
Do you know which peasant uprisings have occurred in history? (ii)

author:Weak countries have no diplomacy

Serialized in the period of the Two to Three Kingdoms and the Southern and Northern Dynasties of the Jin Dynasty

1. Du Tao (Tao) uprising

In the fifth year of the Western Jin Dynasty (311), tens of thousands of displaced people in the Bashu region elected Du Tao as their leader and led the displaced people exiled in the Jing and Xiang regions in an anti-Jin war. Later, under the encirclement and suppression of the Western Jin army, the rebel army surrendered, and Du Tao fled halfway and was killed halfway. The four-year-long uprising in the third year of Jianxing (315) ultimately failed.

Significance: It dealt a heavy blow to the rule of the Western Jin Dynasty and accelerated its demise.

Do you know which peasant uprisings have occurred in history? (ii)

Du Tao uprising

2. Sun En, Lu Xun revolted

It was a large-scale, long-lasting, and far-reaching peasant uprising at the end of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, in which up to hundreds of thousands of peasant masses took part in the campaign in nine provinces and autonomous regions, including Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Fujian, Guangdong, Hunan, Jiangxi, Hubei, Anhui, and Guangxi, for 13 years (399-411 AD), which fundamentally shook the reactionary rule of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, dealt a heavy blow to the powerful and powerful door valve forces, effectively promoted the development of society, and wrote a glorious page in the history of Peasant War in China.

Do you know which peasant uprisings have occurred in history? (ii)

Sun En's uprising

3. Zhao Guang Uprising

From July of the ninth year of Song Yuanjia (432) to September 433, Zhao Guang, a Shu man, raised an army against the Song, and finally failed.

4. Gaiwu Uprising

From September to August 446, in the sixth year (445) of the Taiping Zhenjun of the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Lushui Hu people (Xiongnu) Gai Wu gathered a crowd against the Wei rebellion, and due to the lack of strong operational guidance, they rushed east and west, failed to occupy a favorable position, and were defeated by the Wei army, and finally failed.

Do you know which peasant uprisings have occurred in history? (ii)

Gaiwu Uprising

5. Break the Six Han Dynasty Uprising

The xiongnu Shan Yu descendant, the leader of the Six Towns Rebellion, The Xiaoming Emperor Zhengguang in the fourth year (523), led the revolt of hundreds of thousands of people in the north, and established a political power in the six towns, the year name Zhenwang, Xiaochang Yuan year (525), defeated and killed.

Do you know which peasant uprisings have occurred in history? (ii)

Breaking the Six Han Uprising

6. The Shanggu Uprising

In August of the first year of Xiaochang (525), Duluo Zhou (the leader of the peasant revolt in Hebei at the end of the Northern Wei Dynasty) gathered a crowd to launch the Shanggu Rebellion, and the era name Zhenwang (using the era name of the uprising of breaking the Six Han Dynasties) was supported by the vast number of peasants. In the first year of Yong'an (528), he joined forces with Ge Rong, the leader of another rebel army, and fought side by side against the Northern Wei rulers, and in February Ge Rong was killed, and in the same year Ge Rong's troops were defeated by the Wei army, and the uprising failed.

Significance: Fundamentally shook the rule of the Northern Wei Dynasty, causing the Northern Wei regime to split into Eastern Wei and Western Wei.

Do you know which peasant uprisings have occurred in history? (ii)

The Shanggu Uprising

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