
The fourth son Wang Qi held a mobilization meeting for the nucleic acid testing drill of all employees in the whole flag

author:Vitality of the Four Sons of the King Banner
The fourth son Wang Qi held a mobilization meeting for the nucleic acid testing drill of all employees in the whole flag
The fourth son Wang Qi held a mobilization meeting for the nucleic acid testing drill of all employees in the whole flag
The fourth son Wang Qi held a mobilization meeting for the nucleic acid testing drill of all employees in the whole flag

On October 25, Sizi WangQi held a mobilization meeting for the nucleic acid testing drill of all employees of the flag. The main task of the meeting was to thoroughly implement the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council and the spirit of the epidemic prevention and control meeting of the autonomous region and municipal epidemic prevention and control headquarters, further unify thinking, gather consensus, comprehensively mobilize and deploy the nucleic acid testing drill for all employees of the flag, and effectively build a solid line of defense against the epidemic.

The fourth son Wang Qi held a mobilization meeting for the nucleic acid testing drill of all employees in the whole flag

Su Lide, deputy secretary of the Flag Committee and acting flag chief of the government, attended the meeting and made a speech, and Alata, deputy flag chief of the flag government, presided over the meeting.

The fourth son Wang Qi held a mobilization meeting for the nucleic acid testing drill of all employees in the whole flag

At the meeting, the main person in charge of the Flag Health Commission arranged the deployment of all key tasks of the nucleic acid testing drill for all employees.

Su Lide pointed out that the current epidemic prevention and control situation is severe and complex, all departments should unify their thinking, improve their understanding, fully understand the importance of carrying out nucleic acid testing for all employees, earnestly grasp this top priority from the height of stressing politics and the overall situation, ensure that the nucleic acid testing task of all employees is completed with full coverage and high quality, and fully protect the life safety and physical health of the people. It is necessary to formulate and improve the work plan, rationally arrange the nucleic acid sampling points, effectively do a good job in publicity and guidance, strengthen on-site control, and notify residents in batches and phases to do a good job of personal protection according to the progress of the work of their respective sampling points, go to the sampling points to take samples according to the time node, prevent large-scale gathering of personnel, maintain a safe distance, and achieve safe and orderly sampling.

The fourth son Wang Qi held a mobilization meeting for the nucleic acid testing drill of all employees in the whole flag

Su Lide stressed that the responsibility and arduous task of doing a solid job in nucleic acid testing for all employees should be strengthened, and it is necessary to strengthen the technical guidance and training of sampling personnel to ensure that sampling operations are standardized, sampling is consistent with personnel registration information, and the quantity is accurate. After the end of sampling, it is necessary to guide the environmental disinfection of sampling points and the collection and harmless treatment of medical waste to prevent secondary pollution. All departments should have a highly responsible attitude, strengthen confidence, work solidly, and make due contributions to winning the battle against the epidemic.

The fourth son Wang Qi held a mobilization meeting for the nucleic acid testing drill of all employees in the whole flag

The heads of relevant member units of the leading group for the nucleic acid testing drill work of all members of the flag, the main responsible persons of Wulanhua Town and various communities, and the responsible persons of the units of the Baolian community attended the meeting. (Rong Media Reporter Li Ning Wang Jinye)

Editor: Zhang Zhichao

Review: Wakashi and Wood

Feed email: [email protected]

Disclaimer: Please indicate the source of the reprinted content: Vitality Four Sons Wang Banner (hlszwq)

The fourth son Wang Qi held a mobilization meeting for the nucleic acid testing drill of all employees in the whole flag
The fourth son Wang Qi held a mobilization meeting for the nucleic acid testing drill of all employees in the whole flag

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The fourth son Wang Qi held a mobilization meeting for the nucleic acid testing drill of all employees in the whole flag

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The fourth son Wang Qi held a mobilization meeting for the nucleic acid testing drill of all employees in the whole flag
The fourth son Wang Qi held a mobilization meeting for the nucleic acid testing drill of all employees in the whole flag

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