connects the three major historical and cultural blocks, covers the "five major relations" of the united front, gathers more than 2,000 united front members of all kinds, currently has 42 member units, and the industry covers many fields; with red as the rudder, it is included in the grass-roots party building "secretary project" along the canal. Signed a "Pilot in the Same Boat" agreement with grassroots party building brands such as Zhongshan Road Grand Party Building in Liangxi District and Ancient Canal Party Building Alliance to achieve resource sharing, education sharing, ideological co-education, and achievement sharing; with use as the basis, help the construction of consumer brands such as "Liangxi on Earth" and "Tonight's Liang' Supper", organize multiple creative markets, display the culture of the Grand Canal, and highlight the surging vitality of the united front...

Wuxi Liangxi: Shouzheng Innovation "Dynamic United Front"

Great unity of integrated development

Liangxi District of Wuxi City is a multi-ethnic urban area with many ethnic minorities, and there are 34 ethnic minorities such as Hui, Manchu and Miao, with a population of nearly 10,000. The Liangxi District Party Committee and the District Government have established a "five-in-one" working mechanism of party committee leadership, government leadership, social coordination, public participation, and rule of law protection. All departments carry out various forms of national unity and progress work in accordance with their functions.

For example, the District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau actively provides humanistic care services and provides subsidies for enterprises that are interested in and capable of accepting ethnic minority workers; the District Education Bureau has included ethnic unity and progress education activities in the school teaching plan and carried out youth practical experience activities on a regular basis; all streets have actively explored and cultivated the backbone of ethnic minority residents and encouraged them to participate in community work. Among them, Ma Chenxia, a Hani girl in Jinkui Street, was affectionately called "our little princess of the Hani tribe" by the residents.

Wuxi Liangxi: Shouzheng Innovation "Dynamic United Front"
Wuxi Liangxi: Shouzheng Innovation "Dynamic United Front"

Many private enterprises, such as Huayang Roller, take the initiative to recruit and care for ethnic minority workers, and through the implementation of the "Rain and Dew Plan" of backbone technicians to help bring the Sala migrant workers in Xunhua County, Qinghai, to help them become post experts as soon as possible and get rid of poverty by labor; Wuxi Mingci Hospital, the first batch of "red pomegranate homelands" in Jiangsu Province, has sent more than 180 experts to ethnic minority areas for free clinics, providing screening for congenital heart disease for the local people, sitting and receiving nearly 1,000 patients, and more than 20 patients have successfully operated in Mingci Hospital and regained the "heart" "Sheng, for the medical staff of the local hospital in Qinghai to provide training and training, to help cultivate local talents, strengthen the function of the medical association, Liangxi's ethnic unity atmosphere continues to be strong, the social foundation is more solid."

Wuxi Liangxi: Shouzheng Innovation "Dynamic United Front"

Be a good private enterprise "mother's family"

Every November, during the one-month "Private Enterprise Service Month", the staff of the United Front Work Department (Federation of Industry and Commerce) of the Liangxi District Committee of Wuxi City are very busy, and they will actively innovate service models through various forms and activities, play a bridging role, promote the healthy development of the non-public economy and the healthy growth of non-public economic figures, and strongly promote the good and rapid development of the private economy in the jurisdiction. This year's theme is "Carefully Do High Quality to Help Private Enterprises Develop New".

"Thanks to Liangxi and Huishan for organizing this friendship activity, we have the opportunity to go out of Liangxi and communicate with people from the new class in other districts, exchange ideas, and achieve complementary advantages." In the Huishan-Liangxi New Social Class People's "New Heart Contact Huiliangxiao" activity, Yu Chenxu, a member of the New Social Class Network People Association in Liangxi District and the commercial director of Jiangsu Huaxing Dongjin Culture Media Co., Ltd., said, "We have reached cooperation with the peach farmers of the Huishan Taoyuan New Alliance with the new association as a link, and through our online live streaming channels, the average daily sales of online can reach 5,000 boxes, helping the sales of Yangshan peaches."

Wuxi Liangxi: Shouzheng Innovation "Dynamic United Front"

Since the beginning of this year, Relying on the "1 (Federation of Industry and Commerce)+ n (relevant departments)" service platform, Liangxi District has organized more than 20 exchanges and visits between united front members; coordinated and held a number of exchange seminars for executives, technicians, scientific research institutes and law firms of downstream enterprises, realized the in-depth integration of production, education and research, and formed an integrated development model of "project + team + research institute", which has played an important role in enterprise technology upgrading and market development. He has successively held on-site office meetings in jinshan north industrial park, "Jinqiao Xinyinghui" and other parks, markets and buildings to listen to the opinions and suggestions of representatives of the private economy and solve practical difficulties.

Since 2020, through the series of activities of "Private Enterprise Service Month" and the normalized joint coordination mechanism, various streets and departments have successively set up a number of linked service groups, regularly go deep into the on-site office of private enterprises, visit enterprises, parks, and studios of new-class people nearly 1,500 times, and successfully coordinate and solve more than 840 problems in enterprise employment, capital, technology and other aspects, injecting confidence and adding impetus to the growth and development of United Front members.

Wuxi Liangxi: Shouzheng Innovation "Dynamic United Front"

Actively expand the "circle of friends"

In recent years, Wuxi has taken the initiative to integrate into the integration of the Yangtze River Delta, actively promoted the integration of Suxi and Changzhou, successfully hosted important meetings such as the symposium of the main leaders of three provinces and one city in the Yangtze River Delta region, the Suxi-Chang Integrated Development Summit, and signed major cooperation matters such as jointly building the Taihu Lake Science and Technology Innovation Circle, fully demonstrating the "Wuxi responsibility" of integrated development.

Wuxi Liangxi: Shouzheng Innovation "Dynamic United Front"

On September 16, 2021, the United Front Work Alliance (hereinafter referred to as the "Alliance") was jointly initiated by the United Front Work Department of the Liangxi District Committee of Wuxi City and jointly initiated by the united front of 32 central urban areas in 22 cities in three provinces and one city in the Yangtze River Delta region. "As the first inter-provincial urban cooperation community in the Yangtze River Delta region based on united front work, relying on the geopolitical framework of the central urban area, and serving the integrated high-quality development of the Yangtze River Delta, the alliance intends to further exert the agglomeration effect and radiation effect of the central urban areas of the Yangtze River Delta, expand the regional cooperation model, and help a new exploration of high-quality economic and social development." Li Tao, director of the United Front Work Department of the Liangxi District CPC Committee, introduced.

The central urban area is often the core of urban functions, the window of communication and openness, and the business card of the city's image. The establishment of the alliance is an innovative breakthrough in breaking down the barriers of inter-provincial regional cooperation and deepening the coordinated development of the united front work in the Yangtze River Delta region, an innovative breakthrough in building a larger-scale and deeper pattern of united front work, and has made substantial progress in the exploration and innovation of the active integration of the central urban areas into the integrated development strategy of the Yangtze River Delta.

Adapt to local conditions, local materials, tailor-made, innovative, ingenious, unique... The united front work in Liangxi District of Wuxi City is guided by the educational guidance activity of "one heart to the party and one pace", adheres to the practice of culture as the root, education as the guide, and service as the bridge, strengthens political guidance, extensively gathers consensus, continues to cast a solid sense of the Chinese national community, and strives to compose the vivid practice of the great unity of the sons and daughters of china in Liangxi.

Yangtze Evening News / Purple Cow News reporter Ji Nana

Proofread by Li Haihui

Source: Purple Cow News

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