
Hangzhou Food Collection, after eating these 5 dishes to be considered a senior foodie in Hangzhou, which one have you eaten?

author:Grandma's recipe
Hangzhou Food Collection, after eating these 5 dishes to be considered a senior foodie in Hangzhou, which one have you eaten?

Bai Juyi praised the West Lake: "Failed to throw Hangzhou to go, half of the hook is this lake", sunny days and water, rainy days and mountains, such a beautiful scenery coupled with the rendering of the poignant love story of the white lady Xu Xian, if you do not go to Hangzhou to see its "fangrong" is not willing to leave.

Hangzhou Food Collection, after eating these 5 dishes to be considered a senior foodie in Hangzhou, which one have you eaten?

However, it is not only this poetic and picturesque ancient scenery that people will never forget, but also the unique flavor of Hangzhou's cuisine here has a fatal appeal to outsiders.

Su Dongpo praised Hangzhou cuisine: "The grandeur of the world's wine banquet, not as good as Hangzhou City", Hangzhou's food, bones with the charm of Hangzhou! Today to introduce you to 5 Hangzhou cuisine, see if you have eaten?

【Salted hoof pickled chicken stewed spring shoots】

Hangzhou Food Collection, after eating these 5 dishes to be considered a senior foodie in Hangzhou, which one have you eaten?

At the end of each year, when other places are still eating winter shoots, the spring shoots in Lin'an, Hangzhou, are listed in advance. The bamboo shoots here are praised by the Hong Kong media as "fresh and fresh", there are more than 20 varieties of edible fresh bamboo shoots in Lin'an, and the daily consumption of Lin'an bamboo shoots in Hangzhou can reach up to 60 tons!

Hangzhou Food Collection, after eating these 5 dishes to be considered a senior foodie in Hangzhou, which one have you eaten?

Spring shoots as the main ingredient, pickled chicken and salted pig's trotters as ingredients cooked together into a soup, the taste is salty and fresh, the soup is white and thick, the meat is firm, and the bamboo shoots are crisp and tender.

The tenderness of the spring shoots and the beauty of the flesh that precipitated a winter borrowed from each other, and the body seemed to be full of vitality like spring shoots.


Salted pig's trotters, pickled chicken, spring shoots, ginger.

Hangzhou Food Collection, after eating these 5 dishes to be considered a senior foodie in Hangzhou, which one have you eaten?


1. Fresh spring shoots, wash off the yellow clay, peel off the bamboo shoots and wash.

2. Cut off the roots of the spring shoot elders, cut in half and then cut into strips.

3: Cut the salted pig's trotters in half and cut the pickled chicken into pieces.

4: Blanch the salted pig's trotters and marinated chicken for about 5 minutes and set aside.

5: Heat the pan with cold oil, pour in the marinated chicken, add ginger slices and stir-fry for 2 minutes, pour in the salted pig's trotters and fry together until the pickled chicken turns golden brown.

6: Add the spring shoots, sauté until half-baked, then pour in the appropriate amount of water.

7: Pour in the broth prepared in advance and simmer for about 8 minutes and put it in a casserole dish.

8: Place the casserole dish on low heat and simmer for two hours, sprinkle with green onions and serve.

【Osmanthus sugar root】

Hangzhou Food Collection, after eating these 5 dishes to be considered a senior foodie in Hangzhou, which one have you eaten?

Osmanthus sugar root with white tender and crisp seven-hole lotus root as the main ingredient, supplemented by glutinous rice grown in the Jiangnan countryside, plus brown sugar, rock sugar, boiled for two hours over medium heat, soft and sticky, sweet but not greasy, is a delicacy for all ages, but also a sweet lover's favorite.

Hangzhou Food Collection, after eating these 5 dishes to be considered a senior foodie in Hangzhou, which one have you eaten?

For lotus root, Jiangnan people are from the heart of love, it is used to eat raw, soup, stir-fry, and with a variety of ingredients to create a classic cuisine, the most characteristic of which is probably the osmanthus sugar lotus.

1 lotus root, 100g brown sugar, 150g rock sugar, a little dried osmanthus flower.

Hangzhou Food Collection, after eating these 5 dishes to be considered a senior foodie in Hangzhou, which one have you eaten?

1: Peel and wash the lotus root; cut off a small piece at one end of the lotus root and set aside.

2. Drain the glutinous rice that has been soaked overnight and put it into the hollow of the lotus root.

3. Cover the lid with a small piece of lotus root that has been cut off on the lotus root with glutinous rice; insert a toothpick into the lid to connect and fix the two parts.

4. Put the prepared lotus root into the pot and pour in the prepared 100g brown sugar.

5. Pour in water until the lotus root has passed.

6: Bring the water to a boil on high heat, then change to medium heat and simmer for one hour; put the rock sugar in the pot; cook on medium heat for one hour.

7: Remove the lotus root from the pot, pull out the toothpick and cut the lotus root into thick slices.

8: Drizzle with the remaining sugar juice in the pot; sprinkle with a little dried osmanthus flowers and serve.

【Longjing shrimp】

Hangzhou Food Collection, after eating these 5 dishes to be considered a senior foodie in Hangzhou, which one have you eaten?

Legend has it that the poet Su Dongpo was an avid tea drinker, and even used Hangzhou's Longjing tea as an ingredient to make fresh and delicious Longjing shrimp.

In the hearts of the old Hangzhou people, this flavorful cuisine with the old foundation of Hangzhou has an irreplaceable position like the vinegar fish in the West Lake.

Hangzhou Food Collection, after eating these 5 dishes to be considered a senior foodie in Hangzhou, which one have you eaten?

The shrimp wrapped in starch juice and fried are crystal clear, the flesh is delicate and sweet, the elastic teeth are smooth, not greasy, not greasy, not fishy, not old, not chai, the addition of Longjing, well-made, fresh and crisp, light Athenian, these are concentrated reflections of the characteristics of Hangzhou cuisine.

Shrimp, longjing before the rain, cucumber, starch.

Hangzhou Food Collection, after eating these 5 dishes to be considered a senior foodie in Hangzhou, which one have you eaten?

1: Take a small amount of Longjing tea leaves before the rain into the teacup, pour a cup of boiling water and boil.

2. Pinch the head of the fresh river shrimp, remove the shell and peel the shrimp, and peel out the shrimp.

3, take the appropriate amount of starch added to the spring water and mix into a pulp, the peeled shrimp wrapped in starch pulp and grasped by hand.

4: Heat the pan with cold oil, pour in the shrimp and fry slowly for about 15 minutes.

5: Pour the shrimp into a large colander to dry the oil, cut the cucumber into thin slices on the edge of the plate, and place the shrimp in the middle of the plate.

6. Finally, use chopsticks to pinch the brewed tea leaves onto the shrimp.

【White Cut Chicken】

Hangzhou Food Collection, after eating these 5 dishes to be considered a senior foodie in Hangzhou, which one have you eaten?

White cut chicken, also known as "white chopped chicken", is the most widely circulated kind of Cantonese chicken dish, and is also famous in Hangzhou.

Because it is easy to make, the ingredients used are extremely ordinary, the cooking time required is extremely short, and in less than 20 minutes, you can enjoy the delicious food, which can be said to be the bottom dish of every housewife.

Hangzhou Food Collection, after eating these 5 dishes to be considered a senior foodie in Hangzhou, which one have you eaten?

Authentic white cut chicken pays attention to the "original taste", crisp and tender, so the cooking process only adds the simplest ginger, star anise, cooking wine and other accessories, the freshness and aroma of this dish are all based on the chicken itself.

Chicken, ginger, star anise, soy sauce.

Hangzhou Food Collection, after eating these 5 dishes to be considered a senior foodie in Hangzhou, which one have you eaten?

1. Wash the chicken; clean the gizzard with salt.

2: Cut the ginger into large slices and set aside; put it in a pot and pour in some water.

3: Crush the two star anise and put them in the pot; put the clean chicken into the pressure cooker.

4: Simmer for 15 minutes.

5: Pour a small dish of soy sauce into sauces, cut the chicken into pieces and eat them.

【Hang San Xian】

Hangzhou Food Collection, after eating these 5 dishes to be considered a senior foodie in Hangzhou, which one have you eaten?

Although Hang Sanxian has a "three" in its name, its ingredients are far more than 3, and the word "three" here means "many". Among them, there are fish, shrimp, chicken, pork belly, water hair meat skin, small vegetables, fresh bamboo shoots, and what ingredients are placed in it will change according to seasonal changes.

Hangzhou Food Collection, after eating these 5 dishes to be considered a senior foodie in Hangzhou, which one have you eaten?

When the old Hangzhou people go to the restaurant, they will shout: "Come to a bowl of Hangzhou Three Fresh!" "Without the restaurant of Hangzhou Sanxian, the old Hangzhou people are not willing to go." When Hangzhou people Chinese New Year's Eve meals, Hangzhou Sanxian is also an indispensable dish, which shows the love of the people of Hangzhou for this dish.

1/2 hen, 250g pork belly, 100g pork skin, 100g fish balls, 500g shrimp, 250g winter shoots, 250g green vegetables, green onions, pepper, soy sauce, cooking wine, salt.

Hangzhou Food Collection, after eating these 5 dishes to be considered a senior foodie in Hangzhou, which one have you eaten?

1: Wash and set aside all ingredients; put the pork belly into the pot, pour in water and appropriate amount of pepper and cooking wine, simmer for 10 minutes and then cut into strips and set aside.

2: Cut the chicken into pieces; slice the pork skin, winter shoots and ginger and set aside.

3: Heat the pot and sauté the ginger slices until fragrant, pour the chicken nuggets into the pan and fry until they change color; add 1 spoonful of soy sauce and 5 spoons of cooking wine.

4: Pour the sautéed chicken into a casserole dish, add water over the chicken, add the fish balls, skin, bamboo shoot slices, and two spoonfuls of salt.

5: Add pork belly, green onion, sprinkle pepper on pork belly, simmer over medium heat for 10 minutes.

6: Put the shrimp and vegetables into the pot in turn.

7: Simmer over low heat for half an hour, then enjoy.

Hangzhou Food Collection, after eating these 5 dishes to be considered a senior foodie in Hangzhou, which one have you eaten?

Each city has its own unique taste. Hangzhou, this is a warm and picturesque Jiangnan water town, fish fat water beauty, Hangzhou cuisine follows the usual light and original taste of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, do you like to eat?