
Colorful crab dishes make this autumn elegant

author:The Paper

Because of the presence of hairy crabs, autumn in the south is full of aroma. Fans of hairy crabs go on a culinary journey to their place of origin for a full meal. Ctrip big data shows that with the arrival of the crab eating season, hotel bookings in Yangcheng Lake and other places have entered the peak season, and the search and page views of crab tasting restaurants recommended by Ctrip Gourmet Forest have increased by 40%.

Colorful crab dishes make this autumn elegant

Southerners love the flower carved drunken crab

For gourmets, eating crabs according to origin is already oldfashion. Due to the continuous improvement of breeding technology, now eating crabs, it is no longer necessary to go to Yangcheng Lake, there are many crab resorts around Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, which is an excellent choice for food tours. Ctrip Raiders has launched a crab tour destination recommendation for food lovers around Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, including food, accommodation and surrounding attraction recommendations. The recent "Crab Hunting Season" crab feast, which was jointly participated in by 9 hotels under the Shangri-La Group, allows you to enjoy seasonal crab dishes in Shanghai, Suzhou, Nanjing, Yangzhou, Changzhou, Hangzhou, Wenzhou, Hefei and other places at the same time.

Colorful crab dishes make this autumn elegant

Shrimp and crab stuffed puff pastry box

In the most prosperous period of Yangzhou, "waist wrapped 100,000 guan, driving cranes to Yangzhou" want to eat a top-level famous meal of countless large amounts, but even the top Yangzhou restaurants are not as good as the craftsmanship of salt merchants, Wu Yishan fried tofu, Tian Yanmen fried chicken, Jiang Zhengtang ten kinds of pig heads, Wang Yinshan boneless fish, etc., are the best taste in Yangzhou City. The Yangzhou Shangri-La Chinese Restaurant Executive Chef Xu Long designed a Wu Yishan crab yellow fragrant stir-fried tofu, the tofu refreshing with crab yellow incense, accompanied by apricot abalone mushrooms, shrimp and garlic leaves, with modern cooking methods to present the essence of ancient dishes.

The Shrimp and Crab Stuffed Puff pastry box is a combination of Chinese and Western dishes, made from butter and flour made of crispy skin wrapped in some tender seafood. It is made from crystal clear, sairu mingzhu hand-peeled Gaoyou river shrimp and stir-fried crab yellow. Shrimp and crab yellow with crispy puff pastry permeate the rich flavor.

Colorful crab dishes make this autumn elegant

Old Changzhou tofu soup with crab powder soup buns

As a major local delicacy in Changzhou, although the ingredients for the old Changzhou tofu soup are only lactone tofu, bean cake, duck blood, blind leaf silk and other extremely common ingredients, in the eyes of Master Shi Qiang of Shangri-La Hotel, Changzhou, it is through the careful selection of these "original" ingredients that the texture and taste of the ingredients themselves can be excavated and exerted to the greatest extent. Old Changzhou tofu soup with crab powder soup buns, a bite down, the soup is thick, refreshing and transparent. Coupled with the "crab powder soup bun" that is "placed on the plate like a grandfather clock, sandwiched on the chopsticks like a lantern", the skin is thin and translucent, the crab fragrance is delicious, and the layers are rich, which is really a delicious enjoyment.

Chef Shi has his own unique views on food, this time he selected the best hairy crabs of Changdang Lake and the spring teeth and refreshing winter flour, added broth and special sauces and baked them slowly for 20 minutes to make the royal winter powder baked crab. And his secret is to constantly pour out the bottom of the soup and then pour it on the crab meat and winter flour to make the winter powder more flavorful.

Colorful crab dishes make this autumn elegant

Specialty stir-fried crab mackerel

"Stir-fried crab catfish" is a famous dish of the Qing Dynasty, when the Qianlong Emperor toured the south, he dined in the Weaving House of Suzhou, and this dish was impressively recorded. Chef Zhao Bangyin of Shangri-La Hotel, Suzhou, uses the hairy crab of Yangcheng Lake as an ingredient, carefully removes the crab meat, adds lard, stir-frys slowly over low heat, boils the water and stir-frys the aroma, and appropriately drops into Zhenjiang balsamic vinegar. Taihu lake catfish is freshly shipped every day, and the delicious fish meat, cod liver and golden brown tempting crab powder are stir-fried in lard and thinly coated with mustard. The entrance is fragrant and tender, with rich layers.

Bald butter is an ancient way of preserving hairy crabs, "bald" in the Suzhou dialect, meaning "alone", only with the crab yellow and crab paste of hairy crabs, seasoning oil seals. The bald butter is fresh and mellow, condensed for several hours, and gathered into a mouthful of essence. A large bowl of bald butter rice with balsamic vinegar and ginger osmanthus ice cream adds to the flavor.

Colorful crab dishes make this autumn elegant

The land of fish and rice in Gangnam

Chef Hou Xinqing of Shangri-La Hotel, Nanjing, is known as the "Huaiyang Knife Maker" and studied under Professor Zhou Xiaoyan, the inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage of Huaiyang cuisine. The creation of "Jiangnan Fish and Rice Town" is a typical Su-style dish, with a light and delicate taste and pleasant taste. Eggs are added to the thick soup made of crab and shrimp to make custard, and the river shrimp and fine fish shreds are stir-fried in the oil pot, fresh and refreshing, the custard is smooth and tender, the crab meat is crab yellow, the shrimp and fish shreds are sold with soft glutinous grilling, and the Chinese-style elegant and exquisite food is fully displayed.

Another seasonal dish is the crab vermicelli boiled taro, both of which are seasonal dishes, which are added to the vermicelli to enrich the layers and texture of the dish. After steaming the hairy crab, remove the crab meat and crab yellow, add ginger rice and green onion and stir-fry into the broth, taro and vermicelli, add the seasonings together and burn them until fragrant.

Colorful crab dishes make this autumn elegant

Crab powder guacamole tart tart

Crab powder guacamole tart is a Chinese dish presented by Chef Jiang at Shangri-La Hotel in Hangzhou, who pays attention to the freshness of ingredients and promotes a healthy diet, selects golden crab powder and tender green avocado, stirs it thoroughly, adds milk, cheese and other stir-fry with brandy, and after refrigeration, it is finally placed on the puff pastry made of butter and sprinkled with Spanish ham.

Colorful crab dishes make this autumn elegant

Tea mountain arbutus drunken crab

Drunken crab has always been one of the favorite side dishes of southerners. Master Tang Han of Shangri-La Hotel, Wenzhou is proficient in Cantonese cuisine, with the continuous learning and understanding of Ou cuisine after coming to Wenzhou, he found that Cantonese cuisine and Ou cuisine have similarities, this time he used hairy crab as raw material, using Wenzhou local bayberry wine with yellow alcohol salt and other drunken production, after more than four hours of pickling, the meat is tender, delicious, and the wine is rich, sweet in the aroma.

Colorful crab dishes make this autumn elegant

Crab powder lion head meets Spanish 5j black pork

If you don't want to spend your precious weekend time on the way to get there, there are many restaurants in Shanghai that are worth recommending. In early autumn, the table is indispensable to eat heart-warming dishes with soup and water, and Huaiyang crab powder lion's head is a masterpiece. Chef Gao Xiaosheng, executive chef of Guihualou, who has nearly 30 years of culinary experience, said that Yangzhou crab powder lion head is a dish of Daohua Kung Fu, and it takes two hours to boil the soup base alone.

Colorful crab dishes make this autumn elegant

Master Gao boiled crab powder

It is worth mentioning that he not only simmered the lion's head for 5 and a half hours, but also creatively added Spanish 5j cinco jotas black pork to this dish, with the classic Yangzhou crab powder lion's head, making the meat more tender and salty. Crab powder lion head meets Spanish 5j black pork, so the combination is wonderful.

Colorful crab dishes make this autumn elegant

Silver wire onyx

Another kung fu dish is silver shredded agate. Agate is crab powder, flower glue silk can be described as silver wire, and the mood of early autumn food supplements also comes from this. Flower gum is taken from the belly of the fish, rich in protein and gum, astringent and astringent while nourishing value is self-evident. Chef Gao specially selected 30 to 40 heads of high-quality flower glue, carefully soaked hair, cut into strips and blanched water, put into the broth and boiled to taste. Flower glue only needs to be boiled in a pot for about 1 minute, but it takes decades of experience to grasp the heat and time. In the season, Gaoyou Lake crab is removed from the meat and crab yellow, then add shallots, ginger, vinegar, pepper, etc. and stir-fry to taste, and soak them into the old hen soup together with the same flower glue and simmer for a while. The crab powder is delicious, the flower gum is soft and sticky, the taste and flavor type complement each other, and the aroma is overflowing.

Colorful crab dishes make this autumn elegant

Master Liao Zili's ancient method of stuffing crab lids

Chef Liao Zili of Jing An Shangri-La Hotel, Shanghai, combines the essence of Cantonese cuisine with the best yellow croaker and combines it with crab liquid to create an umami flavor. Yellow croaker marinated, crushed into fish puree and slightly seasoned, added fresh mushrooms, mixed with special crab oil filling, then rolled up the fish mushrooms with sliced winter melon and put them into a steamer to cook, and finally use crab liquid to grill the fish velvet to make it fully blended, this white jade crab liquid yellow fish roll instantly overflows with aroma.

Colorful crab dishes make this autumn elegant

A pre-dinner snack at the Yongyiting Crab Feast

Located at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Pudong, Shanghai, the crab feast dish launched by the Michelin-starred Restaurant Yong Yi Ting can be described as quite elegant, and Master Lu Yiming will create this set of themed delicacies, including appetizers, soups, main courses, dim sum, etc., with the restaurant's newly purchased plates, which has a taste of French food.

Colorful crab dishes make this autumn elegant

Bald butter stone pot bibimbap

The carved ginger custard in the main dish is processed with crab powder in a baked manner, which can highlight the aroma of crab powder very well, but the crab oil produced after crab powder is roasted is slightly greasy. Chef Lo cleverly uses crushed soda biscuits to cover the grilled crab lid to reduce the greasy sensation and enrich the texture layers. It is also accompanied by a small cup of carved ginger custard, which is fresh and mellow, and the aftertaste is endless.

Crab powder soufflé is a reserved dish of Chef Lu, who believes that in chocolate soufflé, the texture of chocolate is very similar to crab powder, and it has a rich aroma. So, he combined Jiangnan crab powder with a Western-style dessert of Soufflé. The buttery-scented French puff pastry is wrapped in a lightweight protein and crab powder, with an appropriate sweet-to-salt ratio that sets off the umami flavor of crab powder. However, soufflé is easy to collapse, so it is recommended to eat it while it is hot.

Colorful crab dishes make this autumn elegant

Ancient crab stuffed orange

Ancient crab stuffed orange is an ancient French dish. The practice of crab stuffing oranges was first recorded in the Southern Song Dynasty Lin Hong's "Mountain Family Qing Offering": "The orange is large, cut off the top, remove the grain, leave less liquid, use the crab paste meat inside, still cover it with a branch, put it into a small koshiki, steam it with wine, vinegar and water, add bitter wine into salt, and offer, both fragrant and fresh." "Although many restaurants are doing it now, there are not many really delicious dishes, and once the heat or orange selection is not good, the whole dish will be bitter and sour. This time, Master Lu followed the ancient method, and the fruit acid of the orange balanced the slightly thick taste of crab powder, fresh and greasy, and skillfully used flower carving wine to make this ancient recipe more Jiangnan charm.

Colorful crab dishes make this autumn elegant

Crab flour tofu roasted for sale

Crab flour and tofu in the dim sum are sold, using the method of northern roasting, "using the noodles as the skin, when the top is used as a flower bud", and the top of the roast selling blooms like an ear of wheat, which is very different. Wrapped in southern crab powder braised tofu, it is fresh and tender, blending the taste of the north and south into a small roast.